After a bit of delay, here's an episode about wacky Halloween events. Keep in mind that it's been, oh, almost a month since I saw this episode, and so I don't really know what I'm talking about in my notes.
"Fear, Itself"
Missed another episode, I think. Incidently, I also failed to record "Hush," so so much for that. I guess the DVDs for season four are out now...
But anyway, it seems lots of stuff happened last time that I missed out on. Anya is back and Buffy and that Parker guy now have a "history." All right, whatever. Anya!
Halloween guy gets mad at Buffy for hitting him after he jumped out of some bushes and shouted at her? What did he expect? And in Sunnydale. Incidently, I'll bet the people who get UC Sunnydale instead of, say, UC Santa Cruz are pretty disappointed. Because of the death rate, you see.
Giles is into Halloween. This is something that will amuse me throughout the episode.
On the one hand, I guess it makes sense for people in Sunnydale to be playing around with magic, because it is so available. On the other hand, I'd think it would make sense to avoid witchy symbols in Sunnydale, because of the demons. But what do I know.
"This school is lacking nice professors," is what I've got written here. Uh, did Buffy have some sort of spat with, uh, what's her name, that Walsh lady?
I'm not sure I see why demons don't like running around on Halloween. It isn't a rule or anything, it seems, because this is the second time we've seen that they can if they want to. Giles says it is because Halloween is too "crass." Demons aren't crass?
Joyce: "Your father loves spending time with you." Oh yeah? Since when? Then she says that she's had trouble making friends since moving to Sunnydale. Possibly because they were all killed by zombies. And she knows Ted was a robot, now? I guess maybe Buffy filled her in on what was really going on those first two years after she came back home.
Uh oh, rubber spiders becoming real spiders. This sort of thing happens a lot. I'd carry around lots of model cars and fake money if I were in Sunnydale, just in case. Though they'd probably turn into evil cars and money.
I'm a little confused about this next section, so I'll just reprint it here: "Ominous spec ops love Halloween. Dead girl? From what? Undead! Bats aren't scary." I don't think that last was a judgment of the effects. It's just that bats are misunderstood.
Anya is in the Flaming Lips!
I hope this reanimated skeleton is going to fight someone with a sword like in those old Sinbad movies.
Giles' home does not seem like a popular destination for trick or treaters. He really likes Halloween. I like happy festive Giles.
Now Buffy and Willow fight, and I'm kind of confused. Is this an effect of the posessed house? I guess they're all facing their greatest fears, or something like that.
Giles slices through the wall with a chainsaw. Good.
You sounded as if you had a heavy dose of the flu, and you are babbling incoherently. As oppossed to babbling coherently, like normal.
-------------------- Yes, you're despicable, and... and picable... and... and you're definitely, definitely despicable. How a person can get so despicable in one lifetime is beyond me. It isn't as though I haven't met a lot of people. Goodness knows it isn't that. It isn't just that... it isn't... it's... it's despicable.
Registered: Mar 1999
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I just bought the fourth season DVDs, actually, last week, or maybe the week before. So at some point I'll be getting back to things. But I am so busy working out and writing. SO TRUE!
(Plus, a friend of mine has the first three seasons of SG-1 on DVD, and I've been watching those. There are very few hours in the day of a part time obituary clerk.)
Actually, I think I took notes on the next episode, months ago, but I can't find my notebook under the piles of hundred dollar bills ("Benjamins") that fill my room.
Registered: Mar 1999
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I'm half-way through the second season, I'm on "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered" at the moment. I've got the third season on the shelf waiting, and I'll snag the fourth off eBay at some point.
Is Amy from "BB&B" the same girl as from "The Witch"? I wasn't expecting this many references to that episode in the 2nd season - i.e., Oz's "the eyes seem to follow you" regarding the Cheerleading statue a few episodes prior.
I snagged the fourth season off eBay, as well as the first season of Angel.
Liam: how does the first season of Angel fit in with Buffy? I understand there are cross-overs, so what would be your recomendations on viewing those seasons - should I "intermingle" episodes? Gosh, I feel so daring.
Also (to Liam), since B:TVS is over, is Spike headed over to Angel for the rest of that show's run?
Are there any other spin-off series in the works? I thought I heard a rumor about one focusing on either Dawn and/or Giles.
Spoilers for the end of Buffy will turn me into a roman candle. Not that I've been doing very well in avoiding them. But, like, if you really want to know, I believe Harry Knowles has someone breathlessly explaining things even as we speak.
