Enterprise finds a crashed Xindi-Insectoid ship with a dead crew and a hatchery full of live larvae. Archer, while leading the landing party, is sprayed with something from an egg sac. He begins to act strangely protective of the larvae and soon it becomes apparent that he's been affected...
-- Insectoid ship hatches are hexagonal.
-- Reed's father is an amateur entomologist.
-- The Insectoid shuttle/assault craft is equipped with a half dozen particle cannons and torpedos.
-- T'Pol says they don't have a bridge, but rather have command functions dispersed throughout the ship. Trip later says that all their systems are integrated so in order to reactivate life support they will have to repower the entire ship.
-- Neat scene of NX-01 shuttlepod towing Insectoid craft.
-- Hayes wants to schedule combat training on movie night, Reed informs him that Tucker won't like that one bit.
-- The larvae are integrated with the hatchery chamber and can't be moved.
-- Timestamp: January 8th, 2154.
-- Half of the Insectoid shuttle/assault craft's power grid is routed to structural integrity and Travis wagers it could be flown through a gas giant.
-- Insectoids aren't a gendered species and reproduce asexually. Each adult can produce multiple egg sacs.
-- Insectoid iconography is different from that of other Xindi species.
-- Enterprise's antimatter reserves are down to 60% and they will have to use 1/3 of it to refuel the Insectoid ship. This will take 4-5 hours using both shuttlepods to make the transfer.
-- Reed mentions that this procedure won't leave much antimatter for their torpedoes, which definitely confrims that they utilize matter/antimatter warheads.
-- EUGENICS WARS MENTION!!!!! Archer's great-grandfather was in North Africa in a fighting front-type setting. I unfortunately didn't catch all the specifics of the anecdote.
-- The antimatter is stored (or at least transported) in drums that are lifted and loaded by hand. Theorectically, how heavy is this stuff?
As Archer's impaired judgement becomes increasingly dangerous to the ship and mission, the senior officers decide to mutiny and forcibly relieve him of command. In order to do this they must first tackle the MACOs, who are loyal to the captain.
-- Though ultimately it has no effect on continuity since the incident is unlikely to be recorded, what was the line from TOS (in "The Omega Glory" or perhaps "Whom Gods Destroy"?) about a mutiny never occuring aboard a Starfleet ship? (Actually, they may have said Federation starship, or so says Bjo Trimble's Star Trek Concordance...)
Oh, and I was typing at this point so I missed exactly how Phlox returned the captain to normalcy. Or did the effect of the neurochemical simply wear off?
[ February 25, 2004, 09:58 PM: Message edited by: The Mighty Monkey of Mim ]
-------------------- The flaws we find most objectionable in others are often those we recognize in ourselves.
Registered: Jun 2001
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Interesting defense mechanism.. the egg sacks make you want to help them.
It's pretty definate that they can't manufacture anti-matter on the ship, at least, not quickly.
A battle in the Eugenics wars was fought in North Africa.
-------------------- joH'a' 'oH wIj DevwI' jIH DIchDaq Hutlh pagh (some days it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps in the morning) The Woozle!
Registered: Nov 2002
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- "My great-grandfather was in North Africa during the Eugenics Wars. His battalion was evacuating civilians from a war zone when they came under attack. There was a school full of children directly between them and the enemy. If his men had returned fire, they might've hit it. So, he called the commander on the other side . . . got him to agree to hold his fire long enough to evacuate the school. There are rules, Trip, even in war."
- Was it just me, or did the sound effects on Hayes's simulation sound just like the sounds on one of those cheap Trek screen savers?
- This episode featured an odd internal continuity flub. Right before the scene in sickbay where Phlox explains what happened, we see the ship at warp and T'Pol reporting that they've resumed their course to Azati Prime. In the Trip/Archer scene, however, Trip reports their status, saying that they've just recovered the last of the antimatter, and implying that they're still in orbit. The captain then says they need to "get back on the road", and Trip is told to have Travis set a course for Azati Prime.
Archer has a window. Could he not see the streaking stars?
- I think, in the Trip/Archer scene, Archer's screen has a picture of Porthos on it.
- Another use of stun grenades, this time looking no different than the explosive charges Reed uses in "Regeneration"[ENT2]. Also, MACO pistols which were evidently on stun.
- I thought Movie Night was on Tuesday?
-------------------- . . . ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
Either the men in Archer's ancestry tend to father children rather late in life, or the writers are using another incorrect date for the Eugenics Wars.
