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Author Topic: I have no place else to go with this
Mikey T
Member # 144

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Wait, why would anyone need alcohol to be social? I find that strange, I've seen what happens to people drunk at social interactions; they act like total idiots and morons.

The world is not enough, but it is such a perfect place to start my love
And if you're strong enough, together we can take the world apart my love

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First of Two
Better than you
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"drinking" does not necessarily equal "drunk," which is one of the things that Liam was trying to point out, I think.

The misperception that it does is one of the things TheTom just pointed out.

Quate frankly, we on the other side of the pond are MUCH more uptight than we make the Brits out to be.

WE'RE the ones with the problem about alcohol, and I can tell from some of the British TV I've watched that WE'RE the ones with the sexual hang-ups, not them.

We're a sick, sick culture. I blame the Fundies. They started the whole "alcohol and sex are evil" cultural things, thereby creating the backlash that leads to binge drinkers, and such.

"Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Frank G
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"Frank, as someone who's lived in Europe, I must tell you that the entire attitude towards alcohol is so different that it is really hard to grap if all you've known is the 'alcohol is eeeevil' mentality of the US."

It causes health problems, it impairs one's judgement and self-control, it has no practical use, and it's widely available. Now, tell me with a straight face that this mentality is wrong.

"Furthering the above problem is the general North American attitude of keeping booze away from teens at any cost. Its disgusting, really. Nothing is a greater cause of accidents than crowds of drunken, rowdy teens with no idea how to handle alcohol except to binge on it."

Oh, gee, who's fault is that? Maybe the crowds of rowdy teens? But, if you're not in the mood to blame those who are actually causing the problem, how about all the adults who are drinking, thus setting a bad example?

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"Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Hungry for you
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Your mentality is wrong.

First is right. Most people don't automatically want get hammered when they go to the pub. I usually save that for birthdays, celebrations, or getting a shag.

"Again, what are you getting drunk for? Because it alters your behavior, or because all your friends do the same thing? Or some other reason?"

As Tom was trying to point out, it doesn't work like that. Drinking isn't something you do cause you friends are doing it, any more than drinking Coke is.
I drink it because it makes a change from soft drinks and tea, because it helps me to relax, and because it allows me to have a different type of fun that if I wasn't drinking.

Look, pretty much everyone I know has had a hang-over by the time they were 16. This is notin itself a bad thing. Once you've had a hangover, that's when alcohol stops being "uh, uh, lets get drunk", and becomes a social drink. Almost everyone who goes to the pub knows what they are doing. If these are people having a drink after work on a Tuesdaym they'll have a couple, then go home. If they are people celbrating someone's 30 birthday, then they'll probably get roaring pissed.

The thing is, what do you assume most places in the UK are like after 11? (Which is when the pubs close. Stupid old fashioned law). Sure, in certain places there are a few drunk people walking around, especialyl on a Friday. Sure they'll be acting a bit silly, but so what? They're not harming themselves by singing "Three Lions" really loudly in the middle of London. And they' not violent.

The type of people who get drunk to hide away from their lives, who get violent when they're drunk also exist in America. If they cam eover here, they'd do the same thing, and if ours wnet over there, they'd still get drunk and violent. But the majority of people, who if raised in the US would never touch alcohol were raised in Europe, they probable would go to the pub, and have social drinks, and occasionally get hammered, because they're normal, well-adjusted people.

If say, Simon came over here to stay for a year, I'd probably end up dragging him to the pub at one point. And, who knows, he might even start going every week. It wouldn't change him into a dribbling, alcohol addicted monster. He'd be the same person (although probably less tired, since he wouldn't be working on a farm. And he might even get a shag out of it).

Besides, being drunk often leads to sex. Apparently. So it has that at least.

"I can't believe we're actually gonna meet Guru Lou. Everyone says he's the wisest man in the universe. He's sensitive, creative, has a great sense of humour, and he's a really smooth dancer. *giggles*"
"You're confused Polly. We're not meeting Paul Newman."
- Polly & Speedy; Samurai Pizza Cats

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Frank G
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"Your mentality is wrong."

Then address my points above.

"I drink it because it makes a change from soft drinks and tea,"

Well, so would bleach, but not many people drink that.

"because it helps me to relax,"


"and because it allows me to have a different type of fun that if I wasn't drinking."

You're not being very specific. What type of fun is this? The kind where you imagine you're in a different, alcohol-induced reality?

"Look, pretty much everyone I know has had a hang-over by the time they were 16. This is notin itself a bad thing."

Because hangovers are so very pleasant? I'd say that it is a bad thing, especially since the liver can't process alcohol properly at that age, thus leading to problems later in life. Again, what are you doing this to yourself for?

"Besides, being drunk often leads to sex. Apparently. So it has that at least."

Like the world isn't overpopulated enough already...

Frank's Home Page
"Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer

[This message has been edited by The Shadow (edited July 13, 2000).]