Registered: Mar 1999
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I'm not looking for spoilers, actually. IMDB just has James Marsters now added to the Angel cast. So I thought I'd ask our local Buffy-whore, Liam.
Due to my childishness over spoilers, I am now roughly seven billion seasons behind with Buffy and Angel. BUT!
With Buffy and Angel seasons 4 and 1, the ideal way to watch them would be...1 Buffy, 1 Angel. Then you would absolutely not miss out on crossovers.
If you can't do that, then , er, the one with the ring starts on Buffy and ends on Angel, and the one with, y'know, her, does something similar.
As long as you are ahead with Buffy, you should be fine.
-------------------- Yes, you're despicable, and... and picable... and... and you're definitely, definitely despicable. How a person can get so despicable in one lifetime is beyond me. It isn't as though I haven't met a lot of people. Goodness knows it isn't that. It isn't just that... it isn't... it's... it's despicable.
Registered: Mar 1999
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Well, I've still got season four sitting here waiting to be watched. (It's on the floor under my desk, for some reason, back home.) I don't really have much free time these days, unfortunately, so I'm not sure when I'll get to it.
However, I have been catching the occasional episode of Angel on the cable channel TNT. They're about halfway through the first season (Wesley just showed up Friday, as I recall), and I've seen maybe four or five. I am not often home at the time it is on. And, anyway, it's really good, which is a pleasent surprise, because Angel and Cordelia never struck me as the bright spots of the Buffy cast. So, I'm probably buying the first season of Angel soon. That or food and textbooks.
Extremely random Angel comments follow.
Whatever happened to that Whistler dude?
Vampires apparently adhere to a really loose definition of "direct sunlight." Angel is, like, well-lit a lot. The advantages of having an office.
Oz! Spike! Seth Green was kind of an odd choice for the first crossover appearance, I think. I mean, Oz is a peripheral character, really. And Green was on the cusp of relatively big-time movie stardom. Though maybe that's why they chose him. I guess he does have the best excuse to come to L.A. Giles would have been neat, though, and it isn't like he's all that busy during the first part of this television season. "Here is a magic ring that will make you superpowered. Oh, and I hate you."
Speaking of magic rings, why smash it? It wasn't evil. Dangerous, I guess, but come on. Being able to walk around in sunlight has huge advantages. What if a, uh, sun demon attacks? Angel could just hide it in the sewers again. (Though I guess if Doyle could sniff it out, so could other demons.)
Angel, the show, seems to expand on the "how much does the square world know about magic" idea more than Buffy does, or at least more than Buffy has done by this point. (I gather things change a bit in season seven.) I'm not so sure I buy the idea of demons and demon-savvy humans holding creepy magic-item auctions in upscale Los Angeles hotels.
And while I'm ranting, I still don't get the Watcher Council. Wesley is fired because he mishandled Buffy and Faith. Makes good sense to me. But, say, why do you even need more than one Watcher at a time? Kendra's Watcher seemed more respected than Giles, so why wasn't he assigned to Buffy? If the Watchers watch Slayers, then why wouldn't they have their best people doing just that? It would have been nice if someone had bothered to mention another Slayer had shown up, while we're at it. Anyway, I hope that Wolfram and Hart, being another secretive organization that appears to straddle the world as we see it and the world as it is, is better thought out.
Can vampires eat, or not? I mean, I know they don't need to for nutritional purposes. Angel can cook, but doesn't seem to set a place for himself. They can get drunk, so there must be some sort of more natural metabolic processes going on.
Man, this is nerdy.
Wesley's drawn-out and ultimately aborted exit was amusing in a "Hey, I've done that" way.
Registered: Mar 1999
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In the original Angel Pilot/Promo real, Whistler had Doyle's role. They obviously changed it for the series proper.
Vampires can eat, alhough I think that everything tastes a bit...bland. Being dead affects their taste buds, presumably. I think Angel eats more and more as time goes on, to try and be more "human". He also drinks coffee fairly regularly, apparently (like most people) for the caffine, which makes sense considering that alcohol affects them.
Whether they HAVE to eat...I don't think so, but I can't place my finger on a single quote to confirm that, so I'm not too sure. (Possibly Spike said something in "Becomming"?)
-------------------- Yes, you're despicable, and... and picable... and... and you're definitely, definitely despicable. How a person can get so despicable in one lifetime is beyond me. It isn't as though I haven't met a lot of people. Goodness knows it isn't that. It isn't just that... it isn't... it's... it's despicable.
Registered: Mar 1999
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