"Named for the ship we called the City of New Orleans."
As anyone familiar with American folk music knows, this is a reference to the Arlo Guthrie song about "a train we called the City of New Orleans." It is NOT meant to reveal the true name of the class ship. It IS meant to reveal something about Michael Okuda's musical tastes.
The problem is that TSN has built up his credibility to the point where people are beginning to believe him.
P.S. Good list, though.
P.P.S. I used to mistakenly credit that song to Bob Dylan. My apologies to folk fans.
------------------ "And though I once prefered a human being's company, they pale before the monolith that towers over me." -- They Might Be Giants
Wacky theories hu? It's interesting to see how different people place pieces in this puzzle. One of the reasons I enjoy this so much. I'm certain that once I have my Ultimate Ship Listing posted that other Treknologists will be clawing their eyes out after reading some of my theories.
1, 4, 6, 7, & 13: Hmmm....Interesting. Since we base a lot of theories off of what we see in modern navies does this happen now? From the numerous non-cannon sources that I have been reading about, it seems that ships recive their names before they were built. Your theory would explain the two registries for the Yamato. However I seriously doubt that once a registry has been chosen, and commonly used, that Starfleet would allow it to be changed unless it was an unusual situation (like the Yorktown to the Enterprise-A in ST IV: TVH)
2: Only placing originial registries on your list is your choice. However I think it limits the list.
3: A plausable theory that I'll have to look into more. However if I recall Scotty's tech manual in The Trouble with Tribbles shows USS Constitution NCC-1700. If there was an older USS Constitution then it may have listed it's registry. Wish that TPTB had kept things a little more organized on the registry numbers. I could have easily accepted NCC-1710 for the USS Constellation.
5: Thanks for the info.
8: Interesting. Wasn't this the same case for the Ambassador Class USS Yamaguchi? Galen help me on this one I think I may have heard this from you.
9: I'll also double check this one. Since I asked I might as well help look up items.
10: Now that you mention this I'll have to think it over. On my list I have quite a few in-jokes listed even though they might be wacky (one Okudagram has a Captain Luke Skywalker on a diplomatic mission to Alderann that I ended up including on my list)
11: Does anyone know the name of this special? Or photos? I love photos to help me find more puzzle pieces to put into the mix.
12: Ah another YATI that made me cringe when I saw the photo in the magazine. Wish the person who was assigned to re-dress the model hadn't been that lazy on working over the registry. A non-cannon ship list had ships that had been renamed to a different name but kept the same registry (wish I was at home to give examples from some of these books). Perhaps Starfleet had another Sydney Class named USS Jenolan NCC-2010-A to honor the missing Montgomery Scott who was on the USS Jenolan. Then later someone at Starfleet realized that this was probably not the proper way to honor Mr Scott and thus had the ship renamed to the next name on the list which could have been the Nash. On ship lists it would have been listed as USS Nash (x-USS Jenolan) NCC-2010-A. Then something happened to the Nash-A that made Starfleet want to name another Sydney Class the USS Nash NCC-2010-B? I believe the encyclopedia mentiond that these types of ships were performing the same functions that the runabouts do now. And since we seem to go through runabouts like water sometimes, perhaps Sydney class ships have a very short lifespan but are easily replaceable. Whew, a streached theory but possible.
Bouncing the ball back out to the court.
------------------ -=/\=- Captain Stark http://members.aol.com/captaincks/readyroom.html
"The man on the top walks a lonely path. The chain of command is often a noose." Dr. Leonard McCoy --Obsession, Stardate: 3619.2
1,4,6,7: I see no reason why the semi-official number-letter registry should not be listed.
3: Since many other registries (e.g. Oberth-Grissom, Prometheus) are also out of range, I prefer the solution that the regsitries do not necessarily reflect the precise age of the ship.
8: The Yamaguchi was in "The Emissary". Maybe the Trinculo was also on screen. Is the model depicted somewhere in the WWW?
9: As far as I remember the Lalo was already missing prior to Wolf 359, but most probably destroyed by the Borg.
12: I don't waste any time conceiving weird theories about the Nash's registry. I know it's inconsequential, but I ignore the registry, while I believe the name. It's worth mentioning that the model was completely relabelled, including the registry, and not simply a "B" added to it. This lets appear the modeler's job even worse.
