Indeed. I like that these episodes are faster paced and cover so many elements of the plot, but it's all so much to absorb. What happened again?
The scene with average people with powers was interesting. Most of them seemed to have the flying ability, so I wonder if the injections had been perfected so that they could pick which power they developed. It looks like they fixed the side effect of turning into light-fearing freak, anyway.
They killed the little boy! This and the scene a couple of weeks ago with the guy burning a woman to death have been surprisingly disturbing. I wouldn't have expected them to go so far.
Good to have Sylar's power and his condition further explained. I wouldn't have guessed they could they make it so believable, considering he's been "the bogeyman" right from the beginning, but he actually comes across as quite human.
What's going on with that tortoise? I really think the African guy was referring to someone Parkman knows, rather than an animal. Then again, with that tortoise walking so slowly, it'll give Parkman a good while to think through everything in his vision.
Oh and what's up with future Peter? Any ideas on why he can't regenerate, but can use all his other powers?
Well, either Peter still did have the ability to regenerate, but Claire shot him through the right part of the brain to stop that from happening, or he did lose that ability at some point, thus explaining the scar.
I have to say, I thought that Sylar's explosion was a bit much. I realize he was supposed to have lost control because his kid just got killed, but, still. There's drama, and then there's silliness. Especially since Claire was right there and could have resurrected him with just a couple drops of blood.
Registered: Mar 1999
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WizArtist II
"How can you have a yellow alert in Spacedock? "
Member # 1425
quote:Originally posted by TSN: Well, either Peter still did have the ability to regenerate, but Claire shot him through the right part of the brain to stop that from happening, or he did lose that ability at some point, thus explaining the scar.
I have to say, I thought that Sylar's explosion was a bit much. I realize he was supposed to have lost control because his kid just got killed, but, still. There's drama, and then there's silliness. Especially since Claire was right there and could have resurrected him with just a couple drops of blood.
Perhaps because Sylar had been struggling with his own nature/hunger for so long to maintain control, this was the one thing that would cause that dam to burst.
I have a hard time picturing Parkman and QuickChick playing their own version of "Cops & Robbers" considering his history with family. I just didn't buy that.
Things I found of note:
Sylar had the Bennett's dog and home
Sylar named his son after HRG (Noah or Noe if you prefer)
Noah apparently didn't train Claire how to AIM
Did Parkman actually PAINT? of did he just see the future?
Was Adam actually 'kaput' until Hiro opened the casket and he had fresh air?
Since the normal time Peter has come into contact with Future Sylar, shouldn't he now possess ALL the powers that Sylar has learned?
Anyone else think Mohinder has turned into the new spokeslizard for GEICO?
What is it about the Company's lockups that prevent powered individuals from using their abilities? Or was it just the proximity of the Haitian that prevented Hiro from going BAMF?
A relationship with a woman that can freeze a guy when she's emotional seems like a dangerous thing to me.
OK, last episode Sylar gave Claire an 'upgrade' to "feel-no-pain", so shouldn't Peter ALSO have that ability now since he absorbs the powers of those he's around?
I have this suspician that we are about to be introduced to Pa Patrelli soon.
-------------------- There are 10 types of people in the world...those that understand Binary and those that don't.
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I'd say wherever they had Peter was inhibiting his powers. That's why he couldn't get out of the restraints or teleport, either.
Also, this was one of those times where the stupid SAG contracts got in the way of a surprise. Adam showing up at the end would've been so much better if we didn't know in the first act he was going to appear at some point.
-------------------- I haul cardboard and cardboard accessories
Registered: Mar 1999
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Yes, they are pretty dense episodes, with a lot of stuff going on. It's hard to remember all the details of all the subplots. But it's a much more focused story than last season, and I hope that some aspects of the Four Years Into the Future really do happen (for example, it would be cool if we finally get some old-school 'super groups' of evolved humans working together on a more permanent basis).
- The German was on a photograph with Nikki at the Prof's house. Is he a brother to the triplets or what? Or just the Prof's son?
- Mohinder is turning into The Beast? Or at least the Lizard. I'm kind of glad they didn't really show him.
- I don't quite understand yet how we get from "everyone has powers" to "the world will split in half".
- Maybe there's something about how Sylar's and Peter's powers work that don't really allow for the 'secondary powers' to be shared. Sylar's power is 'understanding' and being able to copy other powers. Peter implicitly copies other people's powers, not really knowing how it works himself. There's no particular reason to assume Peter would also copy all of Sylar's secondary powers. Maybe if Sylar demonstrates his powers near to Peter he can tune into them somehow, but he didn't really do much in that scene, apart from exploding.
