Yes, the Encyclopedia spells it "T'plana-Hath" with one apostrophe, one hyphen and two capital letters. Strangely enough, this is one spelling they haven't managed to pollute with spontaneously appearing "e"s and "r"s (see Jenol*n and Shi*Kahr). I was half expecting "Tr'plane-Hath" or something (would that be the famous WWI flying ace, secretly of Vulcan origin?).
That was my first thought but then someone (I think a friend of mine) told me that it was wrong. So I listen to her...Oh well....I'll change it accordingly... Thanks guys...
------------------ -Surak: "Nothing unreal exists" -Spock: "Logic is the beginning of wisdom..."
I was watching Voyager's season premier and I'm confused about something. Does captain Janeway know that that blonde lieutenant did help captain Ransom in the end? I mean she's not all bad. Captain Janeway shouldn't have made her a so sad..."sniff"
------------------ Spend all your time waiting for a second chance, a break that would make it ok...
Sorry, just realized I was wrong. T'Planna said "Logic is the foundation of our civilization", or words to that effect. I don't think I ever caught the author of the first law of metaphysics.
------------------ Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons; for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.
Some comments I would like to add: People keep complaining about Voyager's consistency or bad writing while essentially the same is tolerated without any complaints for DS9. I mean, the DS9 flaws are noted and criticised as such, but they are not commonly regarded as "typical". Of course, it's a matter of taste, and if someone just says "I don't like Voyager" I can accept it. However, this is too often "corroborated" by global judgements like "bad writing" or specific but exceptional things that apply to DS9 as well. I sometimes wonder if the people really watch the episodes or just take notice of their existence, and if they do watch it, if it is only to find all the mistakes.
------------------ "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." A somewhat different Janeway in VOY: "Living Witness" Ex Astris Scientia
The difference between DS9 and Voyager is the characters. On DS9, there are more and more varied characters than on Voyager, which adds a lot to the show.
We must all remember that the makers, writers, producers .. etc. pride themselves in creating a science FICTION show that can be almost believable.
Where I agree to some extent to the original complaint, I must also be devil's advocate and say that details must be recognized by the writers to keep true the passing of time. If a shuttle blows up.. well.. that's one less that Voyager owns. They have to build another one using the scraps.. maybe make mention of that during the course of one ep or something.
I believe that the distances must be closely monitored... Just for realism sake. Remember that Gene Roddenbury wanted STAR TREK to be believable, and I firmly believe that this fact has set the standard for sci-fi shows today. This is what makes STAR TREK the superior Space Sci-fi show on the air today. IT's what I love about it.
You can tell all of us to get a life.. but this is the greatest hobby for some people.
------------------ Alshrim Dax
[This message has been edited by Alshrim Dax (edited November 22, 1999).]
If Roddenbery wanted Trek to be believable, he must be spinning in his grave. Although I think he was more interested on commentary about humanity anyway.
------------------ Frank's Home Page "Anarchias de meizon ouk estin kakon." - Creon
Communicators are essentially long-range walkie-talkies, which existed at the time TOS was made. They work nothing like cell phones. Portable data storage existed also, in the form of tapes.
When were laser surgery or laptops used on TOS?
------------------ Frank's Home Page "Anarchias de meizon ouk estin kakon." - Creon
TOS is not the only STAR TREK series Roddenbury had a hand in. In the mid-eighties, Laptops weren't being used en masse, when TNG came to be.
When in the sixties did you see people talking real-time as they walked down the street of a city.. NOWHERE... Walkie-talkies are one way only.. Then.. in the early nineties...BAMM... Motorola flip phone.
And if you look at the data disks in the origial series... there was nothing in that time that was able to store ANYTHING in a unit that small until now.
I'm saying that he saw things happen before they actually did happened and he used that AND CALLED IT SCIENCE FICTION. Whose to say that the rest of the, yet, unprooven stuff won't actually come into exsistance..
------------------ Alshrim Dax
[This message has been edited by Alshrim Dax (edited November 22, 1999).]
Laptops still existed at the time of TNG, though.
Not even $10 store-bought walkie-talkies are one-way only, and certainly police radios aren't. And, again, cell phones use a network of ground-based antennas and similar equipment in a grid-based overall structure. Trek communicators operate nothing like this; they're just glorified radios.
I predict that jet engines will be half their current size 20 years from now. If this happens, do I get to be a "visionary" too?
------------------ Frank's Home Page "Anarchias de meizon ouk estin kakon." - Creon
Tell you what, Frank. You inspire a future generation of scientists, and when we're all gathered around at the 15th Annual Frankian Convention we'll see what we can do.
------------------ "And if we weren't good to you, Dave, you shouldn't take it all the way to your grave." -- Will Rigby