Actually, I wondered about Porthos... for some reason I expected him to show up. Anyway, I checked, and yeah, the original production report mentioned he'd appear as an old doggy 12 years in the future. Looks like he got edited out.
-------------------- "I was surprised by the matter-of-factness of Kafka's narration, and the subtle humor present as a result." (Sizer 2005)
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Somebody got bit when they tried putting that gray hair color on him!
-------------------- Justice inclines her scales so that wisdom comes at the price of suffering. -Aeschylus, Agamemnon
Registered: Aug 2002
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quote:Originally posted by Mark Nguyen: [QB] Holy FRACKING FRICK, this was a good show! I had to watch the opening bit three times before I could move on, it was so excellent. Just look at the reactions of everyone to Earth blowing up - even the extras behind Archer. Beautiful, as with the rest of the episode.
I hope that SOMEONE has a good digital feed and can give us some great screencaps for a change!
quote:-Note that during the attack, the huge-ass sphere jumps in AFTER the Reptilian ships.
Considering the question of how the NX-01 made it from the Expanse back to Earth at Warp 1.7 with only one nacelle... perhaps they made use of one of those FTL portals that apparently exist? I was too stunned by the awesome effects to follow that I missed what the Death Star looked like as it jumped in -- was it the same transwarp-style effect as before?
quote:-Ahh, I think the whole Xindi probe thing makes more sense now, given the big weapon's intended effect (and result!). The probe's beam obviously didn't blow up the planet; it's likely that its purpose was to test the conditions of the Earth's crust, atmosphere such that the big one can do the job right. They didn't want to simply raze the planet - they wanted to destroy it outright.
Yeah, but why the heck would they need to know that kind of information? Like the original Death Star, all they've got to do is pump in enough energy to blow the planet apart -- there's nothing that special about Earth to make them need that kind of info... right?
quote:-The Reptilians' armor seems to be less effective this time... It takes a single shot to take one down.
I was actually more disappointed that they didn't just disable the frelling weapons with that delta radiation gimmick that they mentioned last week! But anyway, the ENT crew had the chance to examine Xindi armor thanks to the corpse they got from the raid in "Rajin." Obviously they adapted. I consider that a GOOD point!
quote:-With one warp nacelle, they can manage a plodding warp 1.7. I think this is the first real evidence that starships CAN function with one nacelle lost, albeit at severely reduced speed.
Something just occurred to me... aren't the NX-01's warp coils supposed to be ASYMMETRICAL? As in, they require both nacelles to form a proper warp field? Based on what we know of warp fields -- from Okudagrams and the like -- I find it hard to believe that it'd be that simple...
quote:-CETI EELS, man! Wouldn't this be a fricking PROBLEM here keeping people up at night?
Well, since the eels managed to survive in the aftermath, I would venture to guess that they weren't native to the area of the planet where the settlements got planted. Maybe they like to hang out in the deserts instead...
quote:-I think there were at least a couple ships that were new in the ragtag fleet, though the known freighters and research ship we've seen seem curiously absent.
I'm 99% positive that I saw at least one Y-class freighter in the first "rag-tag fugitive fleet" scene. Not sure about the others... here's praying for good screencaps!
quote:-Speaking of which, Rudy Ransom discovered the Yridians, eh? Hehe.
LMAO, I completely forgot about that! And "Equinox" happened right in the middle of Braga's tenure as Voyager EP, too! Go figure...
quote:-The other Starfleet ships left over were Intrepid and one of the smaller ships. They seemed in pretty good repair... Would they have gone to other systems to stay that way?
Assuming they could get the basic materials necessary, I'd guess they would've had sufficient repair setups right in the system. Tucker commented that they didn't have much antimatter, which would probably be (relatively) easy to get a hold of if they went to another system... I think that they were probably just sitting on their hands inside the system with their hands covering their eyes, yelling "you can't see me! you can't see me!" That's why the Xindi couldn't find the last remnants for so long!
-------------------- “Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” — Isaac Asimov Star Trek Minutiae | Memory Alpha
Registered: Nov 2000
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I gather the Yridians were discovered twice. After all, Janeway said everybody thought they were dead before Ransom proved otherwise... An odd way of phrasing it if nobody had even heard of them before Ransom's encounter.
Wow... Just reading about this sends waves of shudder up and down my spine, beating out "E-P-I-C" in Morse code. And the concept that Earth's last survivors would find "refuge" on Ceti Alpha V - priceless!
So, what else can they milk out of the Expanse/Xindi concept? They've sort of run the worst case scenario already. Are they supposed to play a variant of it out for us in slower tempo, like they did "Year of Hell" after "Before and After"? But sort of vice versa, since the reset button now comes in the first episode, not the second?
What sort of damage did the nacelle take? Could it be that the heroes just moved five coils out of fifteen in the starboard one to replace the ten destroyed port ones? I like the concept of "limping on one screw", but there are other ways to interpret this one.
Whats so priceless about Ceti Alpha V? What am I missing?
Oh wait... khan, right?
-------------------- "That's the problem with nature. Something is always stinging you or oozing mucous on you. lets go watch tv." - Calvin & Hobbes
Registered: Nov 2001
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quote:Originally posted by Timo: What sort of damage did the nacelle take? Could it be that the heroes just moved five coils out of fifteen in the starboard one to replace the ten destroyed port ones? I like the concept of "limping on one screw", but there are other ways to interpret this one.