Registered: Mar 1999
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I noticed the goof as well. . . Very odd. As regardas the date of the Eugenics Wars, wasn't there somewhere else that was already changing their date to suggest it could still happen at some point in our future, and to allow for ships like the Botany Bay to exist?
I noticed that some writer took the time to look up Starfleet Order 104, section C.... which, strangely, was the order mentioned in the Federation Starfleet for "The Doomsday Machine." More evidence that Earth Starfleet == Federation Starfleet, unfortunately.
-------------------- “Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” — Isaac Asimov Star Trek Minutiae | Memory Alpha
Registered: Nov 2000
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I don't think that the generational time frame is too out of wack to throw off the mid-1990s timeframe for the Eugenics War.
He did say his great-grandfather afterall, and so it's not that far of a stretch. If this ancestor in question was, say, 25 during the Eugenics War which means he could have been born around 1970.
If he had a child (aka Johns grandfather) at 47, and the same for his grandfather having a child at 47 (aka Johns father) and his father was also 47 (rather redundant and convenient, I know )when John was born that adds up to roughly 140 years or 2111, roughly when John was born.
I realize that his father looked 40ish when Archer was 8 in the flashbacks ("BrokenBow") but that doesn't mean people can't look younger than they are 100+ years from now - so 40 to 50 isn't that outrageous of an age to have a child. Especially if they started their families late in life because of their military or otherwise lives coming first. Look at Sisko, he was like 40-50 when he conceived his child with Kasidy. It's still a cool reference, nonetheless.
-------------------- Hey, it only took 13 years for me to figure out my password...
Registered: Jan 2003
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Also, wouldn't "great-grandfather" traditionally cover a large number of possible generations, from "great-grandfather" to "great-great-great-great..etc -grandfather"? Few people would actually bother to use multiple "greats" in spelling out the generations.
Interesting stuff in any case. And another indication that the Eugenics wars "baddies" were basically still admirable or at least respectable types, at least on some war theaters, no matter how sinister the name of the wars.
His Great Grandfather might also have been on the Maternal side. What if his mom was 10 years younger then his father and it was HER grandfather...
On a side note, while they made Archer get dirty, to accentuate his mental condition, it was nice to see for once, that it can happen.
-------------------- joH'a' 'oH wIj DevwI' jIH DIchDaq Hutlh pagh (some days it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps in the morning) The Woozle!
Registered: Nov 2002
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Best part of the episode: Mayweather saves the day!!!
I laughed pretty hard.
Good to see the MACO's all go down against a select few starfleet officers and that security girl of Reed's (missed her name though).
Archer definitely has a few people to apologise to.
The Inscectoid ship fell pretty easily to Enterprise's torpedos now that they know what to aim at.
Am I the only one that thinks that all the transferred amtimatter was'nt used? Looked to me like Trip and some unnamed crewman get there really quick (and that Trip got over ant transporter phobia as well). I sure expected that unnamed crewman to get eaten buy the baby bugs though...
Overall, a good episode and more build-up to next week's encounter with the super-weapon.
Registered: Aug 2002
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Yeah, T'Pol wore a baseball cap for "cover" -- after all, I doubt anyone else on the ship knows the Vulcan Neck Pinch. And I assume that the Starfleet uniform was just camouflage -- she only had an ensign's pip on her gold-command shoulders...
-------------------- “Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” — Isaac Asimov Star Trek Minutiae | Memory Alpha
Registered: Nov 2000
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..Which begs the question of whose uniform she nicked? It's probably just a re-use of the uniform they made for her in "Twilight" with the extra pips removed, but...
quote:Originally posted by Jason Abbadon: Best part of the episode: Mayweather saves the day!!!
I loved that, too. He seems to be kicking butt pretty frequently and consistantly. I wonder if his contract stipulates that he *won't* be this show's whipping boy?
At least I now know I didn't have a brain fart about the continutity error. Curious how that got through the filters.
I thought I noticed another production error, but I'm not sure. When Archer leaves sick bay (I don't remember if he did this more than once in this ep.), I thought I saw the doors start to open an instant before he hit the button. Can anyone confirm/deny this?
Even though you'd have to be blind not to know that something else was affecting Archer, the show still kept my attention very well. The questions about who was going to side with the captain reminded me somewhat of the rift in Babylon 5's Earthforce - do you follow orders no matter what, or do you have an obligation to evaluate those orders and act accordingly?
And poor Daniel Dae Kim is barely being used! He's basically a security guard in this episode.