I like to think the Cortez is a miranda! For the Magellan, i think Galaxy-Class, maybe the Constellation -Class was destroyed in the war. But what will happen to the half-build-up-ships now after the Dominion-War is won by the Federation? Pulled back into Spacedock and refitted for normal duties?
------------------ This is how i prefer the borg... in pieces!!! -- Janeway in Dark Frontier
Me too! I like the old lady! After the end of TNG on television, i was really bored of the Galaxy-Class, but after watching her in action (all DS9 battles and VGR "Timeless"), i miss her designed grace!... Personly i think a Galaxy (my favourite version and name is the Venture) and a couple of Defiant-Classes in action would be a cool sight! All the following ships (especially the Souvereign-Class) have the "Batman-Syndrom". After "Batman Returns" the Design of the following movies was overstyled...especially the Batmobile. Too freaky and glowing. Nothing really special anymore....just cool looking but no real heart.... sniff
------------------ This is how i prefer the borg... in pieces!!! -- Janeway in Dark Frontier
I always thought that the USS Cortez was a Nebula Class starship, but then I would think the crew count would be around 800 during the war. It could be a Miranda, fully packed, but not a Galaxy. As for the half-built starships after the war, the personel have to do something now that there's no more fighting. That and all the new tech improvements must be installed on a fleetwide basis. Also, the Federation is a science junkie, ships like the Akira Class have to have the science packages upgraded so they won't be as imposing...
------------------ The world is not enough, but it is such a perfect place to start my love And if you're strong enough, together we can take the world apart my love
I still don't think there's any specific reason it couldn't be a Galaxy. How many members of her 1,000+ crew are actually necessary for her daily operations? A third? Less than that? I think 300 would do just fine running a Galaxy, though they might get a little lonely if they were used to the full compliment.
------------------ I am not good with English but excuses me. I hate you whom think bad of the gods of the thunder known under the name of ""Metallica"". Good tape of ""Metallica"" is ""Load"", that you like it or not. A much better tape of Metallica ""Load"" than overrated the tape known under the name of ""Iron Maiden"" ""Powerslave"". You all are penis for the bad one of thought about ""Lars"". ""Lars"" can take a cucumber in bottom of his throat without reflex of muzzle. Lars can too take cucumber in bottom with no stretching of bottom hole sphincter muscle. Thanks for reading. -- an anonymous fan **** Read chapter one of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! Because I'm saving all my love for you.
Actually, 1000+ is the number of people, not just crew. So, subtracting families and such, you've already reduced the standard crew to less than that...
------------------ "I just measured him. He's about 21"." -Chris Martin, 14-Jul-2000
If the Enterprise-A had a standard compliment of 500 crew on board then the Galaxy class due to the larger volume I would think that is about 600-700 crewmen on board without the civilians. Perhaps if minimal crew standards would be 300.
------------------ It is better to walk the path of the devil than to be in the path of the devil. Though it still might not be the right path.
Well,i don't know which Class the Cortez could be, but according to rate of surviving a battle, the ship can be a Nebula or a Miranda-Class. Charlie Reynolds former ship was the Centaur (maybe Centaur-Class), his new and now lost ship was named Cortez and i think it could an be Excelsior or something in between...New-Orleans-Class or so.
------------------ This is how i prefer the borg... in pieces!!! -- Janeway in Dark Frontier