Just curious, the Apollo-class USS Gage NCC-11672 was supposed to have been destroyed at Wolf 359. Wouldn't it make a lot of sense if there actually WAS a wrecked ship of that type present SOMEWHERE in BoBW2 or the pilot of DS9??? Going by it's registry, maybe the burning Consititution-class saucer seen in BoBW2 was marked as the Gage? According to Bernd's site, Mike Okuda is pretty sure it was the saucer from ST3, but maybe they decided that since it would be seen close up on screen, they would put assign a name and registry to it? Also, maybe the wrecked Constitution secondary hull seen in the same episode is part of the ship? Any opinions or ideas about this?
[This message has been edited by Grapeape (edited July 09, 2000).]
Alpha Centauri
Usually seen somewhere in the Southern skies
Member # 338
Just a thought: the Constitution secondary hull might be part of a real Constitution. It makes at least a bit sense: they could have taken old, decommissioned ships from surplus depots, and put them in the battle as automated flying bombs.
------------------ Advertisement in the United Federation NewsPADD, SD 53675:
"Now for sale at your local dealer: Antares class vessels, as good as new! They can shapeshift! Everybody in the galaxy has one! Now for only $800!"
Sure, Constitutions could have been turned into unmanned flying bombs - being totally obsolete, and given that there might still be some sitting in "mothballs", it is definately plausible. But what I'm saying about the Apollo, since the registry starts with "11" and we've seen Mirandas with both four digit registries and later ones with five digit registries beginning with "20" and "21", then the Apollo class could easily be a contemporary of these ships. Therefore, a constitution primary hull seems appropriate, and maybe also a constitution secondary hull, possibly slightly modernized in some way. We'be also seen Constellation-class ships with four digit registries beginning with "9" and some old four-digit registry Excelsiors, so maybe the Apollo is really based on the Consitiution with some Constellation or Excelsior-like improvements, given the time frame of their design/construction?
IP: Logged
Well, meanwhile, we saw what were apparently Apollos in "Unification" anyway...
------------------ Frank's Home Page "Canadian bacon is called that because it's made from Canadians. And while I'm on the subject, could you people cut back on the fish and rodents and eat more fruits and berries? It would vastly improve your flavor, in my opinion." - Simon Sizer
Right. The Encyclopedia says that's an Apollo.
(BTW, "von" hat viele englische �bersetzungen. )
------------------ Frank's Home Page "Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer
The name "U.S.S. Gage" was mentioned only in a previous version of the script, although Okuda listed it in the Encyclopedia for some reason. The ship is mentioned nowhere in the episode, and there was probably no model built to represent it or the Apollo class in either Emissary or BobW.
BTW, I saw a documentary on the Discovery Channel years ago about the making of Emissary. They actually blew up about 3 or 4 different Saratoga models before they got just the right effect. That "floating saucer" looked like one of the models the effects guys blew up.
------------------ Captain Tenille: "Oh, Simpson, you're like the son I never had." Homer: "And you're like the father I never visit."
I don't see any correction about the T'Pau...
(Sag das meinem deutschen Lehrer. )
------------------ Frank's Home Page "Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer
You're right, but I still believe that this is an error. Maybe someone thought that the T'Pau has to be an Apollo-class-vessel, because its registration number is so similar to (? ) the numbers of the Apollo-class-ships.
------------------ "No matter where you go, there you are."
Alpha Centauri
Usually seen somewhere in the Southern skies
Member # 338
Back to the appearance of the Apollo:
Grapeape, you suggest that it might employ Constitution and Excelsior components. Those Const hulls would certainly not make up an entirely new class. If you assemble a ship from both Constitution primary and secondary hulls, you actually have a variant, or some kind of refit, that certainly would not deserve a seperate class name (shut up about Soyuz, OK? ), so it won't be Apollo. Not to mention the obvious problems that arise with kitbashes. Bernd's site has an excellent article about the disadvantages of kitbashing, BTW, and I agree with him.
I therefore speculate that both hulls are parts from different ships, and are not necessarily the Gage.
------------------ Advertisement in the United Federation NewsPADD, SD 53675:
"Now for sale at your local dealer: Antares class vessels, as good as new! They can shapeshift! Everybody in the galaxy has one! Now for only $800!"
But following that logic, wouldn't that make the Nebula class a variant? I mean, it does use some new components as compared to the Galaxy-class (most notably the various pods it can be fitted with)but the basic engines, saucer, and secondary hull are extremely similar, because it is a contemporary of that time period. But it is undoubtedly a different class - there is enough different to warrant it as so, it's not a simple modification. Just as the Apollo could be a different class that uses the Consititution primary and secondary hulls, but in a different configuration, with, who knows, maybe different, more advanced engines or other unique features...
IP: Logged
Hey, that thing about blown-up Saratoga models sounds very good. This must be a blown-up scale model kit, since nobody would blow up a photographic model for background debris. But why would anybody blow up even a scale model kit for background debris, when the scene showed an early stage of the battle with ships still intact and fighting? Circumstances must have conspired to produce wreckage for use even though the modelmakers didn't specifically call for it.
Of course, this could still be the remains of the destroyed Excelsior, which should still be floating around from a story point of view. But the saucer definitely looks like a Miranda/Constitution/Constellation one, and only the first two have scale model kits. And why would the VFX folks have used a Constitution if they didn't need random debris?
Starfleet seems to favour kitbashes of existing ship classes. I'm voting for a new kitbash.
Alpha Centauri: Cool signatures! If you look into to some of the posts made a few months ago you may find one in a similar fashion I made about the Prometheus.
------------------ "I think I speak for everyone here when I say, 'Huh?'." - Buffy