I believe the poor Lalo's last transmission was picked up by the Enterprise during "The Best of Both Worlds." I don't think any audio was heard, but Worf summerized it like this: "...encountered a large cubical vessel..."
Or words to that effect, anyway.
------------------ "And though I once prefered a human being's company, they pale before the monolith that towers over me." -- They Might Be Giants
Okay, on the Const'n thing... I always thought Scotty's 1700 readout was from "Space Seed", but I could quite easily be mistaken. Anyway, I highly doubt that it said "class ship" by it, so what's wrong w/ having an earlier ship of the same name? While I agree that registries do not tell when the ship was constructed, I believe that they do reveal the order in which construction was ordered. Therefore, if you list all the ships of a certain class, the class ship is going to have to have the lowest registry. How could Starfleet order a ship to be built when the class ship hasn't been built and tested?
As for the City of New Orleans, why do you discount this in-joke, but not others? If we disregard it, we'd better also rename the Akira class, since it was named after an Anime movie. We'd better rename the Hideki, since it's a Cardassian ship named after a Japanese guy. (Well, that isn't really an in-joke, but it's close enough...)
And, as for the suffixed registries, according to my theory they aren't "real", so I don't include them. When/if I make a more detailed list, I'll probably include them.
------------------ "About as useful as a narcoleptic rickshaw driver." -James Lileks
I really don't have the time to explain the concept of a joke to you. However, if you insist, the difference is that Akira and Hideki are real names, appearing onscreen. They also appear outside of a single mention, in italics, in the encyclopedia.
------------------ "And though I once prefered a human being's company, they pale before the monolith that towers over me." -- They Might Be Giants
The "City of New Orleans" bit was in italics anyway, meaning it's an "editor's note"-type comment, not part of the actual text.
------------------ http://frankg.dgne.com/ Destruction Drone: "Throw down your weapons and I will spare your miserable lives!" Rollbar: "That's the best offer we've had all day..."
I am with TSN on this one; for now, at least. While registries may not be exactly chronological in terms of class to class comparisons, I think it is reasonable to assume that a ship won't have a registry below that of her class ship.
Actually, this could result in a neat (or not-so-neat) integration of Tech Fandom with canon, for those interested in that stuff. It was largley a given that the Constitution-class began construction in the 2220s before the Okuda Chronology was published. It is possible that there was a 2220s batch of primitive Constitutions which included the Constitution (NCC-900, perhaps?), Eagle, Constellation, Republic, and a few others. The design proved successful, and in the 2240s a new batch was ordered, including a new Constitution and all of the 1600, 1700, and 1800 series Constitution-class ships. The older Eagle, Constellation, and Republic (the three remaining from the original batch) were upgraded to TOS-era tech. It doesn't account for all of Tech Fandom's ideas, but I think its kinda cool, nonetheless...
The First One
A lovely little thinker, but a bugger when he's pissed
Member # 35
Tim originally sent me his Excel file of the list, which I've used to develop into my own. . . but it'a always useful to have an update! 8)
What I'd like to know is, where the following ships were mentioned or seen, and if there's any other information known about them. . .
USS Galice USS Billings USS Destiny - yes, I know this is Ezri's old ship. . . USS Helin USS Hispaniola USS Scovil USS Sentinel - I remember THIS one. . . USS Tombaugh USS Truman USS Veracruz
USS Galice - From a display in "Whispers" (DS9). USS Billings - Mentioned in "Night" (VOY). USS Destiny - It was Ezri's ship, and, well, that's about all we know. USS Helin - From an Okudagram in Star Trek VI. USS Hispaniola - From a display in "Whispers" (DS9). USS Scovil - From an Okudagram in Star Trek VI. USS Sentinel - From "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River" (DS9). I remember it too. USS Tombaugh - Attacked by the Borg, as mentioned in "Infinite Regress" (VOY). USS Truman - From "Field of Fire" (DS9). USS Veracruz - From "The Siege of AR-558" (DS9).
Are the Galice and the Hispanolia the only two legible ships on that list? My copy of the episode is not crystal clear, but it is obvious there are many ships listed there. I would love to have that Okudagram, along with the casualty list one in Sisko's office from I forget which episode.
------------------ "I'm doctor, not a dragonslayer."