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» Flare Sci-Fi Forums » Community » The Flameboard » Why is Bush's "Intellectuality" an issue, and Gore's constant lying is not? (Page 4)

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Author Topic: Why is Bush's "Intellectuality" an issue, and Gore's constant lying is not?
Some other beginning's end
Member # 91

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I could, of course, point out that Gore sold his vote to whomever would give him more TV time...

It's not an ad hominem when I'm not trying to proove my point in a debate with it. Nor am I trying to insult you personally. I'm just pointing out that you don't know a thing about the subject, and by continuing to argue about it, have lost all credibility. Without you bothering to learn about the topic, I can not consider you a legitimate debater, JK. Might I suggest the book "More Guns, Less Crime"? Extremely comprehensive study.

"Let's see ... ignorant conservatives... How about Rush Limbaugh?"

Rush isn't ignorant. He knows exactly what he's talking about. You seem to be ignorant of the definition of the word "ignorant"...

Pilot: You're sure they were Americans, eh?
Fraser: They were all wearing new boots, they were driving a Jeep Wrangler, and they carried big guns.
Pilot: Americans it is.
- "due South"

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
A Terrible & Sick leek
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Without a dictionary.

A state that one can be taught out of, where as stupidity is a lasting thing that one can not hope to be set free from.

Hence the statement: Ignorance of the law is no excuse. One can learn the laws, unless one is stupid.

The reason for the addition of the word stupid is because it is used here often.

Stupid bastards and religious freaks,
so safe in their castle keeps...

Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs
astronauts gotta get paid
Member # 239

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Ignorant seems to be a synonym for 'having an opinion' round here.

"Well, he has an opinion, and I can't change him to mine, so he/she/it/the four-eyed camel down the street molesting robins/ is ignorant."

It's like when racists call you ignorant, because you can't accept their opinions.

Equality, Cooperation & Benevolence.

Vote Communist Party of America 2000.

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First of Two
Better than you
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Indeed... Gore only supported the Gulf War because the White House promised him more 'face time' on TV to make his speech than the Democrats would. Al was looking for recognition, planning of the running of his campaign, even then.

Think about that. A man casts a vote that may send thousands of men to their deaths... and he decides not on the basis of issues, or need, or anything relevant... but for time in front of TV cameras.

Of course, we've already seen the Clintonian concept of ordering airstrikes when you're having political problems back home...

Still, I hope we're not in a hostile situation with any countries, should Gore ever need to run for RE-election...

"Ed Gruberman, you fail to grasp Ty Kwan Leap. Approach me, that you might see." -- The Master

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Jeff Raven
Always Right
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That's interesting that you would call Rush Limbaugh ignorant... I find him one of the most informed people I've ever seen. He documents every thing he says, you know. Check out his webpage, and you'll see links to articles in the newspapers of which he gets them from.

As for Dr. Laura, well, she's speaking from traditional morals, of which she has a lot of expertise in. Don't like her morals? Don't listen to her then. I'm sure she won't be offended.

Intelligence, Integrity, Responsibility.
Vote Bush/Cheney 2000

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Some other beginning's end
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I just find her personally abrasive. She's rude, and I can't stand when people interrupt each other. That's why I don't watch BSNBC. Having six people talking at once is not productive. She seems to give good advice, but I just can't stand listening to her.

Pilot: You're sure they were Americans, eh?
Fraser: They were all wearing new boots, they were driving a Jeep Wrangler, and they carried big guns.
Pilot: Americans it is.
- "due South"

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs
astronauts gotta get paid
Member # 239

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Take out the good advice part, and I'd think you were trying to guess what the majority feels about you.

I guess I was wrong.

Communism in 2000. For the sake of your children, and their beanie babies.

Equality, Cooperation & Benevolence.

Vote Communist Party of America 2000.

Registered: Oct 1999  |  IP: Logged
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411

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Dr Laura ... with morales?

Are you aware that her doctorate is in PHYSIOLOGY? She's more qualified to coach a fucking LAX team then to give out psychological advice!

And for all her "high morals" that she preaches, she is a hypocrite by:

-posing nude

-having premarital sex in college

-she tells women to "stand by their man" ... never mind that she's divorced and cheated on her previous husband ...

-she don't have a degree in psychology or sociology or a related field, yet feels confident to make people feel that she is qualified to console them by putting her "Dr." title on ... hell, if I got a doctorate in history, would that make me capable of brain surgery?

-Homosexuality is a biological error? Yeah, and Omega has a brain ...

