So tell my Harry, is that a DY-732 nose cone on your ship, or are you just happy to see me?
Seriously though that's some good progress. Although I wouldn't be a very good fellow artist if I didn't offer some friendly criticism. First off the ramscoop looks little too read, try shifting it slightly into orange and maybe use a transparent gradient to show some underlying structure, namely the little bulbs and spinning things seen on the E-nil.
If I recall correctly the original painting on which I'm assuming this is based had a brightly yellow/orange coloured crew section. If this is a little too loud for your tastes, try applying the colour to the cargo pods alone.
Again with the colouring, try making the radiation shield (?) a slightly darker shade of grey than the rest of the hull, to indicate it's specific function.
Finally the markings might look more authentic if you used the Friendship One motif. However do I understand that this is not to everyone's liking.
Definitely not No deltas on my ships please. My explanation is that UESPA does the scientific work (hence the "Probe") and the Solar Fleet the defensive and logistic tasks.
I know the model has a brightly orange crew section. But this is NOT the supposed to be the same ship. However, I am planning on having some of the bright color return on the forward hull.
I indeed used your DY chart for some typical DY structures. Originally, the 'cargo pods' were much larger, but I had to move them a little to allow for the connecting arm. And then it looked even more like your DY-732