Can someone tell me how well armed with disrupters the Klingon Battlecruisers seen in Star Trek the Motion Picture were? Why have these Battlecruisers stayed in service for so long?
TMP blueprints show the ship having eight sonic-disrupter mounts.
Two to either side of the forward command pod; four between the warp nacelles-two forward/two aft-underside of the engineering hull; two topside of the engineering hull to either side of the hanger bay.
To count so far there are 12 Bird of Prey types from k-1 to K-12 which the Duras sisters had in Generations and of course that ship was also obsolete so I'm assuming that the current line would be about K-18 to K-20
I personaly like to believe that the K'Tinga class is the D-7 design and the TMP design. The D-7 class in TOS was perhaps the 7th type for the K'Tinga class. The one in TMP was maybe D-8 or D-9. The difference between a D-8 and a D-9 might not be apparent by Klingon designers might have restructured the interior slightly to mount bigger/smaller disruptors. My two cents...
Doesn't the DS9 TM say something like 6 disruptors and 2 torp. tubes?
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Kang said in the DS9 episode 'Once More Onto The Breach' that he worked on a D-5 class battlecruiser (I'm not quoting, I only know the D-5 classification for sure).
Now wasn't Kang also in some TOS episode or one of the movies??
------------------ "We have a good arrangement. He supplies the weapons, I use them." - Blade
I think he was in TOS, DS9 and VOY. I know the episode in Voyager was in Flashback. When the Excelsior was in a Nebula and Kang was in one of the battlecruisers hunting down the Excelsior.
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Starship database: completed; History of Starfleet: done; website: probably never
Member # 343
The D-5 was a not-so-subtle reference to Kor's (it was Kor who made the ref, mind you) ship, the Klothos, in the TAS episode "The Time Trap."
------------------ "For people with resources, the right events happen. They may look like coincidences, but they arise out of necessity." --T�rk Hviid
1) Swooshing spaceships aside, I really can't see sonic disruptors being much use in a vaccum.
2)The Generations BoP was D-12, not K-12, implying (as I see it) that Starfleet Intelligence uses a D + a number system to refer to Klingon spacecraft, akin to the NATO Fulcrum/Foxbat/F-anything system for MiGs...
------------------ "I can be creative when I have a good idea. That just happens way too rarely." -Omega, April 6
The way I see it, there are two possibilities.
a) BS Rationalization: Transporters beam air into the space between the vessels, a reversed ramscoop pumping out hydrogen might also do the trick, or it can only fire while manuvering in a planet's atmosphere....or maybe in the 24th century there actually is air in outer space which explains why we can hear weapons fire, music, and nifty starship "whooshing" as stated before...*breath*
b) They fucked up.
------------------ "The Guide says that there is an art to flying...or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." - Life, the Universe and Everything
Are the K'tingas from DS9 onwards (ignoring "The Emmisary") the same size as the TMP and STVI K'Tingas? Or is it like the different sized BOP's that we get?
------------------ You know, when Comedy Central asked us to do a Thanksgiving episode, the first thought that went through my mind was, "Boy, I'd like to have sex with Jennifer Aniston." -Trey Parker, co-creator of South Park
The DS9 visuals would seem to place the battlecruisers in the roughly same size range - 200-250m or so. The DS9 TM offers much larger dimensions, but that's mainly because of an easily traceable error that didn't originate from the actual filmed material. So I'd say the ships are supposed to be of the same size throughout the shown history.
As for "sonic disruptors" - well, that's the type of weaponry the Eminians used against the orbiting Enterprise in "A Taste of Armageddon". The guns generated something like, what, thousands of decibels? With that much oomph (you couldn't create a thousand decibels if you detonated the entire nuclear arsenal of Earth next to your ear - the best mankind has done so far is about 300 dB, using an exotic gas-jet system), something is going to give... Why not the laws of physics?