Unless someone can point me to a list of all 40 ships and what their names and regs were, I'm not about to pound anyone who asks "What were the 40 ships?"
Did Next Gen ever go into the matter/anti matter explosion suggestions that they did on TOS?
If I remember, that was the meathod of choice for self-destruct.
With the power an explosion like that implied, I have to imagine that would be enough to take out the Borg, as opposed to just ramming them, which I don't think would have done much damage - to the Borg, anyway!
Registered: Mar 2001
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okay, okay...bit of an extension here, but...
why did the "sleep" command Picard and Data threw into the collective cause the Borg vessel to explode? Regen cycles aside, I can't figure that one out.
Why was only one Cube sent in to sector 001 in the first place? I don't care who you are, or how powerful you are, sending one vessal to conquer an area is stupid.
Where were many of the other Trek series core characters at the time of Wolf 359? Some we know, others we don't. Sisko is obvious. where was Harry Kim? (if that example is known, substitute somebody else.)
where were the ships that participated stationed at exactly?
What was the exact strategy of the fed ships when the battle began? As the battle turned against them, what changed? (this goes into "what were their stories", but I'm talking specific things I would like to know in those tragic tales)
Partial answer w/ question to an above query: since the Borg apparently assigned the Federation a very low threat assessment (therefore sending in only one cube) What, if anything, changed in the collective when the cube was destroyed?
Is there some kind of memorial to wolf 359?
how propaganda laden is any taught history of wolf 359?
Is there a special day to commemorate W-359?
How highly was the enterprise crew decorated (if at all) for stopping the cube?
what kind of wreckage was salvaged after the battle? anything?
where exactly is wolf 359 in relation to earth?
Registered: Jan 2001
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Does anyone remember that in a DS9 episode with Sisko talking to the Federation President where the prez mentioned that a planetary emergency was enacted during the Wolf 359 incident?
I've wondered what Spacedock, Earth Station McKinley, and Utopia Planitia did during the attack... and Jupiter Station... and what ship did survive that battle... and how come I've never seen the orbital habitats and San Francisco Fleet Yards in Earth orbit... and why doesn't the Borg send in more than one cube instead of more like what happend to that planet in Dark Frontier...
-------------------- "It speaks to some basic human needs: that there is a tomorrow, it's not all going to be over with a big splash and a bomb, that the human race is improving, that we have things to be proud of as humans." -Gene Roddenberry about Star Trek
Registered: May 1999
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Strange that nobody has asked the most fundamental question about Wolf 359 yet.
Namely, why did the battle take place?
It boggles the mind that the invincible Borg would stop in the middle of nowhere, just because a puny little flock of starships asked it to. Why didn't the Cube simply proceed straight to Earth at warp speed? How does Starfleet force its enemies out of warp, often seemingly without firing a single shot, when in "Time to Stand" we see that the actual job of getting an uncooperative ship to drop down to impulse is a real toughie, requiring a prolonged exchange of fire?
It has always been our pet theroy that a starship ramming the Borg Cube at warp speed would have utterly destroyed it. 250,000 tons at 3,000 times the speed of light = (Please note, I pulled those numbers out of my head...)
Prehaps SF had some type of techno-gadget to force the cube out of warp and they set it up at Wolf 359...
Enough answers...
My big question is WHERE was all the orbital traffic? Was the planet in lock-down? Where did Spacedock go?
And lastly: WHY did no one attempt to ram the cube at warp speed? (Aside from the E-D at the end of BOBW...)
Ponder this... Prehaps the Borg are the end-product of Microsoft run amok.... 50% of the time I put my computer into "Sleep" mode and when I attempt to awaken it... it locks up or crashes! (Hmmmm.... Prehaps a closer look at a Borg display would show "GENERAL PROTECTION FAULT, (A)BORT (R)ETRY (I)GNORE (S)ELF-DESTRUCT?")
-------------------- Like A Bat Out Of Hell...
