-------------------- Justice inclines her scales so that wisdom comes at the price of suffering. -Aeschylus, Agamemnon
Registered: Aug 2002
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No, I'm sure it's all being bought by people who. . .
No, sorry, I can't even come up with a sarcastic reply here. What villainous agency do you imagine is doing the purchasing?
Considering that lump sum of one or two million dollars donated to that Save Enterprise campaign of a few years ago, I'd say the sense/money ratio among fandom is quite capable of accomodating this.
Registered: Mar 1999
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CNN reports the Voyager prop sold for a whopping $132,000.00 today- the highest selling thing in the auction thus far.
I mean, it's Voyager. I could build ya a model of that.
Maybe it was bought by an insane Jeri Ryan with intent of making really bad fan films with the ship doing barrell-rolls...
-------------------- Justice inclines her scales so that wisdom comes at the price of suffering. -Aeschylus, Agamemnon
Registered: Aug 2002
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quote:Originally posted by Jason Abbadon: I mean, it's Voyager. I could build ya a model of that.
Maybe it was bought by an insane Jeri Ryan with intent of making really bad fan films with the ship doing barrell-rolls...
She could well argue that we saw it do almost that in the series. Remember when Voyager flipped end on end before zooming off into warp? That was delightful.
I think Voyager will end up in the atrium of a multinational company that has nothing whatsoever to do with Star Trek, but wants to look "cool".
How depressing. Thing is - Model Voyager was only used up to second season - CGI Voyager was used afterwards.
Model DS9 and Enterprise-D was there the whole time.
Is the christies website going to show what each item went for??
Listening (alas I don't have the right media player) to the auction on history.com one communicator went for over $1000!!!!!
Some costume that went for like $2000 dollars was followed by a comment from the auctioneer along the lines of "Congratulations on your expensive halloween costume".
-------------------- "Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica." - Jim Halpert. (The Office)
You know I just tried to watch the bidding online using Windows Media Player, but the framerate is so bad it looks like a slideshow. Anybody know how to fix this? I hate Windows Media Player.
Registered: Feb 2005
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Dear god, I'm listening to it(I get what is more or less a slide show as well, think it's probably a bandwidth thing), a 3D chess set started at $600 and went up to $11,000. The way the woman doing the auction is talking, she doesn't seem very professional. Something she just said "why waste time with the lower numbers, eh?"
Shows how little they think of Trek...even though it's netting them a mint and tons of press. Fuckos.
-------------------- Justice inclines her scales so that wisdom comes at the price of suffering. -Aeschylus, Agamemnon
Registered: Aug 2002
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Yeah, some lady at the showing said that normally this stuff (referring to the props and models) would be thrown away, but lucky they managed to find people actually willing to buy it.
Registered: Feb 2005
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Starship database: completed; History of Starfleet: done; website: probably never
Member # 343
. . . Not because they're selling this stuff off, though: Anyone willing/stupid enough to part with this kind of money would presumably be enough of a fan to gladly lend back any props, costumes or models they'd bought, for filming purposes.
But the cost will be too high!
The cost, you ask? Didn't I say they'd lend it back? Well, yes, but what favour would be demanded in return? I think we all know. . .
The chance to appear onscreen, potentially in Starfleet uniform, as an extra at the very least (hell, some of the big spenders will probably want lines!). And given how, statistically, any average rabid Trek fan will be able to tick at least two of the boxes labelled "upholstered," "hirsute" and "bespectacled," you're going to end up with the crew of the Enterprise looking like the people of Springfield in that ep where everyone gets really fat and Marge gets sugar made illegal.
That's gonna be a dealbreaker. So, finito Treko, next Stargato.
Starship database: completed; History of Starfleet: done; website: probably never
Member # 343
Shit, I might be able to act but I wouldn't want to be onscreen with any sort of speaking part. "Nameless Dead Guy #7" would be OK. And even then, I'd probably just want to the pal around the art department instead.
-------------------- "The French have a saying: 'mise en place'—keep everything in its fucking place!"
Registered: Jun 2000
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First, this in now way signals the end of Trek. It does signal the end of the 'ol "stolen/mis-placed" prop routine that led to us never seeing the Ambassador after Emissary and a likely goodbye to the eras of trek we've loved...it also means that starships will be only digital when seen again (no suprise there, just depressing).
I was pretty suprised at all the stuff not auctioned off though: None of the BOBW or Excelsior study models. Picard's chair from TNG (possibly auctioned off prior, I suppose). None of the DS9 kitbashes (except the poor Yeager). I was particularly suprised that the crashed "D" saucers were not sold.
That does not imply that we'll ever see any of these again, only that the paramount gang got to go through and save whatever was unlikely to be missed. I'd love to see the Okuda's garage!
Hmmm....I bet a lot of stuff goes to the Star Trek experience in Las Vegas- might be worth another trip out there...
-------------------- Justice inclines her scales so that wisdom comes at the price of suffering. -Aeschylus, Agamemnon
Registered: Aug 2002
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Yes here is a link to an article about the E-D.
What did DS9 go for? It should be $1000000!!
A handful of dirt from the crash scene of the E-D in Generations would probably have gone for a shit load of money. Did anyone listen to the big items at history.com? I only listened to bits with low items which still went more than their asking price (I was following on the website with all the pictures). One communicator went for $1000+!!
Even the skants went for a lot!
What did the audience do when the E-D went for so much!?!
Actually - I was just thinking - the side of Paramount that are selling this stuff is different to the side of Paramount that runs the Las Vegas experience - isn't it? Do you think that they might be buying it for themselves!?!
Hmmm what other things didn't they auction that you think they would have??
The horse-shoe from the E-D? Replicators? Janeway's Chair? Sisko's models and clock? A Targ? Korvan Gilvos? Hyposprays? Soran's phaser? The Stargazer from Picard's ready room? The 4 foot E-D?
Did they sell the Runabout!?!
Registered: Mar 1999
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