Well, I just received The Magazine #19 (November). There's a briefing about the Ent-B, and 2271 Starfleet Uniforms. The Ent-B story isn't reveiling much, but there's a nice bridge picture and a few schematics. *And*, there's a little info on the refit parts of the Ent-B. The things ar the saucer are definately impulse engines, and they were supposedly placed there to improve the saucer's effiency in *Seperated Mode*! So, I think we can now officially say the Excelsiors can de/retach their saucers!
About the uniforms: all the departmental colours, rank insignias and uniform variants are included, with loads of screenshots and the usual Adobe Illustrator pictures.
BTW, some time ago, someone posted the URL of a site containing info on the TOS, TMP and Movie uniforms. What was it again?
quote:About the uniforms: all the departmental colours, rank insignias and uniform variants are included, with loads of screenshots and the usual Adobe Illustrator pictures.
Sounds interesting. Can anyone scan it?
quote:BTW, some time ago, someone posted the URL of a site containing info on the TOS, TMP and Movie uniforms. What was it again?
About the Ambassador class it is to my knowledge never said that it can seperate.
------------------ Buffy: "See, this is a school. And we have students and they check out books and then they learn things." Giles: "I was beginning to suspect that was a myth." - Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
Fitz: Yep, that's the one! But, the new TMP section is *not* the same as in The Mag, and I believe the mag, because they've got the screenshots in their favour.
Firstly, I don't buy this Ensign/Lt JG-matter. Why should they abolish the Lt. JG-rank? And if NCOs wear a square and Ensigns a broken line, what rank did this people with a blank shoulder tab have? Secondly, I'm 99% sure, that Kirk wears /// on his shoulder tabs and field jacket in TMP. Lastly, some cuff markings are turned 180�.
Unfortunately, info in ST the Magazine is not always 100% accurate. If the main engines are powerful enought to drive the entire ship, why would auxiliaries be needed just for the saucer? The "auxiliary impulse engines" are positioned such that they would blow off the front of the warp nacelles if engaged while the saucer is still connected. Every time we see a "B-type" Excelsior class ship, the "auxiliary engines are active and the "main" engines are dark. So you can believe what you read in the magazine or what you see on the screen.
The schematics are inaccurate as well. The bridge module shown is from the original Excelsior which was redesigned before the ship made its next appearance. On the ventral view, the rear torpedo tubes are misidentified as aft sensors. The hanger bay structure forward of the rear bay doors is missing entirely from the dorsal view. The forward view is way off. The secondary hull is the wrong shape and the interconnecting dorsal is shown to slope in toward the saucer. About the only accurate detail is the location of the forward torpedo tubes. If you want really accurate schematics, get Jackill's Star Fleet Reference Manual, Volume 3. (This manual assumes the "auxiliary engines" are shuttle bays, which I like better, anyway..)
The illustrations for the uniforms aren't much better, in my opinion. The illustrated insignia have a pattern applied to them I suppose in an attempt to make them look like embroidered patches. The effect, however, makes them look more like bicycle reflectors. The science and operations insignia should be orange and yellow, respectively, but they look exactly the same on the page.
The uniform illustrations lack detail. Seams and decorative piping that add to the character of the rather plain uniforms are missing. The collar on the admiral's uniform is incorrect, a detail hard to miss to anyone who actually LOOKED at a photo of the uniform.
I like the Magazine, but I rather feel that the producers of an "official" publication should make some attempt to be more accurate.
According to the MSD Okudagram for the E-B bridge, the "auxiliary impulse engines" are actually the main impusle engines. What used to be the main engines are now Shuttlebays 1 and 2. Of course, on the same Okudagram, there are escape pod located on the upper saucer, but there doesn't seem to be the pods themselves or the hatches visible either on the model or the CGI.
Which reminds me of STII and "Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise" which states there are escape pods on the refit Connie, but also no pods or the hatches visible on the model or any schematic, official or unofficial.
------------------ [Bart's looking for his dog.] Groundskeeper Willy: Yeah, I bought your mutt - and I 'ate 'im! [Bart gasps.] I 'ate 'is little face, I 'ate 'is guts, and I 'ate the way 'e's always barkin'! So I gave 'im to the church. Bart: Ohhh, I see... you HATE him, so you gave him to the church. Groundskeeper Willy: Aye. I also 'ate the mess he left on me rug. [Bart stares.] Ya heard me!
[This message has been edited by PopMaze (edited October 16, 2000).]
I don't get why everybody seems to think that the Enterprise-B's impulse engines would somehow destroy the fronts of the nacelles. Sure, they're in front of them, but is there any canon evidence that they cannot be?
------------------ "...Well, we're about to witness All-in Wrestling, brought to you tonight, ladies and gentlemen, by the makers of Scum�, the world's first combined hair oil, foot ointment, and salad dressing; and by the makers of Titan�, the novelty nuclear missile. You never know when it'll go off! - Monty Python, Live at the Hollywood Bowl.
I'm not convinced about this "ensign braid" thing either. Was there a character in TMP who would have been shown wearing this braid and referred to as Ensign? Or as Lieutenant? I can't think of any.
The only potential Ensign-to-whom-somebody-paid-verbal-attention was the security goon in Ilia's quarters, and he had no insignia visible. I'm not 100% sure about the dialogue in that scene - did Kirk call him by name only (making him a rating), or did he add "Mister" (making him a junior officer)?
Other errors in the Mag: Sulu's T-shirt has no epaulets, even though these would be the only way to denote rank in that uniform. The photo shows the epaulets clearly enough. And yes, Kirk definitely switched over to Captain insignia immediately when peeling out of his initial flag dress uniform - he apparently ceased to be an Admiral after the first discussion with Decker.
quote:there are escape pod located on the upper saucer, but there doesn't seem to be the pods themselves or the hatches visible either on the model or the CGI.
Yes, but there were also supposed to be lifepods on the refit enterprise (TWOK) and a miranda (don't remember name or ep).
...Which wouldn't be all that surprising, considering that the TOS ship managed to hide her torp launchers and phaser emitters completely from view, apparently by using retractable plating of some sort.