posted June 18, 2001 04:24 PM
Not much new in this map. The relative positions are as we are used to seeing them in Paramount-related sources (like the DS9 TM). The relative sizes seem odd, giving the sidekick Cardassians as much space as if not more so than our traditional big three. And the Borg seem really tiny in relation to the others.
Of course, in absolute terms, each empire is gigantic, and the use of Okudaic warp speeds is impossible. But if we assume each empire is "zoomed into" while leaving the galactic background unzoomed (but all the Alpha empires are zoomed into collectively, not empire by empire), then the relative positions seem quite okay to me.
Now why the heck did they have to create that new logo for the Dominion? And why is it "Klingon Star Empire" now, instead of just "Klingon Empire"? All the other empires get the short form: "Cardassia" instead of "Cardassian Union", for example.
just made by the Presbyterian Church
Member # 256
posted June 18, 2001 06:33 PM
I don't like it. There is way too much 'empty' space between our big three Alpha powers, and their representation on the map is exagerated hugely. Also, why the heck is Dominion space (judging from the relative positions of the wormhole and the blob that indicates their territory) almost 20.000 lightyears away from the Gamma endpoint?!
Borg space seems to be located at the extreme edge of the galaxy, whereas everything we've seen about them so far indicates a massive amount of Borg-controlled volumes near the galactic core. In fact, Borg territory is not much bigger than that of any Alpha power, and a lot smaller than "Jem'Hadar"!
Other minor details: United Federation of Planets, Klingon Empire, Dominion Alliance, Romulan Star Empire... they got all the names wrong. It's small things like these that help a Trek title.
[ June 19, 2001: Message edited by: The_Evil_Lord ]
posted June 19, 2001 12:03 AM
Call me crazy, but aren't Bajor, the wormhole, and the Badlands outside of Cardassian space? Seems to me the Badlands are on the edge of Cardassian space and the Bajor system is either on the edge of Federation space or in between the UFP and the CU.
-------------------- I haul cardboard and cardboard accessories
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posted June 19, 2001 01:11 AM
I always got the impression that following the original treaty Bajor was now located in the DMZ, along with all the colony worlds which would give rise to the Maquis. If the game is set at the height of the Dominion War, though, after the JH readicated the Maquis, many of those formerly neutral systems might now be under overall Cardassian control?
posted June 19, 2001 01:56 AM
The size of the federation and cardasian empire are off, the placement seems right, its just the size of the space is completely off... doesnt the federation have a neutral zone with the romulans? I dont think its that big...
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posted June 19, 2001 04:26 PM
Yeah. Would have nicely ended this thread, too, but I just had to add one comment.
Namely, I don't think Bajor ever was in the DMZ. Every reference to the DMZ had the heroes *traveling* there *from* Bajor. And DMZ was supposed to be Cardassian space, not neutral - it was simply demilitarized. Bajor wasn't Cardassian space in the show, except briefly during the Dominion war.
The map glimpsed in "For the Cause" showed the DMZ as a narrow belt well clear of the DS9 symbol (two-three map grids' worth, and the grids might have been about one lightyear per side if the Cardassian logo on the other side was supposed to be Cardassia Prime, 5 ly from Bajor).
That map would also seem to prove that the DMZ was effected not only in those areas of Cardassian space that bordered on UFP holdings, but also on areas that bordered on neutral space, or space held by third parties. UFP space never seemed to extend all the way to DS9 during the course of the series.
posted June 19, 2001 09:26 PM
That's yet another map made without any consideration. No matter if we take speeds or gives distances as references, it just doesn't work out at all. If the map were correct, either Voyager should have been home within a few days or the journey to the Klingon Empire should take decades. And who made up the symbol for the Jem'Hadar (which should read "Dominion")?
-------------------- Bernd Schneider
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posted June 20, 2001 03:27 AM
A agree with a lot of the comments here. Even though this has appeared another thread, this was a chart I created a while ago based on my interpretation of local space. But no matter how many maps there are, in no cases will everyone agree - eg, there's plenty about my map I'm not entirely happy with -
posted June 20, 2001 07:44 AM
Dominion space is labelled "Dominion". It's just the one planet that's labelled "Jem'Hadar".
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