This has been kicking around my hd for some time now. (I think I scanned it out of a newspaper around the time of Columbine.) It would appear that an opportunity to post it has arisen:
------------------ The above post was mulled-over, composed, and posted during time Tom would have better spent on his plethora of homework and homework-related exercises. Now don't you feel special?
Tahna Los, if you hadn't brought this subject up, I would have !!!
The other day was a busy day for people with guns ... A kid gets shot, and some psycho in Mich. also went on a hostage rampage in a hospital pointing a gun at anyone white or non-black / and even threatened to kill himself (why'd he hold back --- THIN THE HERD)!!!! Or did he? I didn't catch the rest of the story that day.
I get really fired up when I see this kinda crap !!
People are simply not clueing in are they ...?? I mean, for crying out LOUD, how many more innocent people have to die by people who have guns, WHO SHOULDN'T HAVE THEM TO BEGIN WITH !!!???? Kids, nut-cases in hospitals, postal workers (old story) -
Oh .. oh.. he slipped through the system..
I don't know... I don't have all the answers either!
First of all, if a licensed owner of a gun has children in the house .. I believe the guns should be stored out-of-house.!!! That should be MANDATORY!!! IF you have a kid ... store the freakin' thing in a warehouse where the kid can't get at it !! THAT is just, plain, common-sense! Doesn't everyone agree? And if you don't .. explain to me the logic of keeping a firearm in your house?? Protection?? GET A BAT!!
I have never used a gun; I've never needed a gun. Canada is a whimp country .. we don't need guns up here .. you know why?? There aren't ALOT of people walking around with guns up here ... oh there are some .. I'm not excluding Canada .. 2 years ago, right here in Ottawa .. In fact, right up the street from where I work, I guy went on a shooting rampage in a public bus shop/terminal! Then he off'ed himself as his final show of cowardice - he thinned the herd!!! The Freakin' Nutbox!!
And yes Frank .. people get hit by cars and die .. and it doesn't make the news ... but you'll never hear of a 6 year old kid stealing his dad's car, bringing it to school and threatening another 6 year old kid with: "If you don't stop it, I'll take my Dad's car and run you over!!!"
I've been hit by a car ... I lived. It was an accident .. not some psycho trying to impress the world with his warp sense purpose. If I were shot instead of hit by Camaro that day, I probly wouldn't be here today.
BUT: Some people simply shouldn't be driving !!! But that's another topic of discussion! And so is the topic of Drunk Driving !
Anyways ...
Have things always been this bad, or is it just the media covering these types of stories that makes this whole kids-shooting-kids thing seem worst than it is?
I defer to the Forum!
------------------ -There can be only Nine !! ..mmm.. maybe 10 !!
- Alshrim Dax The Other Dax:
[This message has been edited by Alshrim Dax (edited March 03, 2000).]
The psycho was in Pennsylvania, not Michigan. The kid was in Michigan.
The psycho was a known problem, yet the people who are supposed to protect the rest of us from such people did nothing. Why? That's what I'd like to know.
Do you see a commonality beginning to form that relates all these incidents, as well as many others that are NOT turned into major news events? PRIOR HISTORIES.
The danger in this issue is letting your emotions take the upper hand. When that happens, you cannot think clearly and rationally about things. You end up posting a lot in caps and boldface, too.
You're right, Canada is not the US. The US has vastly greater population and pop. density. California ALONE contains more people than the entirety of Canada, (32,666,550 vs 31, 006, 347, according to my 2000 World Almanac). The Population Density (and thusly potential for conflict) in Canada is far less, being 8 per sq.mi, vs oh, 247 per sq mi. in Pennsylvania (same almanac)
So a greater per capita crime and incident rate is inevitable.
------------------ "Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi
You are personally responsible for, not only your own safety, but the safety of others, when you use any potentially dangerous tool, whether it is a firearm, an automobile, or a kitchen knife. Failure to keep that principle in mind while using any dangerous tool is either criminal negligence or criminal intent.
