The complete lack of communism in Nazi Germany, for one.
Anyway, if you hadn't had your stupid depression, WWII might have not even happened. Think about that next time you get trigger happy on the stock-markey, boyo.
------------------ "If every vampire who said he was at the Crucifixion was actually there it would've been like Woodstock. I was at Woodstock. I fed off a flower person and I spent six hours watching my hand move." - Spike, BtVS
I agree with Jeff, and I also think he should agree that I think its ridiculous for people of EITHER side to attck people like ME who voted for Nader. It's not my fault I didn't vote the way everyone else THINKS I should have is it? If i hadnt voted for Nader , whos to say I would have voted at all? If you must know I wouldn't have ( at least presidentially )
But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
------------------ "Life is pain,anyone who says differently is selling someting " TPB
I don't attack you for voting for Nader ...
I just attack Nader =)
Just kidding. I was really pissed when Gore seemed to lose, but I don't really think it was Nader's fault. Too bad Ross Perot didn't run too and split the 'publcians!
------------------ The Dominion has been defeated, but the hardest job will be building the peace ...
Join Cpt. Connor H. Macy and the crew of the <i>Tokyo</i> as they attempt to forge the bonds of trust ...