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
I'm... from Earth.
Member # 31

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Frank: I think you need to be a little more careful picking which points to argue against...

"because it helps me to relax,"

It's a depressant. Of course it helps him to relax...

Now, on the other hand, Liam...

Once you've had a hangover, that's when alcohol stops being "uh, uh, lets get drunk", and becomes a social drink.

Do you know how many times in high school I heard people talking about how sick they got themselves from drinking, and yet their mentality was still "uh, uh, let's get drunk"? In general, people are idiots. Especially teenage people.

"If I wanted your opinion, I'd call you up in hell."
-Ozzy Osbourne, "Tomorrow"

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Hungry for you
Member # 73

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They did it at our senior school too. Saying it and doing it are two different things.

Although a fair few did do it. But they did it at the weekend. What's the problem?

"I can't believe we're actually gonna meet Guru Lou. Everyone says he's the wisest man in the universe. He's sensitive, creative, has a great sense of humour, and he's a really smooth dancer. *giggles*"
"You're confused Polly. We're not meeting Paul Newman."
- Polly & Speedy; Samurai Pizza Cats

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Frank G
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"It's a depressant. Of course it helps him to relax..."

Well, does he mean relax in the physical sense, or relax in the "ah, time to cuddle up with my wonderful bottle!" sense?

Frank's Home Page
"Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Epic Member
Member # 71

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You know, I have nothing wrong with alcohol. My parents have been drinking every weekend my whole life. And they don't always get plastered. Usually only when they have a large amount of friends over. Don't ask me to explain it, Frank, butI find nothing wrong with it. My parents never drive even after having 2 beer. The odd time they might drive after having 1 beer, but not very often. They usually get someone else to to the driving. And after my brother's graduation, my parents, my aunt, my neighbour and I all went to Rocky's for supper. My parents and my aunt all had a beer. Nothing wrong with that, IMHO.

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Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Frank G
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"Don't ask me to explain it"

Of course not, it would be too much to ever ask for explanations.

Frank's Home Page
"Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Epic Member
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Look, Frank, you know that I can rarely explain anything.

"Huh. An intelligent guard. I never would have guessed."
-Preed, Titan A.E.

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Curry Monster
Somewhere in Australia
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Wait, I go to the pub at least once a week. Does that make me a dribbling moron? Liam, I believe Frank is the one who needs to be taken to a pub.

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Wise, wise words.

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Frank G
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I'm not calling anyone a "dribbling moron." And I'd be happy to go to a pub as long as I don't drink anything.

Frank's Home Page
"Frank is absolutely right." - Laz Rojas

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Hungry for you
Member # 73

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Well, does he mean relax in the physical sense, or relax in the "ah, time to cuddle up with my wonderful bottle!" sense?

Pint. Not bottle. Only poofs drink bottles.

And I mean relax as in relax. Look, what do you think it is? I don't drink alone. I rarely drink in the house. I haven't had a drink for about 3 weeks now due to being horrendously busy and having no money. Look, we're not talking about one culture. It's the US which has this certain attitude towards alcohol, and Europe which has this other attitude. And Europe is slightly more varied in terms of culture than the US.

I mean relax as in, I'm with my mates, I'm winding down. I'm not pretending that alcohol has no effect here. It obviously does. It mellows you. It calms you (altohugh the atmosphere does that too). I'm saying, what's wrong with that?

You culture has told you that alcohol and other social drugs are evil. Fair enough. But don't sit their with a holier-than-thou attitude over it. It's the sort of attitude that turns up in other arguments. Omega is still waiting for people to prove that evolution is true, because in his eyes, he's obviously right. Same with guns (on both sides), yadi yadi yadah. It's bloody annoying. In all those arguments, I doubt one person has changes sides, because everyone is SOOO convinced that they are right. I'm guilty of that to a certain degree, although I also don't care THAT much, which is why this got boring for me ages ago. I don't have the need to go to the library and get thousands of books out so that I can fuel my ego by proving that you're wrong. I don't care anymore. If you visit the UK, or the rest of Europe for a while, you'll see how different it is, but until then, nothings gonna change your mind. So you can all carry on sitting there with your "ooh, drinking is so pathetic. I don't need drugs to help me enjoy life. I've got TV, I don't need to go out.", and me, Daryus, and the rest of the world will carry on going to the pub with our mates. Okay?

"I can't believe we're actually gonna meet Guru Lou. Everyone says he's the wisest man in the universe. He's sensitive, creative, has a great sense of humour, and he's a really smooth dancer. *giggles*"
"You're confused Polly. We're not meeting Paul Newman."
- Polly & Speedy; Samurai Pizza Cats

[This message has been edited by PsyLiam (edited July 14, 2000).]

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
I'm... from Earth.
Member # 31

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Okay. But you're still wrong.

*L* Sorry, but that just seemed like the perfect response to that little rant. Don't take it seriously, or anything. :-)

"If I wanted your opinion, I'd call you up in hell."
-Ozzy Osbourne, "Tomorrow"

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
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