Registered: Aug 2001
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I believe that the battle took place only because the Borg wanted it to.
- They weren't afraid of the Federation Fleet - It was a good opertunity to try out some of Picard's inside knowledge -It would eliminate some enemy forces they would have to otherwise face someother time after they assimilated Earth - It would demoralize the enemy - It might reveal important and useful technology that the Borg might utilitize when they got to Earth - Advanced warning of any weapon that SF might try to use against them, give them a chance to adapt before the big showdown at Earth
I could go on....
-------------------- Sheridan: "Well, as answers go, short, to the point, utterly useless and totally consistant with what I've come to expect from a Vorlon..." Kosh: "Good." Sheridan: "I REALLY hate it when you do that..." Kosh: "Good."
Registered: Mar 1999
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-What did Spacedock do? How powerful is Spacedock really?
-What happened to the Federation and Starfleet command structure on Earth (Command, President, Council Chambers, Medical)?
-Why was this fleet so small? And why was it made up of second-rate ships?
-Are there really 92 Jupiter outposts?
- More of an overall question: Is Starfleet/the Federation really so centered that it DEPENDS on the Sol system (fleetyards, command structure, Spacedock)?
Hey Sol, I saw in your link that Wolf359 is a "red dwarf" star.
What the smeg...?
As for a question: What happened to the Klingon ships? Or don't we see any in the battle or the wreckage because they just didn't arrive in time.
After all, Hanson said the Klingons were "sending ships". No one ever knew if they had indeed arrived at the scene.
-------------------- Lister: Don't give me the "Star Trek" crap! It's too early in the morning. - Red Dwarf "The Last Day"
Registered: Nov 1999
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Thanks a LOT David Templar - frelling spoilers for Endgame - can't you people post adequate space - it just pops up mid sentence grrrrrr.
I'm going to answer a question - or theorise - I'm just GUNNA...
No Klingons + Sector 001 I reckon that the ships used were the only ships in the sector, that none from other Core worlds like Vulcan etc made it in time. (they were probably asked of course). 40 Ships sounds like a good number to be in Sector 001 at the time... and that is battle ready starships - not just transports or whatever. I like the idea of there being a multitude of different types of ships (more realistic than FC, where it was just 4 types of ships + a Soveregin, a Defiant and a Miranda [my theory about that is, that the Sabre, Akira, Norway and Steamrunner were all in sector 001 at the time anyway - being refitted or in mothballs.)
OK sorry about that answers are out of the way...
OK, I want to know what... Rob Legato filmed from the pulled Emissary footage (oh you want a Trek universe question!?!)
Was the most powerful ship there an Excelsior - since Admiral Hansen was commanding the attack from there. (even though there seemed to be nebulas - it seems to be that they were the 'not often seen versions' which might mean they were one-offs, moth-ball ships!?!)
Is Annika Hansen related to Admiral J.B. Hansen?
Was there a starstation/spacestation at Wolf 359!?!
What was the shuttlecraft from the Liberator doing out of the ship? Was it part of an evac, blown out of the exploding ship? or part of a tactic?
Was the Liberator even THERE? Could the shuttlecraft have been on loan or been dropped off for... what ever in the system... or got there under its own... steam?
What were some of the other weapons that Shelby said were being prepared to counter the Borg (the Defiant seemed to be one - I reckon the Sabre was another).
Did any other ships try Geordie's deflector pulse trick?
Did ships that could separate their saucers... separate them before going in?
What about families?
Did the ships and the Borg cube have to move at impulse through the Wolf 359 system as the Enterprise and the Borg did/do in the Terran system? Could this have slowed up other ships that had arrived at the system from attacking together?
Were there any Ambassador class starships there?
Why is it that we've never seen the underside of a Cheyenne?
Did anyone object to Data's cubism portraits in the following weeks and months!?! ;o)
[ January 16, 2002: Message edited by: AndrewR ]
-------------------- "Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica." - Jim Halpert. (The Office)