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Daniel Butler
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Producer: "Dude, say shit."
Shanks: "What? No. That's totally unnecessary and it's unlike my character."
Producer: "Dude, we're not on TV anymore with this. We can say shit! Do it! Say shit!"
Shanks: "...That's not a very good argument as to why it's artistically neces - "
Producer: "DO IT FAGGOT! [Big Grin] "

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I thought it was actually a quite touching moment. Daniel realizes he's probably going to die frozen and alone at the north pole and he's like "Oh, shit." Much better than Data's Oh shit moment.

I quite liked seeing all those system lords again. Cronos got a better costume. Also, the visuals on the Goa'uld "viewscreen" was rather nifty.

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Mark Nguyen
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Yu came back, and Yu didn't say nuthin'! Camulus, Cronos, Nirrti, and that OTHER GUY WE NEVER SAW BEFORE had lines, but Yu just STOOD there? What's UP witch'YU, MAN?!


"This is my timey-wimey detector. Goes ding when there's stuff." - Doctor Who
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Spoilers below just in case.

I was waiting to find out at the end, that the captain of the Achilles was actually Cam and that he was his own grandfather.

I loved the effects in this movie, with the Goa'uld fleet bombarding Earth, but the plot left me underwhelmed. It might have been ok as a 2-parter, but as a stand-alone movie? Not so much. It's the same with the Ark of Truth, it had the potential to be great, but fell short of the mark IMO. Perhaps I was expecting too much of the films, but I had been hoping for something along the lines of The Peacekeeper Wars, which was a great stand-alone movie.

Anyways a good hour and a half's viewing, but not as good as I was hoping for.

On a side note, I hadn't realised the next season of Atlantis starts soon. I was expecting to wait for months.

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Spoilers below.

Originally posted by Mark Nguyen:
Yu came back, and Yu didn't say nuthin'! Camulus, Cronos, Nirrti, and that OTHER GUY WE NEVER SAW BEFORE had lines, but Yu just STOOD there? What's UP witch'YU, MAN?!


That other guy would be Ra. Though the actor playing him was nowhere near as pretty as the one from the film.

Originally posted by Josh:

Here's my issues with the film.

- Richard Dean is in it for about 5 minutes of total screen time.

Seamed like longer to me. But on the plus side Charlie was alive...so by changing the timeline back they killed him...again. I wonder why that wasn't brought up.


- As I mentioned before, they hit the almighty reset button, ala "Year of Hell".

Not exactly. After all there is (or was) a very old Cameron Mitchell running around somewhere.


- At an hour and a half,it's about the same length as a two part episode of SG1, and the plot isn't even, for lack of a better word "epic" as the TV show two parters.

Migs vs Deathgliders, DC being bombarded from space, most of the old system lords back in town, Daniel loses a leg? This is by you not epic?
They did the whole galactic war thing in the Ark of Truth, this one was about Earth.


- The bad guy was decent, but he was dispatched in a pretty underwhelming way.

But they dispatched him THREE times. That kinda makes up for it and on the plus side the host is now free so the actor may return.


- I swear to god, is there any freaking parallel universe that T'ealc ISN'T someone's First Prime?

Well since his old man was a first prime, is it so surprising? Is there any parallel universe where Sam wasn't a scientist of some kind?

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Teh PW
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maybe i'm missing something here... but this was aired how? made-for-Scifi movie or Direct-to-DVD event? I didn't even know this was coming out...

of course, it's not like ya'll be talking about in antisapation (accusing stares at all ya'all)...

[Big Grin]

*shrug* Ready, shoot, aim.

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It is released as a direct-to-DVD movie. That hasn't been released yet.

I haul cardboard and cardboard accessories

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Daniel Butler
I'm a Singapore where is my boat
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Teh Intarwebs got hold of it.

I haven't watched it yet but I want to mention that "epic battles" and "epic effects" doesn't equate to "epic plot."

Registered: Jul 2005  |  IP: Logged
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Am I the only person who actually waited for the DVD to come out? Anyway, reactions...
Originally posted by Josh:
- The bad guy was decent, but he was dispatched in a pretty underwhelming way.