-Had an affair with her current husband ... while HE WAS MARRIED ... that's right, she was the OTHER WOMAN! What a homewrecker ...

-Champion of family values ... and estranged from mother and sister ... ????

The fact is, Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a hypocrite.

Yeah. Dr Laura has got morals. How anyone can say that she does is completely ... ignorant of the facts (look, you didn't know she had a degree in physiology, did you?)

Now, as for "Rush Limbaugh is a big, fat idiot" (he is, by the way) ... are you aware of all his high moral praisings ... of all his denouncments of Bill Clinton, that he has:

Ok: mixed bag here, including factual errors:

Volcanoes do more damage to the Ozone than humans, in his book "THE WAY THINGS OUGHT TO BE" (pp 155-175), "Mt Pinutubo in the Philippines spewed forth more than a thousand times the amount of ozone-depeleting chemicals in one eruption than all the fluorocarebons manufactured by wicked, diabolical and insensitive corporations in history..." he goes on to call those who worry about the ozone "enviormental wackos" and "dunderheaded alarmists and prophets of doom."

Riiiiiiight ... Volcanoes ... yeah, THAT'S the answer!

In Rushland: "Banks take the risks in issuing student loans and they are entitled to the profits" (Radio show, quoted in FRQ, Summer/93"

In reality, banks take no risks in issuing student loans: the loans are federally insured.

In Rushland: "The poorest people in America are better off than the mainstream families of Europe." (Radio show, FRQ, Spring/93)

In Reality, the average cash income of the poorest 20 percent of Americans is $5,226; the average cash income of 4 major European nations (Germany, France, UK, Italy) is $19,708.

In Rushland: "There's no such thing as an implied contract." (Radio show, FRQ, Spring '93)

Reality: every first year law student knows there is...

In Rushland: "Ladies & Gentlemen, we know know why there is this institutional opposition to low tax rates in the liberal wing of the Democratic Party. It's because [low tax rates] are biblical in nature and in root. When you can trace the lowering of tax rates on grain from 90% to 20% giving seven fat years during the days of Pharaoh in Egypt, why then you are tracing the roots of lower taxes and rising prosperity to religion ... You can trace individual prosperity, economic growth back the Bible, the Old Testament ... Isn't it amazing?" (Radio show, 6/28/93)

In Reality: Amazing WRONG! Genesis 41 is about the wisdow of INSTITUTING taxes, not cutting 'em! After Pharoah had a dream that prophesized seven fat years to be followed by seven lean years, Joseph advised himto "appoint officers over the land, and take up the fifth part of the land of Egypt in the seven plenteous years ... and lay up corn under the hands of the Pharaoh." In other words: a 20% tax on the harvest would put aside food for use during the famine. Pharaoh took Joe's advice, and Egypt avoided hunger.

Rushland: "The worst of all of this is the lie than condoms rarely protect against AIDS. The condom failure rate can be as high as 20%..." (Ought To Be, p. 135)

Sorry, Rush ... reality: Dr. Joseph Kelaghan, who evaluated contraceptives for the NIH "there is substantive evidence that condoms prevents transmission if used consistently and properly." A 2-year study of couples in which one partner was HIV-positive ... among the 123 couples who used condoms regularly, there wasn't a single new infection (AP, 8/29/93)


Gee, Rush sure documents himself really well, doesn't he, oh-ye-Conservative nut heads?

Read My Lips: NO NEW TEXANS!
Gore/Lieberman 2000
"I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is underestimating." - George "Dubya" Bush

Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411

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And, oh yes, Al Gore ...

Alan Simpson has long alleged that Al Gore offered his vote for exchange for a prime speaking spot, but there is not a shred of evidence to support that charge.

Weigh the facts: Al Gore WANTED to run for President (he was nominated in '88!). The Democratic party threatened him by telling him that if he voted with Bush, he would NEVER be nominated by the party ... would he trade that for a vote? Keep in mind that at the time, projected US casualties were in the thousands ... there was no way of knowing casualties would be as low as they were.

Sorry, the argument that he gave a vote for a speaking spot is unfounded and has no basis.

And that's the way it is, folks.

