PianOmega47: Oh, and as for defending ourselves, you DO have people pointing nuclear missiles at your home.
JeffKardde: And how many times has MAD failed?
PianOmega47: It can fail.
JeffKardde: How many times HAS it failed?
PianOmega47: A) How many world dictators are totally insane?
PianOmega47: DArned enter key...
PianOmega47: B) how many countries have nuclear missiles?
JeffKardde: How many world dictators are THAT insane?
PianOmega47: It's only a matter of time until these two overlap.
PianOmega47: You'd be surprised.
PianOmega47: MAD can fail. You deny?
JeffKardde: MAD has not failed. STAR WARS is unproven technology. You deny?
JeffKardde: Speaking of which: http://flare.solareclipse.net/cgi2/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=11&t=000732
PianOmega47: SDI is experimental tech, and thus by definition unproven. It is, however, promising, considering that it just worked.
JeffKardde: So this makes, what, two tests is passed ... and two it failed?
PianOmega47: See, the problem with MAD is the "mutual" part. I prefer assured destruction for the other side and NOT ours. How 'bout you?
PianOmega47: No, that makes one test it's passed with flying colors, and none it's failed. This system has never been tested before.
JeffKardde: Well ... MAD isn't really accurate anymore, there being no superpowers left but the US.
PianOmega47: So what's your problem?
JeffKardde: So it's more like, SUICIDE. They hit us with two or maybe three missiles, and they get toasted. Unless you're trying to convince me Saddam-baby has two hundred nukes he's driving around on 18-wheelers to keep hidden.
PianOmega47: OK, so now, someone hits us with two or three nukes, kills tens of millions, and they're toasted. With SDI, someone tries to hit us with two or three nukes, no one dies, and they're toasted. Sounds good to me.
JeffKardde: However, the concept is even more sound now, when you consider that if some crazed dictator did fire off a nuke, he would know that, at most, he'd kill a few million Americans -- and in return, his entire country would be reduced to atomic dust.
PianOmega47: He might not care.
PianOmega47: Dictators are like that.
PianOmega47: Read: stupid.
JeffKardde: And how long until SDI is ready? And you're assuming a conventional nuke launch -- why not smuggle one across the Mexican or Canadian borders?
JeffKardde: Yes, and I'm sure the soldiers who actually fire the missile will be perfectly okay with knowing that they, their families, their homeland, is about to be destroyed.
PianOmega47: You deal with what you can.
PianOmega47: They don't have to know, now do they?
JeffKardde: Don't fix it if it ain't broke.
PianOmega47: It boils down to this:
If you're right, and I'm wrong, and we implement SDI, we waste a bit of money. Something like 10% of the anual federal budget, spread out over several years. And Democrats never minded wasting money before, so that shouldn't bother you at all.
If I'm right, you're wrong, and we DON'T implement SDI, then tens of millions die.
PianOmega47: You assume it ain't broke.
JeffKardde: When did it break?
PianOmega47: There is a hole in our defense. Disagree?
JeffKardde: Very.
PianOmega47: Well, you're an idiot.
PianOmega47: Someone can nuke us. This does not qualify?
JeffKardde: Aren't you the same dude who liked bitching about ad-hominems?
JeffKardde: How many crazy dictators posess both the ability to deliver a nuclear missile by ICBM and the desire to?
PianOmega47: Only when you thought you were actually making a point. I'm just calling you an idiot because it makes me feel better. The truth is where it needs to be.
PianOmega47: Thanks to Bill Clinton, any crazy dictator with a bit of cash can.
JeffKardde: But, what's easier? Building an ICBM and launching it? Or putting a nuke in the back of a pickup truck and driving it across the Mexican border? (Gee, thanks for passing NAFTA, Republican Congress!!!)
JeffKardde: Of course, if they do drive a nuke across the Mexican border, hopefully they'll detonate it in Texas, so no big loss.
PianOmega47: Jeff, you still don't get the point.
JeffKardde: If I'm not getting the point, it's probably because your pitch needs work.
PianOmega47: We can be nuked. We can prevent it with minimal trouble and cost. Why not do it?
