actually, friends and supporters have to be earned, they aren't given away just for signing up, so i'm not convinced that he has any. hell, i still don't any.
IP: Logged
I'll be your friend. Provided I get a couple hours alone with your pumpkin.
-------------------- The philosopher's stone. Those who possess it are no longer bound by the laws of equivalent exchange in alchemy. They gain without sacrifice and create without equal exchange. We searched for it, and we found it.
Registered: Mar 1999
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Yamashiro Den
in other news, the Giants just blew the fucking Angel's to Hell. down the the halo booyah!
IP: Logged
I noticed the "First TV Drama" site some time ago (I think it was linked from Trektoday). While there are many valid points and a few good laughs, there is overall no consistency in the reviews themselves. No rules, no clear direction, no conclusions. The way they are done they could make fun of each and everything and are just not suited to specifically mock about Enterprise.
But the site is very mild compared to a *real hate site* which is unfortunately in German. That site is claiming to be satire. But actually it is using using the dirtiest possible language and the dullest adolescent arguments to butcher every aspect of Star Trek and specifically Enterprise.
-------------------- Bernd Schneider
Registered: Mar 1999
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I know the guys who run this site for nearly 3 years and they like Star Trek (especially TNG). They've just a very weird way to show that.
-------------------- "Never give up. And never, under any circumstances, no matter what - never face the facts." - Ruth Gordon
Registered: Mar 2000
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You call that "weird" that with every sentence they insult the people who are making the show and who are watching it? This has nothing to do with satire. If at all, it is the most primitive kind of intolerant and childish humor, with clear fascist tendencies. Its only purpose is to entertain dedicated Star Trek haters, and I despise them for that.
-------------------- Bernd Schneider
Registered: Mar 1999
| IP: Logged
Unfortunately I will be gone for the next few days, so I couldn't take part in the debate. But there is indeed a parallel to M*** W*** who also claims that he likes Star Trek. Yes, and Osama bin Laden is a philanthrope.
-------------------- Bernd Schneider
Registered: Mar 1999
| IP: Logged
Gee, exaggerating just a bit? "fascist...Osama Bin Laden..." Its a website people!
Not only do such comments belittle people that have to deal with the real thing out in this little thing we call "the real world", it reminds me of a quote, paraphrased loosely: "Americans are all in favour of free speech, until someone actually uses it."
Lets just say there are much bigger problems in this world to deal with than some attention craving adolescent running a website.
Registered: Mar 1999
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I have no problems with assholes like Wong or the people of st-enterprise, but with the people who listen to them. The stupid ones who just soak up their propaganda and cheer when others are insulted. But also the more intelligent ones who think they must defend their damn right of speech or even some of their ideas. The scale is different, but the symptom is the same as with political hate propaganda. I will never tolerate intolerance!
-------------------- Bernd Schneider
Registered: Mar 1999
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But it is a good way to be in that particular case...
I, hell, anyone could rant like that for any show... and some would make more since....
plus his ideas seem pretty rough, it's gonna take a lot of show time to name everyone, which is where his 1,100 pages probably come from...
-------------------- "You are a terrible human, Ritten." Magnus "Urgh, you are a sick sick person..." Austin Powers A leek too, pretty much a negi.....
Registered: Sep 2000
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Bernd, I agree with your views on the site and it's authors.
But there's one quote that had me ROFL: (Sorry that it's in German but for those who do understand: enjoy!)
quote: "Eben die typische Voyager-Logik, die wir seit Jahren kultisch verehren: Schiff kaputt? Die Decks 3 bis 5 treiben nach einem Kampf teilnahmslos im All? Kein Problem! - Der Uhu im Haus erspart den Zimmermann!
Vorbei die Zeiten, in denen nach w�sten Raumk�mpfen ein l�ngerer Aufenthalt in einer Raumstation angesagt war: Heute kittet Naomi Wildman H�llenbr�che mit Spucke, w�hrend die Badewanne des Captains zur neuen Warpgondel umgebaut wird... "
That was my feeling exactly during most part of Voyager's run.
-------------------- Lister: Don't give me the "Star Trek" crap! It's too early in the morning. - Red Dwarf "The Last Day"
Registered: Nov 1999
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"Evenly the typical Voyager logic, which we admire for years ritually: Ship broken? Deck 3 to 5 float after a fight participateless in the universe? No problem! - the eagle owl in the house saves the Carpenter!
"Past the times, in which after wild space fights a longer stay was announced in a space station: Today Naomi Wildman cements covering breaks with spits, while the bath tub of the Captains is converted to the new Warpgondel..."