Frank all I was saying was that it was a nice touch how the TF's ships looked similar to the design of the ships that will be used by the Empire.
And how the Republic ship in the beginning of TPM looked similar to the Rebellion's ships.
Meaning that the Rebellion would be using old out-dated technology from the Republic era. While the Empire would have new and advanced technology, perhaps using Trade Federation as a means for procurring resources and ship design technology.
------------------ Thornbird: "I'm Major Robert Thornbird. And you are?" O'Neill: "Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise." This post sponsered in part by the Federation Starship Datalink
Noty if the technologies on those ships are severely outdated. It would be like saying that the wooden ships a century and a half ago was still here they would be right now the flagships of the US's fleet. The only wooden ship in still active service is the USS Constitution although not serving a real active role in anything.
------------------ Predict the unpredictable, but how do you unpredict the unpredictable?
Well, the Empire is the ultimate bureaucracy, with a supreme leader on top of a very complicated hierarchy.
The thing is that bureaucracy naturally counteracts change and creativity. Say a brilliant young imperial scientist comes up with a great solution. Then the people over him get angry because they didn't think of it themselves and he makes them look bad. Then the scientist will be happy if he can keep his windpipes.
Therefor the working people in the Empire probably took it easy and tried to stay average so that they may live. Plus, they probably wouldn't get the credit for it anyway, if we use Vader's interaction with the officer in the beginning of ROTJ as a dipstick. Flat out death-threats, should the quota not be met. Nice working-environment.
------------------ Ready for the action now, Dangerboy Ready if I'm ready for you, Dangerboy Ready if I want it now, Dangerboy? How dare you, dare you, Dangerboy? How dare you, Dangerboy? I dare you, dare you, Dangerboy...
�on Flux, "Thanatophobia"
[This message has been edited by Nimrod (edited August 08, 2000).]
Well, there was a thread about this elsewhere...basically, the rapid change of the past century or two is very abnormal, and there is a point at which all the useful technologies will be discovered.
------------------ Frank's Home Page "I love you all. Now shut up. Danke." - Simon Sizer
Say, about those ships. Apparently, Victory-class star destroyers are rather old. Say perhaps near the fall of the Republic they came into service? Palpatine decided to make larger versions, and the Imperator-class was born.
------------------ "Fragile. Do not drop" --posted on a Boeing 757
I suppose that makes sense. But, obviously, the Executor is completely Imperial. Hmm. Those SSDs... Makes me wonder... *starts a new thread*
------------------ "The kingdom of God is inside you, and all around you; not in a building of stone or wood. Split a piece of wood, and I will be there. Lift a stone, and you will find me." -The Gospel of Jesus, Stigmata