A lot of the problem with communication comes from my vision. Sometimes I get some of you guys mixed up with others. The second vote was not legal and the politicians involved commited treason under those circumstances. After the War it was considered a moot point. Some historians never bothered to study the details or the legal aspects. The schools here made a point of it in the 60's. Aparently no one else bothered to until recently. The fighting here went on for years after the war ended.
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Member # 709
-------------------- "Are you worried that your thoughts are not quite.. clear?"
Registered: Sep 2001
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-------------------- Great is the guilt of an unnecessary war. ~ohn Adams
Once again the Bush Administration is worse than I had imagined, even though I thought I had already taken account of the fact that the Bush administration is invariably worse than I can imagine. ~Brad DeLong
You're just babbling incoherently. ~C. Montgomery Burns
Registered: Mar 1999
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Mountain Man
After they hijacked the state and all its resources, Raising troops was a real problem. I said we were out numbered after the rigged vote. The criminal politcal gangs acted the same way that they always do. The State of Tennessee was in the same position a lot of small countries find themselves in,When people like that take over. Those who tried to do anything about it were often murdered before they had a chance. Study the history rather than just looking at numbers. You are actualy siding with the confederacy when you defend their actions. Are you pro slavery? ps. Not you personaly jay I'm still thinking of someone else. Actualy this all fits with how history gets twisted around. Not knowing the details causes misconceptions that grow over the years. Just looking at numbers tells little. And remember to check my spelling and word use thats what the threads about. This has already been a great help.
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Please, don't try to tell me how to study history.
The numbers, that you try to disparage, tell you that the actual amount of persons from Tennessee who joined up to fight was weighted three times in favor of the Confederacy. So while sections of any given state may indeed have leaned toward Union sentements, in this case, an overall view of the state of Tennessee says they supported the south.
[ September 08, 2003, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: Jay the Obscure ]
-------------------- Great is the guilt of an unnecessary war. ~ohn Adams
Once again the Bush Administration is worse than I had imagined, even though I thought I had already taken account of the fact that the Bush administration is invariably worse than I can imagine. ~Brad DeLong
You're just babbling incoherently. ~C. Montgomery Burns
Registered: Mar 1999
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Mountain Man
You obviously don't know how armies were raised in those days. The figures that you gave are of forces equiped by the Confederacy from Tennessee stores. While the Union forces mentioned were East Tennessee volunteers equiped by the Federal goverment. Soldiers came from all over the Confederacy to Tennessee because thats where the money, weapons, and supplies were. The figures give a wrong impression because you know little about the subject beyond numbers. A common mistake.P.S. Now I've helped you by pointing out your mistake so don't forget to point out any spelling errors on my part.P.P.S. You also forgot the irregulars and guerrillas. And of course those men conscripted against their will by the Rebs. The people of Middle Tennessee that had to serve the rebs or die, And the horsemen from the Indian territorys that also served the south as cavalry.
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Mountain Man
And you will have to excuse me for a while I'm working on Six Projects at one time and only have a few minutes at a time for this.
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Maybe you should stop this one altogether.
Registered: Oct 1999
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Mountain Man
Whats the matter afaid someone will learn something about military history? Numbers don't make history people do. Compare the situation here to similar situations in the third world or europe. It was a military junta that derailed the democratic process through bribery, murder,extortion, terrorism, and much worse. Good men driven from their land returned, and prevailed. Its Better than counting Orcs at Helms Deep.There was real evil at work in this story.Now I'm going back to work.
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A thought came to mind regarding your spelling and syntax issues, you might try typine your posts in an up to date word processing application before posting. This will show you spelling and other errors and all you have to do is cut and paste the post.
-------------------- Great is the guilt of an unnecessary war. ~ohn Adams
Once again the Bush Administration is worse than I had imagined, even though I thought I had already taken account of the fact that the Bush administration is invariably worse than I can imagine. ~Brad DeLong
You're just babbling incoherently. ~C. Montgomery Burns
Registered: Mar 1999
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As regards the history of the American Civil War, one might have thought all those years spent studying the subject in college, reading about it, and heck, even re-enacting it might taught me more than a few things.
Although as you so sagely point out, I obviously don't know much about the period in question.
-------------------- Great is the guilt of an unnecessary war. ~ohn Adams
Once again the Bush Administration is worse than I had imagined, even though I thought I had already taken account of the fact that the Bush administration is invariably worse than I can imagine. ~Brad DeLong
You're just babbling incoherently. ~C. Montgomery Burns
Registered: Mar 1999
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Mountain Man
Thanks for the tips on typing. This medical problem is tough to overcome. And I hope you don't think I'm trying to put you down personaly. I've been involved in Military renactment For many years. Though not in the field. Its the legality issue that supports my statement. The oppressive and illegal power group had a strangle hold on this state. Tennessee was no more than an occupied territory after the war began. You really should read up on the details. You are a good dude and I know that you will agree when all the facts are before you in their proper order, that the whole thing was illegal, and not what the people of this state wanted. Got to fly something just came up. Think about it and we will continue later.
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Well, considering the entire succession of states was "illegal", I don't see how Tennessee's succession was any different. It doesn't change the fact that you said Tennessee didn't join the Confederacy, when in fact they did, regardless of the means.
Also, let me get this straight, you hate 2/3rds of your state because of some corrupt political manuevering that happened 120+ YEARS AGO? You do realize everyone from that era is long dead and that things are no longer like that, correct?
-------------------- "Lotta people go through life doing things badly. Racing's important to men who do it well. When you're racing, it's life. Anything that happens before or after is just waiting."
-Steve McQueen as Michael Delaney, LeMans
Registered: Mar 1999
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Member # 709
quote:Originally posted by Mountain Man: And you will have to excuse me for a while I'm working on Six Projects at one time and only have a few minutes at a time for this.
i've never been much of a fan of trying to give people helpful advice online, but if you have trouble keping up with your life maybe you could the threads so far off topic, its like, i've seen the thing with the stuff at the tannhauser gate, time to die, etc..
-------------------- "Are you worried that your thoughts are not quite.. clear?"
Registered: Sep 2001
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Mountain Man
"Keep it before the people that it is proper and right for union men to shoot down upon sight, each and all of these murderers and that it is the duty that East Tennesee Union men owe to their country, to their God and to their abused relatives to see that these men,each,anyone of them,or all,die violent deaths,if they dare show themselves in East Tennessee during the present century." Knoxville Whig and Rebel Ventilator
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