The Ent-B refit ships were built as a counter measure for the then-new fire-while-cloaked Klingon BoPs. Until the new sensor technologies where small enough to put in a regular sized Excelsior, or the Klingons gave up their fire-while-cloaked experiments. The Lakota refit style ships where possibly built by the same specs, but with other sensors.
No mention of it in v12 of Dixon's chronology. And Dixon is unlikely to have invented such an explanation, so any reference to it in the chronology would also tell us where it came from. Diixon's chronology claims that the E-B hull additions were re-inforcements because the Excelsior was class was getting damaged in battle. This seems to have come from Jackill's Volume 3.
So when Starfleet found new, stronger material they went back to the original design. Also newer impulse engines were used in the later batches of standard Excelsiors...
Hmmm... That sounds plausable, but still doesn't explain the Lakota...
------------------ "I think I speak for everyone here when I say, 'Huh?'." - Buffy
The Enterprise-B was a stronger design than the Excelsior prior to the stronger material refit. So if you use the stronger materials on a stronger ship it would make naturally stronger than the 24th century Excelsior. Then the Lakota had weapons and shields upgrade to make it withstand a Defiant in battle.
------------------ It is better to walk the path of the devil than to be in the path of the devil. Though it still might not be the right path.
What Prakesh posted seems like a modification of the theory at the Daystrom Institute Tech. Lib. However, that theory only applies to the Ent-B stytle refit and its labelled as pure speculation on the site anyways. There's also no connection between the Ent-B refit and the Lakota style refit on the site as well.
BTW: If you're doing espionage for Starfleet, why even bother picking a Starfleet vessel? Why not a vastly upgraded commercial freighter, or even a Klingon or Romulan ship that comes with a cloak anyways? ------------------ No I'm Spartacus!
[This message has been edited by Mucus (edited July 13, 2000).]
Becuase a freighter would require too mcuh work to kake it into the perfect Section 31 ship. Starfleet ships already muc of what Section 31 requires, weapons, shields, long range tranporters, and high warp capability.
------------------ It is better to walk the path of the devil than to be in the path of the devil. Though it still might not be the right path.
Actually, my write-up for the Excelsior refit in UP3 was this:
Enterprise-B design was meant as a more "normal" Excelsior then the transwarp testbed. They featured a lot more room for systems the testbed couldn't carry. But after design flaws, and after the transwarp experiment failed, it was found that the original design could perform the job much more efficently. As for the Lakota, that was a small run of ships based off the Enterprise-B design, but used as an "exploratory cruiser" version of the Excelsior. Better sensor suite, more scientific rooms inside the ship, etc.
------------------ "The things hollow--it goes on forever--and--oh my God!--it's full of stars!" -David Bowman's last transmission back to Earth, 2001: A Space Odyssey
Alpha Centauri
Usually seen somewhere in the Southern skies
Member # 338
Sounds nice. One of my UP3 things is the Yeager. Yeah, try to explain the scaled-up Maquis (why Maquis, my God!) components...
My opinion: for undercover missions, take Defiants and Intrepids. Small, fast, and they can kick some serious asses. But mainly: FAST! The Prommie might do it too.
------------------ Advertisement in the United Federation NewsPADD, SD 53675:
"Now for sale at your local dealer: Antares class vessels, as good as new! They can shapeshift! Everybody in the galaxy has one! Now for only $800!"
There a government orginization in the US called the NRO. National Reconissiance (sp?) Origanization. They had their own U-2 spyplanes back in the day. I think Air Force pilots flew them, but they had NRO painted on the tail. I'd say it would keep more people out of the loop and help limit the number of possible leaks.
------------------ It doesn't matter if you don't know what you're doing as long as you look good doing it.