TOS changed their uniforms in the first season.
TNG swapped duds in the third.
DS9 went all grey in the fifth.
VOY, well... Didn't. And that sucked.
Now, the odds are that ENT will never get a uniform change either. But what if they did? And more importantly, what should they look like?
Production people and some actors have noted that the current ENT costumes are relatively uncomfortable for the actors. They're more form-fitting than the recent TNG entries, and certainly leave little room for growth, as it were. Could you imagine what S7 Riker would look like in the S1 spandex? I shudder.
This thread challenges Flareites to re-design the ENT uniforms for the next logical iteration, just as the uniforms for the first three series changed. Maintaining the basic motif established by the current uniforms, have fun playing with what the next ones should be. Extra points go to a uniform variation for the captain's personal use - something missing in ENT and VOY.
Ready? Go!
Mark <--- Looks good in my old VOY costume, anyway...
TOS-miniskirt for Sato (and for the rumoured Starfleet T'Pol). And the rank pips have to go. Oh, and the ship's logo should move to the familiar TOS place.
Bunny ears for the ladies and a spike collar for Porthos.....and T'Pol as well.
-------------------- Justice inclines her scales so that wisdom comes at the price of suffering. -Aeschylus, Agamemnon
Registered: Aug 2002
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Too First Contact, lose the shoulders. I'd like to see them moving to a two-piece though, with division-coloured shirt underneath, implying that at some point they stopped wearing the overjacket except for on landing parties (cf. "The Cage") then ultimately did away with it altogether and you have something that becomes the TOS uniform.
The lack of divisional colours in "The Cage" and "Where No Man Has Gine Before" is a real bugger when you're trying to think of a style that could infer some progression from ENT jumpsuits to TOS bellbottoms. B(
Member # 709
yes, most people don't realize that it was beige in place of red for those two episodes, but the colors essentially meant the same thing from ENT -> Cage/WNMHGB -> TOS -> TNG command: gold -> gold -> gold -> red ops: red -> beige -> red -> gold sci: blue -> blue -> blue -> blue omitting the TMP and MOV era, because they used a six color (if not more) system rather than the three divisions.
BTW, it might be fascinating for intermediary uniforms between ENT and The Cage to use styles from the TMP and Movie uniforms.. hrm
-------------------- "Are you worried that your thoughts are not quite.. clear?"
Registered: Sep 2001
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If the ENT uniforms are going to change in the near future, my guess is that it would be after the cliffhanger story arc when the ENT crew safely returns to (their) present day Earth and the series kind of relaunches with a new story arc.
If it doesn't happen then, it probably won't happen for at least another season, if ever.
Why do they need new uniforms? The only reason TNG changed them was because the initial design was too uncomfortable for the actors, and the only reason DS9 changed them was because they created a new design for FC. Since there is no analagous situation on ENT, there's no reason for them to change the uniforms.
Oh, and the "gold" from the TOS pilots and the first two seasons wasn't gold, it was green. The same green that Kirk's wraparound and dress uniform were, in fact. But the material that the tunics were made out of (velour) reflected light in such a way that on camera it appeared gold. So when the third season came around, they just made them gold.
-------------------- The flaws we find most objectionable in others are often those we recognize in ourselves.
Registered: Jun 2001
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quote:Production people and some actors have noted that the current ENT costumes are relatively uncomfortable for the actors.
quote:The only reason TNG changed them was because the initial design was too uncomfortable for the actors. . . Since there is no analagous situation on ENT, there's no reason for them to change the uniforms.