Think TNG's "Cause and Effect" in terms of damage, only a little more restricted in scope because the ship wasn't already hit by a total systems failure like the E-D was...
Here's the scenario -- there were two Xindi-Reptilian warships circling like vultures. One of them connected to the NX-01's starboard docking port to board the ship, while the other one kept firing from afar. An exploding console killed Mayweather before he could utter one line in the episode, and T'Pol took the helm. With the Xindi ship still docked, she deliberately rammed the attached ship into the other one, causing major damage to both and effectively ending the battle in the Enterprise's favor. Except for the fact that the starboard nacelle was half-destroyed -- the bussard collector shredded and a long, deep gash torn into the outboard side of the nacelle.
Your scenario about swapping out warp coils sounds plausible... except for the unfortunate fact that Tucker explicitly mentions "running on one warp engine." (And he forgets the difference between a "nacelle" and an "engine," but we can forgive him since Earth was about to be destroyed. )
-------------------- “Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” — Isaac Asimov Star Trek Minutiae | Memory Alpha
Registered: Nov 2000
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In the rag-tag fleet shots, while I was going frame by frame, for my almost-high quality screen shots, I noticed that there was also what looked a LOT like the freighter from ST-III
-------------------- joH'a' 'oH wIj DevwI' jIH DIchDaq Hutlh pagh (some days it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps in the morning) The Woozle!
Registered: Nov 2002
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New screenshots. They're not big, but they hold up pretty well when rescaling.
From what I could see, the refugee fleet was comprised of Enterprise, Intrepid, at least one of the triangular vessels, at least one (empty) Class Y and at least one Class J and some other ships I couldn't recognize.
The ships obviously are all warp-capable, but didn't one of the 'freighter' episodes state Y's (or J's) can actually go a bit faster when empty?
And YES, the displays were more TOS-ish in the future scenes. Primary colors were red, yellow and green instead of the pastel tints from regular ENT.
FINALLY, a 100% canon reference to the nature of Alpha Centauri (Fandom's 'Centaurians' vs. vague possibility of Earth colony). However, Alpha Centauri being colonized completely negates Terra Nova's claim as first extrasolar colony. Which was a silly claim anyway.
It depends. Alpha C may have taken a while to properly colonize - needing terraforming, for example. I'm sure someone can come up with a decent explanation.
Hey, I've also noticed that the Xindi apparently acquire some transporter technology in the interm... They have to dock with Enterprise to board her at first, but in the final act they beam aboard. Looks like both sides made technological jumps over the years, which makes enough sense.
Oh, and the death star does jump in via transwarp thingy. Good for them.
Regarding Alpha Centauri, it seems that Terra Nova was colonized before *Mars* was! Apparently, it is faster to do a long interstellar hop and settle on a class M planet than to do a shorter hop or even a sublight insystem journey and then try and turn habitable a non-M world.
Regarding Ceti Alpha, it now seems well established that it is a nearby system that has little to do with the star Alpha Ceti. (It could be the Alpha half of a wide binary currently known as Ypsilon Ceti and mistaken for a single star, or something like that...) And Kirk didn't refer to it as a paradise - he told Khan that it would be a challenge, far from paradise, yet would offer a chance of survival. Sounds like a place that Earth would not colonize right away even if it was nearer than the relatively lush Terra Nova.
Well, I had this DSL connection sitting here doing nothing, so I thought I do me a bit of Torrentin' and actually watch a 3rd-season ep. And then I got me in the mood for some cappin' - now I just got to figure outr why I'm a-talkin' like Trip all of a sudden!
Why the heck didn't they bother to label these ships?
Do we get a good glimpse of the Intrepid shoulderpatch?
-------------------- "Never give up. And never, under any circumstances, no matter what - never face the facts." - Ruth Gordon
Registered: Mar 2000
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Nope. Reed had been detailed to take her over from Ramirez, but hadn't donned the patch or pin by the time the Xindi showed up. He wasn't even aboard her at the end...
The Eden FX guys were probably pretty busy with the rest of the effects sequences (there were a LOT in this episode!) and simply missed labelling them; in that respect, it's a fair bet that the ships in "The Expanse" were also not labelled. Perhaps Enterprise is the first to be so detailed on the outside... None of the other Earth or Starfleet ships we've seen were so prominently marked up.
Speaking of Intrepid, notice that the nacelles overlap onto the saucer section, but do NOT attach to it. When she loses her left nacelle, it's pretty smooth underneath. Interesting to have a nacelle in such close proximity and NOT have it attached... Also, it just ocurred to me that Intrepid and the smaller ships could probably land given their size and winglet / aerodynamic look. This would make maintenance a heck of a lot easier, methinks.
I never noticed before, but in terms of the way its component units are arranged, the Intrepid looks like a TOS version of a Steamrunner! When you add the Akiraprise and the Iceland, sorry, proto-Norway to the mix - makes you wonder whether they're just doing it to annoy us. . . We should have a "Design the proto-Sabre before they do" competition or something. 8)
What the hell... Lee, let's call it the Iceland for argument's sake. Let's just keep 'em "Iceland-type" and "Intrepid-type" for now though, yes? Personally, I think we should wait a little while before arbitrarily giving it a class name. Something might pop up.
And yeah, I think a few people have called it a proto-steamrunner already. funny, that... Akira ---> Enterprise and everyone hates it; Steamrunner ---> Intrepid and it's love at first sight.