>"It's really just a revenge thing, Satan is trying to ruin everything God has created. He already introduced sin into the world and He is still trying to make our lives miserable."
And again, what does collecting souls have to do with this? Souls aren't "lives."
Given that Satan was still welcome in God's presence, and they were still having friendly conversations AFTER the Fall of Man, (See: Book of Job) wouldn't that tend to clear Satan of responsibility for that particular Incident?
Doesn't the fact that God clearly grants and allows Satan to carry on his activities in a relatively unobstructed manner suggest some form of collusion?
In fact, before the NT, (or to be more accurate, before the revision and codification of what is NOW the NT by the politically motivated Nicean council) wasn't Satan considered to be a character sort of like a prosecuting attorney, a sort of 'devil's advocate' (pardon the self-referential pun) against man's foibles and shortcomings, rather than some superpowered evildoing BizarroGod?
------------------ "Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi
Oh! This Satan stuff reminds me of a couple of books I received in the mail by mistake. I bought some books from Barnes & Noble online in June. About a week or so later, I received ANOTHER box of books that I didn't order, with my name and address on it. Inside were two copies of a book called "He Came to Set the Captives Free," and the receipt in the box was in someone else's name. The time it was ordered was within a few seconds of my order, which was probably how it got mixed up. Great, you know. Of all the books that could've been sent to me, I got two books that I'd never read!! Oh, but here's the real treat. Right after the table of contents, there's a warning. Here's some of it:
"WARNING! This will be one of the hardest books you have ever tried to read. SATAN DOES NOT WANT YOU TO READ THIS MATERIAL!
(Short Prayer here)
The purpose of this book is to show you the many ways Satan and his emons are at work in the world today, to show you how you can effectively fight against them, AND how you can be set free from bondage to Satan.
Satan will do everything he can to keep you from reading this. He will afflict you with overwhelming sleepiness, confusion, constant interruptions and many other things. FEAR is one of Satan's major weapons. He will use fear to try to stop you from reading this book. You simply need to rebuke fear directly and out loud in the name of Jesus Christ to overcome it. Also pray and ask for shielding as you read in order to understand this material." And it goes on, but you get the idea.
Is it just me, or is there something skewed about a book that tells you if you don't like it, it's Satan's fault?
Oh, I know, Satan sent it to ME because he knew not only would I not read it, my conscience wouldn't let anyone else read it, either. *Evil Cackle and the sound of scissor blades flexing*
------------------ "Dreams are the excrement of the mind, feces are the excrement of the body, and laughter is teh excrement of the soul." --Anonymous Indian guru
"He will afflict you with overwhelming sleepiness, confusion, constant interruptions and many other things."
Translation: "This book is boring, nonsensical, and if you're interrupted while reading this book, as you are during just about any book, we hope you're stupid enough to take special notice of it, since we mentioned it, and attribute it to evil influence rather than just the inevitabilities of life."
These people are LOONIES.
------------------ "Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi
You think that's bad, you should see some of the Fundie stuff that's somehow made it's way onto our shelves... like "Halloween and Satanism" in which the authors use much the same language, and digress to show how everything from Edgar Cayce to Batman to the Texas Longhorns' two-fingered hand sign to the Peace symbol , et cetera ad nauseum, is the work of Satan.
From reading that book, all I got was: If it's true, Satan may be evil, but he sure seems to work harder than God... I mean, the kid's got his fingers into EVERYTHING from Rock Music to Star Trek!
------------------ "Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi
[This message has been edited by First of Two (edited August 12, 2000).]
"Bryce, in what way do you take literature such as Dante's "Inferno" (The Divine Comedy) and "Paradise Lost" Meaning, do you believe them to be literal truth, fiction based on the Bible, fanciful meanderings, etc.? Also, do you believe in the whole Harrowing of Hell, leading to Purgatory, and Hell being closed till 1000 AD (not a typo) concept?"
I was referring to Scripture, as a protestant that means OT and NT. It's ok for protestants to read the "Duedo" books, but we just don't because of Luther. The books you mention are not literal truth. As a protestant I don't believe in Purgatory, none of what you mentioned, including the "closing" of Hell. (Never heard of the idea.)
"And again, what does collecting souls have to do with this? Souls aren't "lives.""
Souls are more important than lives, souls last forever. God loves us, Satan causes God pain by corrupting His children.
"Given that Satan was still welcome in God's presence, and they were still having friendly conversations AFTER the Fall of Man, (See: Book of Job) wouldn't that tend to clear Satan of responsibility for that particular Incident?"
Most modern Bible scholars believe Job to be fictious. When looking at the rest of the Bible you do not get the ideas Satan and God did any talking. Again, this goes back to knowing what books are what genre. Most of you don't know how to figure out genres in the books of the Bible. *shakes head at the comment of the Nicean Council*
About the book...
It's probably a descent book. And I agree with what the authors says, but the words are not intented for people who don't want to read the book. Your view of it is the same as if I would try to explain some of the details of the Tribulation to you. Revelation is definitely not the book you want to read first in the Bible. I can testify to times when I read the Bible and my mom interrupts me every minute, the doorbell rings, I suddenly get tired, or the phone rings off the hook for a half hour. He's right and Satan will also try to keep me writing long explanations to you when I should be reading the Bible myself. You all have already heard the Gospel, some of you have chosen to reject it. If you don't have ears for hearing that's not my problem. (And that's Biblical)
Omega: He speaks the truth. It may not be from your doctrinal way of thinking, but it is the truth. The author is probably older than anyone here on the board and has learned a lot more than we have.
------------------ If you don't believe in what I say or the God I speak of I guess you'll just have to meet me so the Lord and I can convert you.
To expand on something First said earlier, I recall reading once that Judaism interpreted "Satan" as an office that was held by an angel, whose job it was to point out any flaws in things so that God might fix them.