Alpha Centauri
Usually seen somewhere in the Southern skies
Member # 338
I must agree. Leave the new series in the refrigerator for a couple of years, and keep the audience sweet by throwing in a couple of movies. (I'd like to see a Voyager movie, BTW.)
No more Trek series until 2005 or so.
------------------ Advertisement in the United Federation NewsPADD, SD 53675:
"Now for sale at your local dealer: Antares class vessels, as good as new! They can shapeshift! Everybody in the galaxy has one! Now for only $800!"
They should after Voyager stop for a few years let the fandom buildup again and then restart again later perhaps in the 25th century.
Right nowthey are milking out the Star Trek popularity until withers away and even if it stops it will never grow back up to the standards of what Star Trek used to be.
Voyager is a clear example of how Star Trek is falling a part. I like Voyager and I've seen every episode but the writing is getting a little cheesy. The season finale was a Voyager-Matrix remix. With Seven being Neo and the Borg being the agents.
------------------ It is better to walk the path of the devil than to be in the path of the devil. Though it still might not be the right path.
There were significant differences between The Matrix and Unimatrix Zero. Hardly a cloning process going on.
I think that maybe they should just kick Voyager out of the continuity all together, then redo the entire series with new writers. Keep all the good episodes (Pathfinder, Life Lines, etc.), redo the ones with good plots but that were poorly executed (Hope and Fear, MAYBE Threshold), and eliminate and replace the REALLY bad ones (Fury). Voyager as a premise was a good idea. It was just poorly executed.
To avoid being smote for "Threshold", the idea of warp 10 was a good idea, but they'd have to eliminate the whole uber-evolution thing and go a completely different direction.
------------------ "To disarm the people [is] the best and most effectual way to enslave them." - George Mason, American Statesman and Author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776)
The solution to some continuity problems is to make more of them?
There is something to be said for us young kneebiters being a bit spoiled as far as things Trek go. On the other hands, I have serious doubts as to whether the current pop culture can sustain things like Trek for decades without any outside input. TOS happened to find itself ending in just the right environment for long term success. That environment no longer exists.
How about just having Voyager being just Naiomi Wildman's Dream... she wakes up in her quarters on DS9 with her Father and Mother in the next room...
The ultimate reset button.
------------------ "chocolate cherries allamanda" - Datura, Tori Amos
One question. I am an avid enjoyer of the Ford Mustang. I participate in a similar web board style forum on a Mustang website. On that web board, a rep from Ford asked the members to post their thoughts on what they view as important for the next Mustang. That shows that Ford wants to know what its customers would like. Now what comes to mind is something quite similar. And I can sum that up in one question:
(That caps mode was meant to be read in an angry tone so that you may feel the anger that I feel)
------------------ There's a lady who knows, all that glitters is gold...and she's buying a stairway to heaven. -Led Zeppelin, "Stairway to Heaven"
Why the hell should they? Just read some of the fannish premises that have circulated on the net... huge starships, intergalactic wars, Navy SEALS-meets-Trek. It seems quite clear that if we let "the fans" come up with a new series, it will be an unplatable hunk of crud that only "the fans" will watch, and not the general audience that s5 must catch.
Fans weren't asked about TNG or DS9, and by most accounts they came out fine. There's no reason to believe that Paramount must have fan input in order to produce a superior work, in fact IMHO basing the series on the expectations of fans could hurt it.
------------------ "Truth about Santa Claus debunks Santa God. God evolves from Santa." -Gene Ray,
I believe they avoid reading fan ideas because, if they use one, that fan can come back and demand credit (probably monetary) for the idea. At least, that's what I heard once.
------------------ "I just measured him. He's about 21"." -Chris Martin, 14-Jul-2000
If they wait a few years, who will pay all those Paramount-people? What will Activision and all the other merchandise-guys say? Or the CGIers, like Digital Muse, Foundation Imaging, etc.?
I only hope they don't make it even worse than Voyager!