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Author Topic: TNG in HD
Hater of Stock Footage
Member # 341

 - posted January 22, 2012 12:09 PM      Profile for Dukhat     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Wait, so they are redoing some ship scenes in CGI? So why the hell is Tobias Richter making Excelsiors and Oberths when he could be making new ships?
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 - posted January 23, 2012 01:12 AM      Profile for Johnny     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 

But they've also replaced a shot of the Enterprise at warp, which formerly used the 4-footer, and the shot of the energy transfer in Encounter at Farpoint.


I'm very curious what criteria dictate whether a shot needs to be replaced. The model shots that are from the original film look just fine, so it's curious that a few have been remade.

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Mars Needs Women
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 - posted January 23, 2012 01:27 AM      Profile for Mars Needs Women     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I guess TPTB didn't like the idea of the Enterprise firing energy out of its captain's yacht.
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Hater of Stock Footage
Member # 341

 - posted January 23, 2012 04:20 AM      Profile for Dukhat     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
But the beam's not coming from the captain's yacht; it's coming from in front of the yacht. And now it's coming from the phaser strip?! WTF?

And the Enterprise in that shot looks...wrong somehow (compared to the original model).

"A film made in 2008 isn't going to look like a TV series from 1966 if it wants to make any money. As long as the characters act the same way, and the spirit of the story remains the same then it's "real" Star Trek. Everything else is window dressing." -StCoop

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Living the Geeky Dream
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 - posted January 23, 2012 05:35 AM      Profile for MinutiaeMan     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Dukhat:
But the beam's not coming from the captain's yacht; it's coming from in front of the yacht. And now it's coming from the phaser strip?! WTF?

That would be because Picard ordered Yar to send the creature "energy" via the phasers. (Not a weapons shot.) So the original VFX were wrong anyway.


If they'd done it later, they would've used the ever-configurable main deflector instead. But I guess they hadn't thought of that gimmick yet.

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Mars Needs Women
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 - posted January 23, 2012 06:23 AM      Profile for Mars Needs Women     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Dukhat:
But the beam's not coming from the captain's yacht; it's coming from in front of the yacht. And now it's coming from the phaser strip?! WTF?

And the Enterprise in that shot looks...wrong somehow (compared to the original model).

I think what is supposed to be sensor array around the yacht is really dark, almost as dark as the main phaser arrays.
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 - posted January 23, 2012 07:44 AM      Profile for Johnny     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I think some of the weirdness in that comparison is down to it being a gif file, which are often full of horrible artifacts. If you look at the bussard collectors when it switches to the original frame you'll see that there's a lot of dithering around those. It's just a lot more pronounced in the blu-ray shot because there's so much more detail to get screwed up.

That sensor ring does look awfully dark, though. [Confused]

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Jason Abbadon
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 - posted January 24, 2012 11:47 AM      Profile for Jason Abbadon     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
All the new effects are actually done in .GIF format- Paramount cheaped out a bit more than usual with this release- saves space on the disk for more ads and commercials you can fast forward through... [Wink]
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Guardian 2000
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 - posted January 24, 2012 12:42 PM      Profile for Guardian 2000     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I hope those CG shots aren't real. I mean, they could've at least made an effort to match the originals.

Especially given what a rare shot of the ship that is, I want it in its original form, not some blackened Cajun edition with overdone shadows and nonsensical lighting anyway.

Sure, in the energy beam shot the blue of the navigational deflector probably overrode everything else and they couldn't clean it up, but just frickin' leave it that way. It's not like you're gonna have gorgeous HD quality sets and whatnot all the time.

Edit: Ew, what the frak is this?


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 - posted January 25, 2012 04:42 AM      Profile for o2     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Guardian 2000:
Edit: Ew, what the frak is this?


Looks like the Enterprise comming out of warp. In some other thread I have read that this was done with CGI as well. But I can be mistaken...
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 - posted January 26, 2012 09:07 AM      Profile for Johnny     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I take back what I suggested about GIF dithering being at fault. This is just a yucky looking shot.


The other CG shots have looked very good, though. So I'm still pro-CG replacements if they're necessary.

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Jason Abbadon
Rolls with the punches.
Member # 882

 - posted January 26, 2012 09:27 AM      Profile for Jason Abbadon     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
The bussards look square in that shot- Is there some rundown of the new stuff on a blog somewhere?
Drexler's maybe?

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The Mighty Monkey of Mim
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 - posted January 26, 2012 09:51 AM      Profile for The Mighty Monkey of Mim     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 

The flaws we find most objectionable in others are often those we recognize in ourselves.

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Resident Nut-cache
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 - posted January 26, 2012 12:15 PM      Profile for AndrewR     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Yeah that sensor strip in the beam/energy transfer is far too dark. However some of these pics of the Enterprise do look like physical models! Have we finally arrived at the point where we can't tell the difference!?! Finally people realise that lighting is a big part of the realistic effect.

I too wish they would have some new ship designs. Ones done by Probert and Sternbach though.

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 - posted January 26, 2012 03:17 PM      Profile for o2     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
New ships would be great, but for a start I lilke to see a few more angels (e.g. with the Excelsior class).

Did anybody noticed that the forward windows on the saucer in that picture


looks like they did it with an overhead marker?

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