I'm truly surprised that we have had no negative comments from our friends in europe regarding how cheap our gas is compared to ours or why we ought to use public transportation. They regularly pay vast amounts for gasoline compared to us, though I'm sure if their prices soared by 20-100% (depending on the location in the U.S. you check, that's about how much our prices have increased) then we'd hear them howling just as much, if not more.
One of the reasons I believe that solar power isn't widely used is because who pays for it? No one can control the sun, outside of paying for the solar generator that converts the energy to power your house, the billion-dollar energy companies would go practically bankrupt. Afterall why pay for electric or gas when you have an unlimited energy source that's clean and efficent. And because no one would make any money, none of these companies are interested in creating a solar power generator. Not to mention the government which makes money on conventional energy would also loose a lot of money. They can't possibly tax you on using the sun, or shut it off if you don't make your sun payments.
The same with the electric car concept, it would kill Exxon because you don't buy gas anymore.
I know it sounds very conspiracy theory-ish, but the reason solar or electric isn't widely used is because no one wants it to be.
------------------ "If at first you don't succeed, skydiving isn't for you." Federation Starship Datalink - On that annoying Tripod server.
Saiyanman Benjita 2012. This time, why not the worst?
Member # 122
Baloo. You are correct on the 20 -100%, though here in Lansing, MI, it's been about 110% (79 cents a year ago today to $1.68 today.)
------------------ Well I'm a Bada$$ cowboy living in a cowboy day wicky-wicky-wak yo yo bang bang me and Artemus Clydefrog go save Selma Hayek from the big metal spider Wicky-wicky-wak wicky-wicky-wicky-wak Bada$$ cowboy from the West Si-yiide
Gas here is close to $1.60 again for regular.... HOWEVER, I could care less! *smiles because she just got a new car with MUCH better gas milage than her old one* I'm still saving money ;-)
I just noticed that it's $1.74 for regular here was only something like $1.57 last week. D'oh!
------------------ Frank's Home Page June is National Accordion Awareness Month. "I usually feature the accordion on three or four songs every album, which is three or four more accordion-based songs than most Top 40 albums have." - Weird Al Yankovic
Now who's stupid for not owning a car! Bawee!
------------------ "Ultra Magnus is Undeniably Fun!" David Stevens, New York Magazine. "Total Complete excitement from start to finish!" -WPIX-TV, New York "This isn't a thrill ride, it's a rocket..." -Richard Caves, Time Magazine.
Well, some of us don't have people to chauffeur us around, or live within walking distance of everything, or have public transportation, or whatever...
------------------ Frank's Home Page June is National Accordion Awareness Month. "I usually feature the accordion on three or four songs every album, which is three or four more accordion-based songs than most Top 40 albums have." - Weird Al Yankovic
I don't have anything like that either. I just stay chained in the basement, so I don't need to go out. I'm not kidding.
------------------ "Ultra Magnus is Undeniably Fun!" David Stevens, New York Magazine. "Total Complete excitement from start to finish!" -WPIX-TV, New York "This isn't a thrill ride, it's a rocket..." -Richard Caves, Time Magazine.
1. There are around a dozen oil spills per year, although most of them are smaller or farther offshore than Valdez. You don't hear about them, because... well, G.E. owns NBC, and so on. And because not all of them take place in the U.S.
2. The idea behind our getting solar power stations is to have it FIRST. Then, while providing ourselves with cheaper energy (remember, it will still take a while to offset the initial gigantic investment, so a power compant could still charge for the station's creation, upkep, security, etc), we can SELL our surplus to other countries, simultaneously making a buck AND undercutting the power of the OPEC nations. Plus, if an electric company could get a solar station... all the ecology-conscious people would switch over, so another company would want one, and so on, and staying ahead of the game would require diversification, further use... asteroid mining... off-Earth prospecting... the trend could well be irreversible.
------------------ "Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi
First, I was merely talking about how we could get more gas, not other energy sources. Besides, we still haven't found (to my knowledge) a way to power heavier equipment wit the sun; semis, tanks, and shuttles. I think solar power will come, I just think it will be while longer.
And gas seems to up here for the weekends, too! ------------------ If you don't believe in what I say or the God I speak of I guess you'll just have to meet me so the Lord and I can convert you.
[This message has been edited by bryce (edited June 02, 2000).]
Orion Syndicate
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!
Member # 25
We pay about 80-85 pence a litre, I don't know what it is per gallon because I never used that unit. The actual price of the petrol is about 10-15 pence a litre with the rest being taxation for the government coffers.
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We have a price of around $4.40/galon over here asuming 1 dollar = 1 euro.
------------------ "From where I'm sitting now, the plot is manacled to a monorail with a GPS system stapled to its buttocks." - Jim Wright, about 'Unimatrix Zero'