------------------ "...I know this board in secret, intimate ways which are beyond your comprehension.... Let's just say that people should *not* be telling me what to do; it should always be the other way around." -"Red Quacker", conspiracy theorist and contemporary lunatic
So when you saw that cube spinning and firing one of its Glowing Green Bolts� from each corner at the 8742, there wasn't a drone inside at the controls going "heh, heh, heh! Am I the coolest, or what?"
------------------ Ross: This is not good for my rage. *takes another pill*
More likely, he went "Get away! Stop it!! HEEEELLP!!!" and, in sheer desperation, initiated every tactical move in borg inventory. At the same time.
UM: Excerpt from the Urple-Orange Turnip Bible: "And the �berTurnip spoke...'it shall be two thirds of a turnip high, and two wide. It shall be urple of the light kind, and you will be penitent before its presence.' And he saw that it was good. In fact it was yummy."
Starship database: completed; History of Starfleet: done; website: probably never
Member # 343
LOCUTION. n. 1. a particular form of expression; phrase, expression, or idiom. 2. a style of speech or verbal expression; phraseology.
Therefore, a "locutus" would be one who speaks for another. Sounds like Picard's role to me.
------------------ "For people with resources, the right events happen. They may look like coincidences, but they arise out of necessity." --T�rk Hviid
I think he meant to ask why Picard was given a name at all.
I'd say it was because his purpose was to help facilitate assimilation. Would you be more comfortable being assimilated by Locutus, or by 15 of 23?
------------------ "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, co-operate, act alone, solve equations, analyse a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, [and] die gallantly. Specialisation is for insects." - Woodrow Wilson Smith
Does it matter? You still end up pasty-white, with a gadget instead of an arm, and you suddenly think that beer is irrelevant. That sucks to me.
------------------ "Why build one, when you can have two at twice the price?"
It appears that I have read that Turnips have a lack of a favorable taste. Is this so? The defacing of the Turnip is a vile, and disgraceful act, and cannot be ratified without the shedding of the familial blood.
I am now aware as to why I have acute xenophobia towards members of the new kind.
"Hi, my name's Locutus, and I'll be your assimilator tonight. Can I interest you in our specials? Super. Well, currently we're offering an arm-replacement tool with extra wiggly-waggly bits on, or, for the more daring among you, not one but two ocular replacements! Terrific. You want fries with that? Ohh, I'm sorry, I've just heard from the chef that fries are off - they're irrelevant, apparently."
------------------ Ross: This is not good for my rage. *takes another pill*
*ponders notion of drone with two eyepieces* Like having a match in each corner of your mouth instead of just one. "Looking like a dickhead
F0rce: Thy audacity in scorning turnip will cost you dearly! Don't be surprised if the clerk at the bank proves to be strangely uncooperative, or if your teachers start giving you wedgies in class...