Wasn't that the sub-title of like Rocky XV?
Rocky XV: Bring On The Vengeance.
-------------------- Great is the guilt of an unnecessary war. ~ohn Adams
Once again the Bush Administration is worse than I had imagined, even though I thought I had already taken account of the fact that the Bush administration is invariably worse than I can imagine. ~Brad DeLong
You're just babbling incoherently. ~C. Montgomery Burns
Registered: Mar 1999
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quote:Originally posted by Tora Ziyal: [QUOTE] I think I learned about the futility of revenge from Shakespeare at a young age and was always wondering why people still insist on doing it.
Because to allow someone to get away with killing someone you cared about is to allow others to be killed by them in the future.
Some people need to be put down like rabid dogs ...and in many parts of the world there is no accountability for even the most depraved crimes.
In countries where some measure of justice can be hoped for, invidents of personal revenge (violence) is far less frequent or accepted.
I see your points Tora, but we live in a very diffrent world than many: those Iraqis that want this terrorist dead are resorting to their only means currently available to them to stop him from commiting more acts of terrorism: there's just too many supporters for terrorists in the country to really expect him to ever be caught and brought to justice.
-------------------- Justice inclines her scales so that wisdom comes at the price of suffering. -Aeschylus, Agamemnon
Registered: Aug 2002
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quote: [QUOTE] Random, faceless violence is what inspires revenge.
I think that's what people want to belief when they'd like revenge. Like I said, revenge comes in all shapes and sizes. A girl might deliberately alienate her boyfriend for forgetting her birthday, or looking at another woman, or whatever. That is revenge. An enraged husband kills his wife. That is also revenge. Most of the time it's not random or faceless. However, it is easier to condemn a person or group you think of as an entity rather than a human being(s).
The diffrence is that one definition of revenge is between two agrieved people: their consequences usually dont include violence towards those not involved (innocent bystndars)....
The other is an irratinal hatred of an entire group of people will lead to violence to uninvolved parties and then some will hate that group of prople right back for their "sensless killing" doing the same thing on an esclated scale. Israel, anyone?
-------------------- Justice inclines her scales so that wisdom comes at the price of suffering. -Aeschylus, Agamemnon
Registered: Aug 2002
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-------------------- Justice inclines her scales so that wisdom comes at the price of suffering. -Aeschylus, Agamemnon
Registered: Aug 2002
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Grokca: "Well that explains all of the revenge killing in the ME and Afghanistan over 911."
Now, I'm not one to side with dunlendings, easterlings and roughians, but surely attacking M-E on the way home from Afghanistan must be considered arbitrary?
Registered: Aug 1999
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There can be no peace with the terrorists of Iraq and Al-Qaeda. To put it bluntly, they are uncivilized animals that have appeared in a largely-backward region of the world where the culture and philosophy are ill-prepared for the bounty of the 21st Century. The most one can hope to do is to destroy them in such a way as to prevent their ability to rally many more to their cause.
The Middle East is not the world we are used to. In some ways it is better, but in many it is worse, and this is certainly true in the case of its worst members. The brutality of the murders of innocents, the cowardice of the bombings, the savageness of religious insanity that exists when you can chant "God is great" while slowly slicing the head off of an innocent man (using, as excuse, the mistreatment of prisoners that was exceedingly mild compared to the Iraqi regime), the lack of democratic freedom and individual liberty, the blaming of all problems on the evil Americans/West/Scapegoat-of-the-hour, the dehumanization of women, Jews, et cetera . . .
Suffice it to say, the list of problems is extensive. And would it were so that we could leave them to either rot or to evolve, I would be all for it. But unfortunately, this isn't a world where you can just fence in some corner of the globe. And so, we are faced with barbarians who have all the tools of the modern world but with a mindset not seen in the West since around the time of the Crusades.
For all our cultural evolution, we've become squeamish when it comes to dealing with savages on their level. Concepts of beauty and meaning are lost on them . . . the "better angels of our nature" cannot touch them.
These Iraqis who want to fight fire with fire? I'm all for it . . . the animals will understand nothing else. It's not something we're willing to do, and frankly it probably wouldn't work that well even if we did. But I find it to be a necessary thing.
Call me old-fashioned, hateful, closed-minded, or whatever you wish. But, as far as I'm concerned, there are rabid dogs loose in the Arab world. Rabid dogs are not to be fed or petted, and you don't try to house-break them. You just shoot them.
-------------------- . . . ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
I only read in English (though I type in many inaccurate versions of Engligh).
Damn you kids with your new-fangled pig-latin and your ham-radios and counterstrike....
-------------------- Justice inclines her scales so that wisdom comes at the price of suffering. -Aeschylus, Agamemnon
Registered: Aug 2002
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What a really shitty thing to say, UM. His attitude stems from the arab world's worst element killing thousands of innocent people without provocation: not the other way around.
It's not as though we invaded them and then were attacked, you know.
Notice they dont try this shit in Russia. And Russia actually inavded them without provocation! Someone in what remains of the USSR's military would get all nuc-le-ar on their asses.
It's sad that, as casualties mount, the idea that Arabs should be "wiped out" is becoming more prevalent- and not just here in the US either.
Consider this for irrational fear and hatred: there's a huge outbreak of Polio cases in Nigeria now because the muslim leaders are telling their followers that the WHO's immunization programs are an attempt o "make their women infertile and it's ab American plot". Man, if I believed that kind of crap, I'd hate the people I thought responsible as well.
Millions are being taught that anything non-muslim should be distrusted and hated.
It's not Muslims that are our enemy: it's the Whabbists. .....and they all stem from our "pals" in Saudi Arabia.
-------------------- Justice inclines her scales so that wisdom comes at the price of suffering. -Aeschylus, Agamemnon
Registered: Aug 2002
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You endorsing interracial sex, being sarcastic or making a racist statement?
All three?
-------------------- Justice inclines her scales so that wisdom comes at the price of suffering. -Aeschylus, Agamemnon
Registered: Aug 2002
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