Are you kidding me? Baal's look of surprise as he stepped out of the Stargate and realized that Mitchell was waiting for him was absolutely classic. The perfect end to a villain, when he realizes that his master plan has failed. (Yet not ruined by a clichéd shout of "NOOOOOOOO!")

There's one rather big plot hole: if Teal'c and Vala disappeared immediately — presumably because they were among Baal's biggest priorities, and would've been "recruited" first in his alternate timeline — then why didn't Mitchell also disappear, since he had never been born in the first place? (Yeah yeah, it would ruin the story...)

Also, nobody mentioned Apophis getting killed once more for old time's sake!

Overall, definitely a worty installment. To me, Stargate has never been about the groundbreaking, cutting-edge stories the way Galactica or Farscape have been. Stargate is good for solid, interesting, and entertaining stories. I think the biggest weakness of the story is that the four team members were broken up through a chunk of it... especially because there was no Teal'c with SG-1 most of the time.

Of course, Teal'c makes up for it with his totally badass "JAFFA!" shout and blowing up Qetesh.

So, maybe it wasn't as spectacular as the studio hyped it up to be, but I think it was still overall satisfying. ...Kinda like Baal's execution, I guess; some part of you might feel like saying "that's it?" but it's very satisfying nonetheless. [Wink]

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Daniel Butler
I'm a Singapore where is my boat
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I......die.......free. *Qetesh sees the grenade*

Yeah...that was a good redemption for Teal'c not being there most of the time.

This brings up something in my mind again - Teal'c has experienced 50 years of an alternate timeline, in "Unending." Shouldn't he have some kind of psychological effects from that?

Registered: Jul 2005  |  IP: Logged
I'm... from Earth.
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Probably. But, you may have noticed : dude's kinda stoic.

Now, leaving aside, for the moment, the fact that they can't seem to decide if they want single-timeline time travel or a many-worlds approach, I'm confused by the ending. Did alternaMitchell stay alive from the 1930s on? If so, did he somehow pass his story down through the family? If not, who does restored original Mitchell think is in that photograph? Does he think it's just another relative, and that his family has a habit of all looking identical?

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Having re watched it and caught up more on Boal's story arc from the end of the series (I hadn't seen the last two seasons when I initially commented) I can say I enjoyed more, but I'm still not crazy about the reset button. I would have liked to have seen Daniel's loss of his leg continue with his character.
Registered: Jul 2006  |  IP: Logged
Daniel Butler
I'm a Singapore where is my boat
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Yeah, me too. It was interesting to see a really depressed Daniel; even when his motivations for continuing to be a part of SGC was finding Sha're, he wasn't really depressed as a character. It would've been neat to see how his character would handle getting over the limitations imposed on an SG team member with compromised movement and agility. (Although since the show's over I guess we really wouldn't see it much anyway - but I would *really* like to see Daniel on Atlantis, it seems the perfect place for an Ancient-loving, once-Ascended archaeologist! Maybe he could even be the civilian in charge instead of Woolsey...)
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Mark Nguyen
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Daniel isn't the management / leader type - he's had trouble keeping even one assistant over the years.

But I would expect him to show up on Atlantis. In, oh, six episodes or so...


"This is my timey-wimey detector. Goes ding when there's stuff." - Doctor Who
The 404s - Improv Comedy | Mark's Starship Bridge Designs | Anime Alberta

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Aban Rune
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Finally watched it and thought it was pretty good. Lot's of cool drool-worthy stuff. Seeing all the old System Lords again (especially Nirrti), Teal'c back in the armor, O'Niell, Ba'al getting sliced in half, Apophis getting top-knotted... all very cool.

Here's my plot-hole question: Mitchell flare-gates off Praxia to go back to 1929... where did he come out? Two possibilities: 1) Earth - Big problem as Earth's gates were buried in Egypt and at the bottom of an Antarctic cravass. 2) Praxia - Another problem as he's now stranded on another planet with no way to get to Earth.

The most likely possibility is Praxia, as we've seen the wormhole loop back to the original gate in time travel eps before. He would've had 10 years to hook up with some Jaffa, Tokra or other space-capable race and get back to Earth in time to stow away on the Achilles. He would still have been able to use the Gate to find some future allies. And the guy is pretty resourceful. Just would've been nice if they didn't totally side-step it.

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