There is no debate that the ship we refer to as "Yeager" exists; the question is - is the label "Yeager" official, or is the ship instead a Intrepid-class variant?
IMHO, while an Intrepid-variant makes sense, "Yeager" seems about as official as the other class names we only know from sources like the TM, Magazine, or the Wolf 359 research. Also, there's the whole Miranda/Soyuz thing which indicates that class distinctions can be fairly arbitrary.
I'd be happy to have both Soyuz and Yeager be sub-classes; when Data calls the Bozeman a Soyuz-class ship he's assuming that everyone knows its a Miranda-class ship; the remarkable thing is that the Soyuz "class" has been out of service for a century.
The episode wasn't a total waste as far as us geeks are concerned - we now know how the TransWarp Conduits introduced in "Descent" [TNG] work. In that episode the Enterprise detects and copies a subspace signal to open and use a conduit; until "Endgame" [VOY] we didn't know where the signal went, where the conduits came from, how widespread they were, whether they were artificial or natural.
Rather surprising - most episodes - especially a series finale, and extra-especially Voyager - raise more tech questions than answers.
The RI should have kicked Klingon butt. Where were those miraculous transphasic torpedoes that blew up Borg cubes by the dozen? Don't tell me they didn't want to destroy the Klingons. Just fighting them is probably an act of war.
IP: Logged
The Nebula we saw is the same one from "Message in a Bottle"? That's a big help.
And also a big problem. Because it's the same ship that appears in the "Ships of the Line" calendar that's on the wall next to my desk. (Coincidentally, it's also the May picture, too.) I seem to recall people discussing this earlier, but I'll recap anyway: The caption says the ship is the USS Farragut, the registry on the nacelle pylon says NCC-70915 (inconsistent with the Farragut as seen in "Generations") and the tiny print on the mission pod says USS Bondue (I think). To top it off, the main labeling on the saucer seems to read USS Honshu, NCC-60205!
I guess we can stick with the USS Bondue NCC-70915, since those two designations are unique and not associated with any other ship.
Does anyone have any other info on ship labels? I tried to get a look at the Galaxy-class ship as it passed, but my freeze-frame is way too fuzzy, unfortunately.
Hey... does anyone know if Mojo is still around? I'll be he could help out with this.
-------------------- “Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” — Isaac Asimov Star Trek Minutiae | Memory Alpha
quote:And also a big problem. Because it's the same ship that appears in the "Ships of the Line" calendar that's on the wall next to my desk.
As Mojo explained the mix of names and registries was accidental. I assume that the names and registries were only mixed up on the calendar picture and names and registries on the CGI-model used in Voyager were ok.
quote:mission pod says USS Bondue
quote:Does anyone have any other info on ship labels? I tried to get a look at the Galaxy-class ship as it passed, but my freeze-frame is way too fuzzy, unfortunately.
I've asked Rob Bonchune (Foundation Imaging), if he assigned names and registries to the other ships and here's his answer:
>No. whatever we had we used and never checked.
quote: Hey... does anyone know if Mojo is still around? I'll be he could help out with this
No, because he no longer works for Foundation Imaging.
-------------------- "Never give up. And never, under any circumstances, no matter what - never face the facts." - Ruth Gordon
quote:I've asked Rob Bonchune (Foundation Imaging), if he assigned names and registries to the other ships and here's his answer:
>No. whatever we had we used and never checked.
Well that probably means that the Thunderchild was the Akira-class ship that we saw...
Jeez, don't these guys have any real interest in their work? I remember reading Bernd's article about the Wolf 359 ships and how Okuda and the others meticulously labeled most of the ships that we saw. It's a shame they don't do that now...
-------------------- “Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” — Isaac Asimov Star Trek Minutiae | Memory Alpha
I really still don't see how that name for the Nebula fits on there. It still looks to only be 5 to 6 letters.
And why the hell do you guys ALWAYS change the board when I'm away on vacation???
-------------------- "Lotta people go through life doing things badly. Racing's important to men who do it well. When you're racing, it's life. Anything that happens before or after is just waiting."