Alright, using Frank's site as a reference, I've updated my list w/ the ships from this season (I was only missing a couple, actually...). You should find the list here.
Addendum: For some reason, when I view the list, it looks double-spaced. If it's like that for any of you, I'm afraid I don't know what the problem is, nor how to fix it... Also, I forgot to mention, any discrepancies in the dates given in the TOS era are because I believe that TOS took place over the entire five-year mission, and I calculated the dates of the episodes accordingly.
------------------ "About as useful as a narcoleptic rickshaw driver." -James Lileks
[This message was edited by TSN on April 05, 1999.]
Shouldn't the Oberth-class Valiant (where is that from?) be listed as "Not active by 2373" since the Defiant-class ship is known to have been active at that time?
------------------ -=Ryan McReynolds=-
[This message was edited by Ryan McReynolds on April 06, 1999.]
A display in "Whispers" (DS9). There are a bunch of non-Starfleet ships listed there too.
------------------ Destruction Drone: "Throw down your weapons and I will spare your miserable lives!" Rollbar: "That's the best offer we've had all day..."
TSN: Your list looks good so far. A few comments (not complete since I don't have all of my notes in front of me now to compare lists).
1-Your Ambassador Class USS Enterprise has no registry number next to it.
2-Can class ships (Ambassador, Andromeda, etc.) be listed in the registry as NX constantly since there is a possibility that the registry may change after the class is put into full production (example: USS Excelsior starting with NX-2000 then moving to NCC-2000).
3-Two Constitution Class ships named USS Constitution?
4-Your second Constitution Class USS Enterprise has no registry. Is this the NCC-1701-A on your list?
5-Where did you get your registry for the USS Danube? The NX-72003?
6-I see a trend. The Excelsior Class USS Enterprise has no registry next to it.
7-Same with the Galaxy Class USS Enterprise.
8-Where is the USS Trinculo, Galaxy Class, NCC-71867 from?
9-I thought we had a confirmation that the USS Lalo was destroyed by the Borg?
10-Do we have a confirmation on the USS City of New Orleans? The only place I have seen this name was on an early drawing of a Runabout in the Making of Deep Space Nine TPB.
11-Where is the USS Valiant, Oberth Class, NCC-20000 from?
12-The Sydney Class USS Nash has a registry number. If my memory serves its NCC-2010-5? I know its at least -something.
13-You have a USS Yamato NCC-1305 but no USS Yamato NCC-1305-E listed.
I hope that these help. With all this talk of ship lists I need to get mine dusted off and updated.
------------------ -=/\=- Captain Stark
"The man on the top walks a lonely path. The chain of command is often a noose." Dr. Leonard McCoy --Obsession, Stardate: 3619.2
2-Well, the NX just lets us know that it's a class ship.
3-Another of TSN's wacky theories.
4-See #1
5-That's from the DS9 Tech Manual
6-You're catching on.
8-A studio model...I don't think it's ever been on the show.
9-Maybe...I don't remember...
10-This is just TSN being stubborn.
11-Another might have been the Oberth from Generations.
12-Well, the registry has never been on-screen.
13-Again, TSN's wacky theories.
------------------ Destruction Drone: "Throw down your weapons and I will spare your miserable lives!" Rollbar: "That's the best offer we've had all day..."
Hm... I'm gonna need to create a page w/ all my "wacky theories", so I don't have to always explain them... :-)
1, 4, 6, 7, & 13: We know (or can be relatively certain, given the evidence) that a ship is not named when it is first ordered to be built. However, I believe that the registry number is assigned at that time. So, every ship, including the Enterprises has a unique registry. My theory is that, when a ship is given a name that has been previously used, the commander is given the choice whether to use the real registry, or use a suffixed one. Since the original E was such a legendary ship, all the captains of the various starships Enterprise have used the suffixed registries. In the case of the Yamato, whoever was captain during "Where Silence Has Lease" used the suffixed registry (NCC-1305-E, as read by Riker), meaning that there was an original Yamato 1305, plus four others in between. By the time of "Contagion", a new captain (Donald Varley, IIRC) had taken command, and he preferred the real registry. Anyway, my list only uses the real registries, which we don't have for the Es and Ys (because the writers know nothing of this theory), so I don't have them. You say the Yamato-E isn't listed, but it is. It's the last Yamato way down near the end of the list.
2: I realize that the registries can be changed, but I chose to only include the original (as cited in my previous answer).
3: "Wacky Theory Numeral Dos"... Since we have so many Const'n-class ships w/ registries less than 1700, the 1700 cannot be the class ship. I don't subscribe to the theory that those other ships were "changed" from one class to another at some point. Unless the classes were unreasonably similar, it wouldn't be worthwhile. And, if they were that much identical, I think it would be more of an upgrade than a class change. Therefore, I believe that there was a USS Constitution w/ a registry less than 956 (the Eagle's), which was destroyed or lost or something. The name was then reused on the 1700.
5: As Frank said, this was in the DS9TM.
8: As Frank also said, it was on a model used at conventions or something. I figured that makes it close enough to official, and it doesn't conflict w/ anything, so I might-as-well include it...
9: I'm not sure. I'd have to rewatch TBoBW. Since you ask, I guess I must have "disappeared 2366"? *doesn't feel like looking* If that's what I've got, I assume it's right, or I was misinformed somewhere along the line...
10: In the encyclopedias, there is a side-note that says the production guys named the New Orleans class after a ship they called the City of New Orleans. I decided to use it, even if it is an in-joke. The only thing it contradicts is Frank's unfounded notion that a class name must be invariable from the name of the class-ship.
11: Someone saw this on some sort of TV special about ILM. There was a shot of an Oberth model labelled thusly. The assumption is that, since ILM did Generations, this is probably how the model was labelled when it was used at the end of that movie.
12: There is a pic of the model as it was labelled before being labelled Jenolan (or however it was spelled on the model). It has the name Nash and the registry NCC-2010-B. Supposedly the name Nash is visible in "Trials and Tribble-ations", but not the registry. The problem w/ 2010-B is that 2010 was the Jenolan, so it can't be the registry of the Nash.
Does this help? :-)
------------------ "About as useful as a narcoleptic rickshaw driver." -James Lileks
"Unfounded notion"?! *throws the world's navies and a dictionary at TSN*
------------------ Destruction Drone: "Throw down your weapons and I will spare your miserable lives!" Rollbar: "That's the best offer we've had all day..."