JeffKardde: 10% of the national budget over the next several years doesn't seem minimal.
PianOmega47: Well, it is.
PianOmega47: 10% of ONE YEAR's budget.
JeffKardde: Hey, if you think that way, fine. Just don't criticize Democratic spending.
PianOmega47: No, no, I'm talking about spending on a legitimate government expenditure: protecting its people. You guys like spending money just 'cause you have it, whether you have any right to spend in on what you do or not, whether it's wasteful or not.
JeffKardde: Frankly, I'd rather see the money spent on education ... but, then, I'm just an idiot liberal.
PianOmega47: The federal government doesn't have the right to do that.
PianOmega47: But then, you're against a tax cut in any form, too...
JeffKardde: Right. So missiles: good, education: bad. Gotcha.
PianOmega47: *L*
JeffKardde: Hell, you guys wanna waste all this money on a defense system that's MORE likely to get us nuked by paranoid powers then on improving education!
PianOmega47: So do you do that on purpose, or are you really that dumb and/or pre-programmed to read your own beliefs about me into everything I say?
PianOmega47: *L*
JeffKardde: That's what you just said, dude.
PianOmega47: No, it's not.
JeffKardde: Missiles = good, education = no-no
PianOmega47: No, it's not.
JeffKardde: Oh, right, I forgot, you're the same dude who thinks the highway systems are un-Constitutional.
PianOmega47: I said that the federal government has no right to spend money on education, whereas missile defense is a legitimate expenditure.
PianOmega47: Which they are, when federally administered.
JeffKardde: How is missile defense legitimate, and the highways not?
PianOmega47: Missile defense is a military expenditure, and is covered in the constitution. Highways can not be read into the constitution in any way, form, or manner.
JeffKardde: Military expenditure.
PianOmega47: Nope.
JeffKardde: You said it yourself
JeffKardde: Yep. Do you know WHY the highways were built?
PianOmega47: Really?
JeffKardde: Indeed. To facilitate the mobilization of the US Armed Forces and their transport across this great BIG land of ours
PianOmega47: They were built because someone wanted something to spend money on. They CLAIMED that it was because they needed a way to move tanks from place to place, even though interstates are totally unsuited for that.
JeffKardde: Hardly. The Marines drive tanks on I-95 down in N Carolina all the time.
PianOmega47: Try driving one cross-country.
PianOmega47: We use planes for transportation of personel and equipment over any distance.
JeffKardde: But, dude, did we use planes like that back in the '30's? Hardly.
PianOmega47: Then how do you justify continued expenditure?
JeffKardde: Interstate commerce.
JeffKardde: What, you want them to fall into disrepair? It'd shut down the economy!
PianOmega47: Hardly. Regulation of interstate commerce does not lead to facilitating it.
PianOmega47: No, I want them under state jurisdiction and funding.
JeffKardde: But they weren't built to facilitate commerce: that was a fortunate hapanstance.
PianOmega47: They weren't built to regulate it, either.
JeffKardde: Most states can't AFFORD to fund them. And for the most part, they ARE under state jurisdication. Do you see Federal agents pulling people over for speeding, or State Troopers?
PianOmega47: Once their military application was eliminated, they should have been sold. Who would have bought them? The individual states, of course.
JeffKardde: Do you see Federal highway contruction crews out repairing them? Or State?
JeffKardde: The individual states CAN'T afford them. They're pretty fucking expensive given repairs, maintenance, et al
PianOmega47: Most states have idiots in charge of their budgets. Mine, for example. And if the federal government lowered taxes, the individual states would have more leeway to fund things.
JeffKardde: Ah, yes, Tennessee. The state you don't live in.
PianOmega47: Did I say that?
JeffKardde: That you don't live in Tennessee?
PianOmega47: But with Democrats in charge, the money saved would just go to some other pork-barrel program. Notice that even with a six trillion dollar surplus, they didn't want a tax cut?
PianOmega47: Huh.
JeffKardde: Huh? Huh to what?
PianOmega47: Just "huh".
JeffKardde: In response too ... ?
PianOmega47: Nothing at all.
JeffKardde: Okaaaaay.