------------------ Frank's Home Page "He's Satan. And not the good kind. I hate him. If there is a god, I hope Jebus has him fry in hell." - DT, in reference to me
[/Flanders-speak] Frank, don't be such a negative-Nelly! [end /Flanders-speak]
------------------ Dane
"Mathematicians have long held that a million monkeys banging on a million keyboards would eventually reproduce the collected wisdom of the human race. Now, thanks to the internet, we know this is not true." -- Robert Silensky
Frank just likes to bash Voyager to see who he can ***off. These kind of things now get you banned at the BBS. Not that I agree with the bannings, because I don't, on the other hand, if it's drival, like Franks current arguement...
Sprit Folk: I liked it. The Doc was priceless, the rest of the show was humorous, I watched it twice.
Ashes to Ashes: A good Harry episode. Well Done, but; I don't want to see another episode where Harry loses the girl, and I don't want to see another ep where someone catches up with the ship after three years. There was nothing to indicate that the *****i had Trans-Warp, or any other tech that would allow them to catch Voyager. Voyager and DS9 were equally bad about ignoreing distance.
------------------ Fool of a Took, throw yourself in next time!! Gandalf
------------------ Frank's Home Page "He's Satan. And not the good kind. I hate him. If there is a god, I hope Jebus has him fry in hell." - DT, in reference to me
[This message has been edited by The Shadow (edited March 06, 2000).]
I noticed Harry using rations for flowers, and wondered about it. They also said they had to go to the bar to get to the controls, I know that was wrong. The church would have looked better if it had some paintings hanging on the wall, but that's not a big thing. I thought the Doctors part was very entertaining, both the preaching(what does a hologram do on Vacation?) and being hypnotized. I accept him being hypnotized because he had become part of the program, and the shot gun blast shouldn't have caused any damage, but the program was screwed up. Hell, they never should have let the program run and used up all the energy involved, but the show made me laugh, and that's all it was meant for. I wouldn't usually defend an ep so full of holes, but I had a good time watching this one, and Elim is on vacation, so I though I would fill in for him, so eat worms Frank.
As for Ashes to Ashes, I liked it, but it shouldn't have happened. She should never have caught up with Voyager.
------------------ Fool of a Took, throw yourself in next time!! Gandalf
[This message has been edited by Kosh (edited March 06, 2000).]