- So the current Peter has Sylar's hunger, while Sylar is possibly on track to becoming the cute housefather we saw Four Years Later, under guidance from Noah. That's an interesting role reversal.
- Evil Peter does a rather silly Batman voice, to be honest.
quote:Originally posted by Harry: - I don't quite understand yet how we get from "everyone has powers" to "the world will split in half".
During the bit where Future Peter is soliliquizing to Past Peter about people being irresponsible with their powers he shows him a newspaper article about a man in Sydney causing an earthquake. A power like that could cause some damage. Not quite sure about splitting the earth up, mind you.
What is it about the Company's lockups that prevent powered individuals from using their abilities? Or was it just the proximity of the Haitian that prevented Hiro from going BAMF?
IIRC, we saw the guy who could shoot blue flames from his hands use them in the Company cells in the first episode of the season, so it's odd that Hiro's power didn't work.
I agree about Future Peter's Batman voice, btw. I understand they were using his voice and the scar to differentiate him from present day Peter, but it just sounded silly.
Future Parkman said to future Daphne, "You've got to slow down". I'm guessing some how that the tortoise will lead Parkman to Daphne.
It's weird - everyone in the future becomes an ass except Sylar - who is the opposite! Weird! All he needed was a goatee. (Or everyone else wear goatees. I guess Claire did have the Trek Mirror Universe trademark leather... all she needs now is to makeout with another chick! )
-------------------- "Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica." - Jim Halpert. (The Office)
My thoughts (I am NOT hitting "post" before I'm done watching this time. I am not, I am not, I am not. And yeah, it took me this long to get to watch it.)
I see Mohinder's still holding the Idiot Ball with both hands.
I'm vascillating between "OMG DADDY SYLAR SO CUTE" and "wtf, so now he's a woobie in canon too?". I do love his interactions with baby Noah, though. ("It's a magic word...") And "It's a scar..." and the animation of Sylar's intuitive aptitude kicking in/Peter fixing the watch with his TK. I do have to wonder where the hell Noah Bennet is.
I'm not sure I can buy Matt and Daphne as a couple quite yet. It's funny how Molly hasn't aged a day between age 10 and age 14. Then again, I didn't grow too much in that age span, until I hit 14, so I guess it's still plausible.
"You always sucked at tug of war" made me lol. And what a hell of a place to apologize. (HAHAHAHA I typed that before Ando's next line about how "maybe now is not the time for apologies.")
The phone-freezing effect is cool. Reminds me of dipping bananas in liquid nitrogen and dropping them from the third-floor window in second grade.
Heh. Linderman's putting his feet up on the desk. Cute moment.
Well, that's two out of three triplets Nathan's kissed (or more)...
That's, what, three different versions of 2012 we've seen? Makes me wonder what the sixth season is gonna look like.
Looks like Peter and Sylar have a Data/Lore thing going on, in a weird sort of way. Maybe it's just all Sylar's calling Peter "brother" that's making me think of it, though.
"What is that, some African mystical mojo thing?" "Carl Jung. Analytical Psychology. You don't read much, do you?" = BWAHAHAHA. (And I've always imagined Matt as more of a German Shepherd than a tortoise, myself.)
Evidently Matt's sunburn from the last episode has healed...
You know what this tortoise reminds me of? That one Simpsons episode with the Guatemalan Insanity Peppers.
"What he said." Heh.
I think I laughed way too much while watching this...
Oh, and one more thing. This makes three episodes where a character comes back from the "dead" and his/her swearing is cut off by "To be continued...". I wonder if that means anything.
-------------------- "Don't fight forces; use them." --R. Buckminster Fuller
Daniel Butler
I'm a Singapore where is my boat
Member # 1689
It means the FCC won't let them be.
How was Costa Verde Peter's fault? What guilt-denial weed is Claire smoking? If she hadn't gone in with her little scooby gang and gotten Gabriel's kid killed, he wouldn't have gone off. I think the blame for those dead people (what was it, 200,000?) rests squarely on her immortal shoulders.
Registered: Jul 2005
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Someone on LJ speculated that Noah is Noah Bennet, after coming across someone with the wrong power, and Sylar's taking care of him as a form of penance.
I think that's more plausible than a lot of the other scenarios that went through my head...
-------------------- "Don't fight forces; use them." --R. Buckminster Fuller