"The real costs of war are horrendous. What are the costs and risks if the alternative policy does not work? I think they are larger, greater, and more costly..." - Al Gore, announcing his vote

Read My Lips: NO NEW TEXANS!
Gore/Lieberman 2000
"I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is underestimating." - George "Dubya" Bush

Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
Sol System
two dollar pistol
Member # 30

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"Doctor" Laura did advise a mother who was worried about her son's marriage with one of "those people", where those people means Muslim, to quit her whining and get used to it. I thought this a very enlightened piece of advise, and now I can no longer say she has never said anything I agree with. I can say she's only ever said one thing I agree with, though.

love's function is to fabricate unknownnness
E. E. Cummings
Read chapter one of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! And party everyday.

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Jay the Obscure
Liker Of Jazz
Member # 19

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"...of which she has a lot of expertise in."

like those nudie photos??

Oh, yes, sitting. The great leveler. From the mightiest Pharaoh to the lowliest peasant, who doesn't enjoy a good sit?
~C. Montgomery Burns

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Some other beginning's end
Member # 91

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Oh, the majority doesn't feel that way. Just the ones that are wrong.


So, so people aren't allowed to make mistakes, repent later, and give out advice to avoid the same pitfalls?

That's all I'm gonna say on the matter, 'cause I don't listen to the woman, and I couldn't care less.

Well, except for...

"Homosexuality is a biological error?"

Well, it's gotta be something, and it can't be genetic, due to natural selection. That's an obvious possibility.


"look, you didn't know she had a degree in physiology, did you?"

Yes, as a matter of fact I did.

OK, next subject, which IINM, JK copied directly out of the book "The Way Things Aren't: Rush Limbaugh's Reign of Error".

"for "Rush Limbaugh is a big, fat idiot"

I read that book. The guy who wrote it is a big, fat idiot. Period.

"Riiiiiiight ... Volcanoes ... yeah, THAT'S the answer!"

Amazing how he doesn't actually counter the argument with fact, ain't it, guys? Of course, by now it shouldn't be so amazing...

"In reality, banks take no risks in issuing student loans: the loans are federally insured."

Only to a point, IIRC. And the laws can change at any time.

The rest may be factual errors, but if you condensed the book down to the real errors, eliminating jokes, bad sources, etc., you'd have about two pages, which for thirteen years on the radio, three on TV, two books, and a long-running newsletter, is pretty darned good.

But under any circumstances... what's your point?

re: Al

Basically, we've got Al's word against Alan's word. Since we've seen Al to be a pathological liar, I'm more inclined to trust Alan. And there was another senator involved. Dole, wasn't it?

Pilot: You're sure they were Americans, eh?
Fraser: They were all wearing new boots, they were driving a Jeep Wrangler, and they carried big guns.
Pilot: Americans it is.
- "due South"

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411

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Dr Laura is a homophobic bigot hatemonger. She has NO business giving out "advice." She's a female Adolf Hitler.

Rush Limbaugh IS a big fat idiot. Go to that link, Omega. There's SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that volcanoes are not destroying the ozone.

Jesus, Omega ... why don't YOU get some facts?

I honestly do not see how you can go around calling people uninformed when you OBVIOUSLY are.

Al Gore did not trade his vote for a seat. Did you see that he would've given up his hope for a Democratic presidential nomination if the war had gone badly?

If you're the product of home schooling, I fear for the future of America ...

Read My Lips: NO NEW TEXANS!
Gore/Lieberman 2000
"I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is underestimating." - George "Dubya" Bush

Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
Some other beginning's end
Member # 91

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re: Laura

Next you're going to say that the Boy Scouts are a hate group. Just like you've been spoon-fed to believe...

"Al Gore did not trade his vote for a seat. Did you see that he would've given up his hope for a Democratic presidential nomination if the war had gone badly?"

A: What the heck are you talking about, "a seat"?

B: What were the chances that the war would go badly? I don't care what "experts" said, we at the time had the most powerful military in history.

Pilot: You're sure they were Americans, eh?
Fraser: They were all wearing new boots, they were driving a Jeep Wrangler, and they carried big guns.
Pilot: Americans it is.
- "due South"

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
First of Two
Better than you
Member # 16

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Oh, PLEASE. Everybody but the peaceniks and the paranoids who were shouting 'replay of Vietnam!' knew that the Gulf War was almost certainly going to be a cakewalk.

At least, that was the general consensus among every INFORMED person I knew at the time.

Al Gore, (and this is COMMON knowledge in Washington) walked into the Senate that morning with TWO speeches, one for the War and one against, because the decision came down to the wire.

"Ed Gruberman, you fail to grasp Ty Kwan Leap. Approach me, that you might see." -- The Master

[This message has been edited by First of Two (edited November 01, 2000).]

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
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