Hey, I know about population stuff, too! Environmental Studies comes in handy sometimes! (Not to mention I came across this article while researching for a paper in that class)
Population growth is not that important, believe it or not. It's total fertility rate (how many children a woman has in her reproductive lifetime) that counts. And that number is on the decline worldwide--people around the world are having fewer kids regardless of economic situation. What's causing the population "explosion" is the low death rate resulting from advanced medical technology, but in fact, most developed countries have birth rates at below replacement. The population trend goes like this: high birth/high death-->high birth/low death (which we're going through)-->low birth/low death. It is projected that we may reach the low birth/low death equilibrium in about 50 years. I'll post some fertility rate figures when I get home.
------------------ "The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." --Albert Eistein
2000 population statistics brought to you by the Population Reference Bureau:
I've got stuff like total population, births per 1000, deaths per 1000, natural increase, doubling time, projected population, infant mortality rate, total fertility rate, life expectancy, percent in urban area, percent with aids, percent of married women using contraception, GNP per capita, and other good stuff. I'll just post a couple here.
The first number is natural increase (annual, %) and the second number is total fertility rate (2.1 is zero growth).
World: 1.4%, 2.9 More developed: 0.1%, 1.5 Less developed: 1.7%, 3.2 Less dev.(excl. China): 1.9%, 3.7 Africa: 2.4%, 5.3 North America: 0.6%, 2.0 Canada: 0.4%, 1.5 United States: 0.6%, 2.1 Latin America: 2.1%, 3.1 Oceania: 1.1%, 2.4 Australia: 0.6%, 1.7 Asia: 1.4%, 2.8 Asia(excl. China): 1.7%, 3.3 China: 0.9%, 1.8 Europe: -0.1%, 1.4 United Kingdom: 0.1%, 1.7 France: 0.3%, 1.8 Italy: -0.1%, 1.2
One interesting note, the percentage of women using contraception in Italy is 91% for all methods and 56% for modern methods.
I can post more countries if anyone wants to see.
------------------ "The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." --Albert Eistein
"My thoughts only give cursory notice to the breasts. There's other bits that are FAR more important. ASK them."
We're suppossed to talk to the bottom? I can't imagine that'll get much of a response.
------------------ "If every vampire who said he was at the Crucifixion was actually there it would've been like Woodstock. I was at Woodstock. I fed off a flower person and I spent six hours watching my hand move." - Spike, BtVS
Why would I talk to the woman? She'd only talk back.
------------------ "If every vampire who said he was at the Crucifixion was actually there it would've been like Woodstock. I was at Woodstock. I fed off a flower person and I spent six hours watching my hand move." - Spike, BtVS