It's a matter of the stolen ballot boxes. We've Always had crooked politicians. When they get caught at it and no one does anything about you have this kind of stuff carried on for centuries. It happened again on a smaller scale in 1946. Ex GIs caught crooked cops stealing the ballot boxes. There was a day long shoot out. The GIs won. It still happens here. History is not accurate unless it is complete with details. There are some who claim the Civil war wasn't about slavery. Thats a mighty poor argument. Any body want to open that can of worms.
[ September 09, 2003, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: Mountain Man ]
IP: Logged
Get yourself a punching-bag. Just because you have a compulsive urge to defend your opinions doesn't make it right to project the opposing views on us. On the contrary, it makes you sound like you want to be a martyr. Almost a little masochistic.
Registered: Aug 1999
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Incidentally, I've just looked up the appropriate part in a couple of books. Seccession was supported by a margin of 7 to one in Western and central areas of Tennessee (Which had a slave population of 30%). And no matter which way you look at it Tennessee was part of the Confederacy, no matter how few people in east Tennessee supported it. That is historical fact.
Don't know why you're getting so worked up about the whole thing anyway.
-------------------- "I am an almost extinct breed, an old-fashioned gentleman, which means I can be a cast-iron son-of-a-bitch when it suits me." --Jubal Harshaw
Registered: Feb 2002
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"The Confedracy took control of this state. We did not join them."
So, in other words, Tennessee was part of the CSA. Just as much as northern and western France were part of Germany during WW2.
Registered: Mar 1999
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Mountain Man
As long as the war lasted the East Tennesseans resisted the Confederacy. And If you ever did study the Final poll you would understand that we had enough support in Middle Tennessee to win. The Terrorist in those days were Rebel slave owners from North Carolina. They and the Confederate Troops prevented the pro union supporters from getting to the polls. The incidents of Confederate interferance with the democratic process and the missing ballot boxes prove that the Confederates rigged the whole deal. Without a real chance to make the decision The people were no more than a subject population. The whole process was invalid. We finally won after years of struggle. Legaly we were not a Confederate state only occupied territory. Was Norway an Axis country? No.Was the Phillipines an axis country?No. There was no Confederate State of Tennessee because there was no valid second vote. Its all there in the history books that cover that part of the war. We never took the guilty parties to court since we found it more fitting to kill them. And of course because they did not want to be taken alive. The fighting and retribution here went on for four years after the south laid down its arms. Really folks they deserved the punishment we gave them. If not for what they did to innocent men, women, and children to hold on to property they stole from us we would not have gone to that much trouble after all those years of war.
IP: Logged
Who gives a fuck about Tennessee?
Registered: Oct 1999
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Mountain Man
You obviously since otherwise you would ignore this thread. You racist confederate sypathiser.Too much hollywood instead of history must have given you the Idea that the rebels were honorable southern gentlemen.
IP: Logged
You need to be more careful with the sarcastic questions.
-------------------- Great is the guilt of an unnecessary war. ~ohn Adams
Once again the Bush Administration is worse than I had imagined, even though I thought I had already taken account of the fact that the Bush administration is invariably worse than I can imagine. ~Brad DeLong
You're just babbling incoherently. ~C. Montgomery Burns
Registered: Mar 1999
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Charles Capps
We appreciate your concern. It is noted and stupid.
Member # 9
Okay, that's quite enough of that. I've given everyone here far too many warnings.
MM, you are on notice. Shape up or ship out. And my name is Charles, you will address me as that.
UM, Jay, Nim, and the rest of you folks... lay off of MM.
Any further BS will result in a few accounts getting locked.
If I haven't made myself perfectly clear, please let me know.
Registered: Mar 1999
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