The Eddie Eagle parody posted above is funny, but propaganda. If you really think that way, you need to apply for membership in the laughing academy -- the world's just too dangerous for you.
------------------ "Going to church does not make you a Christian anymore than going to McDonalds's makes you a hamburger." --[Source unknown.]
Why? Because ordinary citizens shouldn't be allow to own any kind of fire arms in the first place.
No matter what kind of justifications these "pro-fire arm" people can come up with, dealing violence with violence is just not right.
All those "restriction of freedom" are just a load of $h1t. When you have lunitics and criminals shooting in the street, to hell with freedom to own a fire arm, man, safety come first!
This is just a vicious circle, people want more guns for their so called "protection", and the next thing you know, more guns are available in the market for those "trashes of society" to take advantages of.
So, people, please put a stop to it, if not for you, then for your children's sake.
Let's just outlaw people. Round them up and kill them all. They don't have any guns so they can't keep it from happening!
------------------ Frank's Home Page "He's Satan. And not the good kind. I hate him. If there is a god, I hope Jebus has him fry in hell." - DT, in reference to me
And just what do you suggest we do, Blue? Say you pass an ammendment saying that nobody can own a gun. Presumably, no law-abiding citizin will fail to turn their weapon in. You think people who have guns illegally in the first place (like the mother and uncle of the six year old shooter, for example) are going to volunteer to turn them in? I think not. No gun law would have prevented that shooting. Period.
Besides, what happens after you outlaw guns? I'd get a knife, and learn how to throw it. You can do a lot of damage at a long range. There's a kung-fu class not to far from here. Do you have any idea how many people a good martial artist can kill with the proper training? There's no way to prevent people from being killed violently. The only thing you can do is give them the best chance to defend themselves they can have.
------------------ You are wise, witty, and wonderful, but you spend far too much time reading this sort of trash.
Several simple words to answer your question Omega.
Human know that we can never be perfect, but do we stop trying to reach perfection?
Law enforcements know that society will never be rid of crimes, but do they just stop protecting us?
So, what the hey, illegal guns are out there no matter what, so who gives a damn. Hell, there's always going to be lunitics out there shooting and killing, if we can't stop them, why even try?
Well, as I said, if we kill everyone, there won't be any lunatics left! Except the ones who have illegal guns.
------------------ Frank's Home Page "He's Satan. And not the good kind. I hate him. If there is a god, I hope Jebus has him fry in hell." - DT, in reference to me
We know that most people may be responsible enough to own a gun, but whether you agree or not, there's aways going to be people steping out of the line. It is not the general population that's causeing all the troubles nowaday, but rather these outlaws.
So, I ask you, do you want to risk your safey because of few non-important rights, or stop the problem at the source with minimal cost?
I can promise you that the world will be a much safer place to live in without fire arms, and for all you pro fire arm people out there, can you promise the same?
Of course! It's not the general population that's causing trouble, it's the outlaws! So, obviously, the solution is to take guns away from the general population.
------------------ Frank's Home Page "He's Satan. And not the good kind. I hate him. If there is a god, I hope Jebus has him fry in hell." - DT, in reference to me
Oooo, outlaws. So back to the wild wild west we go. Everyone has guns to shoot snakes with, and the occasional other person.
Makes ya wonder why some towns, even way back then, had ordinances prohibiting cow-pokes from bringing guns into towns. That certainly must have prevented those cow-punchers from exercising their Constitutional right to militia duty on the town square.
I'll even bet someone must have carried a sign:
"Guns don't kill people, drunken cowboys shooting up the town kill people." ------------------ Let's see... Mesmerists, Dowsers, Luddites, Alienists, Zoroastrians, Alphabetizers... A-ha! Assassins... ~C. Montgomery Burns
Well, maybe there should be a law stating that drunken cowboys aren't allowed to have guns. Or something. :P
------------------ Frank's Home Page "He's Satan. And not the good kind. I hate him. If there is a god, I hope Jebus has him fry in hell." - DT, in reference to me