In Endgame, the Nova class ship was not only different from the Equidox but also bigger. It appears to be about the same size of the 2 Negh'Var class ships. It also appeared that she also was quite powerful compared to those two vessels.
------------------ The whole concept of Survivor is get your average Joe and put him/her on the show and see how they react. Afterwards even though they did not win they make money by appearing on shows. There is no point in having to win a million dollars! They will make that amount in 2 months after appearing on 100 different shows!
Actually, it appeared much smaller than the Klingon ships to me.
------------------ Frank's Home Page Audience: *applauds* John Linnell: "Thank're much too kind. And we're going to prove it to you right now."
You think the Nova was as large as the Negh'vars??? Then how big do you think Janeway's shuttle was when it was flying next to the Rhode Island? Using that logic, it would have to be at least as big as a Miranda class starship!
------------------ Lisa: "OK, now we're gonna pick jobs out of the chore hat. Dad, you go first." Homer: "Come on, bikini inspector...scrub toilet! Ohhhwww...OK, that was a practice..."
Nah, that ship was the same size as Equinox. (And I'm sure they used the same CGI model too, only with a few modifications.) The scene with the Negh'vars was just because the Rhode Island was a lot closer to the camera. That's all.
As for relative power, we got very little info about those Klingon ships, so we can't be sure just how badly they were damaged. And further, they STILL made it into the rift, so Captain Harry wasn't totally successful in keeping them away. (In fairness, though, all he really needed to do was keep them away long enough for Janeway to make it into the rift. She handled the rest.)
The Rhode Island was over the two Klingon ships so if the RI was closer to the camera, the two Neh'Vars would be even closer. I'm not entirely convinced that this was that "close-ranged, Warp 8 science vessel" that we are all familier with. First of all the RI could take the damage that those two Klingon ships were dishing out. The USS Pastuer which amazingly she fought two Klingon ships of almost the same design in the same time frame and took heavy damage in a few minutes.
------------------ The whole concept of Survivor is get your average Joe and put him/her on the show and see how they react. Afterwards even though they did not win they make money by appearing on shows. There is no point in having to win a million dollars! They will make that amount in 2 months after appearing on 100 different shows!
The Pasteur was attacked by two decloaking Klingon ships. They didn't realize they were under attack until they WERE under attack.
The Pasteur is also a medical ship. If armed, it's probably not armed very heavily.
The Rhode Island was going into combat, with defenses ready, and weapons armed. Given the advanced tech the Federation seems to enjoy, it's not unreasonable to assume that the RI was equipped to kick anyone's ass.
------------------ Star Trek Gamma Quadrant Average Rated 8.32 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with seven eps posted) *** "Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!" -Omega 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001 *** Card-Carrying Member of the FlareAPAO *** "I think this reason why girls don't do well on multiple choice tests goes all the way back to the Bible, all the way back to Genesis, Adam and Eve. God said, 'All right, Eve, multiple choice or multiple orgasms, what's it going to be?' We all know what was chosen" - Rush Limbaugh, Feb. 23, 1994.
If we're assuming that this is the Equidox type Nova than it would very stupid to send her because even though she might be heavily armed than a Olympic class ship, she is no match for 2 Negh'Vars which could be consdered equals or better than a Galaxy class ship.
One on one a Nova class vs. the Olympic class I don't think that there would be a big weapon power advantage. The USS Pastuer even though she surprised, she did get her shields up and lasted only a very minutes in what appeared that the Klingons were taking their time in destroying her.
------------------ The whole concept of Survivor is get your average Joe and put him/her on the show and see how they react. Afterwards even though they did not win they make money by appearing on shows. There is no point in having to win a million dollars! They will make that amount in 2 months after appearing on 100 different shows!
------------------ "If Morden is afraid of green penguins, and Draal is shown to have access to them, a speculation would be that Draal will use them against Morden in the future. However if Draal only has a purple moose, saying that he could use it against Morden would be a story idea."
Whaddaya mean you can't just "build a ship smaller?" Look at the Oberth. I'm sure there have been many discussions on this topic, but it has been represented in many different sizes. And we have two different deck counts according to two different episodes. Now I don't agree with the concept, but it exists, so you can't just throw the idea out the window.
-------------------- "A celibate clergy is an especially good idea because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism."
-Eleanor Arroway, "Contact" by Carl Sagan
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I believe it is a Nova class, jus a modification of what we saw earlier. It's like the Constitutions, the Mirandas, the Excelsiors, the Nebulas, and so on. Even though it looks different, there isn't that much that was changed. There are exceptions to this rule like the TOS and movie Connies and the Soyuz class, but these are exceptions. Unless made clear that it's another class by TPTB, I'm assuming it's a Nova.
-------------------- Is it Friday yet?
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