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» Flare Sci-Fi Forums » Community » Officers' Lounge » Backstreet Boys or U2: Which is better? (Page 2)

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Author Topic: Backstreet Boys or U2: Which is better?
Saiyanman Benjita
...in 2012. This time, why not the worst?
Member # 122

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Backstreet Boys are nothing more than the late 90's version of the New Kids on the Block. Same dancing, same rhythm, same everything. They also rank with the Spice Girls. Same number, same dancing, same rhythm, only boys instead of girls. Their Music all sounds the same. You can always tell a BSB song. The girl in question has probably heard U2 before, but probably didn't know it. U2 has so many different sounds, it's probably hard to know who U2 is to the untrained ear.
There will always be a teenie-bopper group to capture the hearts of young teens, but when they grow up, they will always listen to a group with more QUALITY!!!!!!
Let's see who will be in the Rock and Roll hall of Fame after 25 years in the business (Come 2024, who will remember Backstreet boys with anything more than a laugh at how stupid you were for buying the BSB sheet set. Your mom paid so much for it, she forced you to sleep on it for the next ten years, long after you began to hate them. This happened to my sister with the New Kids bed set. She just finally got rid of it when she got a bigger Bed.)

However the sounds of U2 will last.
-For political-Sunday Bloody Sunday
-Gospel-I still haven't found what I'm looking for
-Dance-Mysterious Ways
-Tribute-MLK, Angel of Harlem
-Covers-Some of the best covers not done by G & R.
-Retro-Discotheque(Everyone hated it, but it was a fun song not to be taken seriously!)
-Movie songs-All I want is you, and If God will send his Angels.

Man it's a real shame when folks be throwing away a perfectly good white boy like that.

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The Backstreet boys will follow the same path as New Kids and Menudo( and Brittiny Spears and Debbie Gibson). Obscurity! If they are still playing Backstreet songs on the radio in twenty years, as they do U2, I'll eat my hat. I'm not the biggest U2 fan in the world, but I do recognize their place in rock history, and I own The Joshua Tree, a classic album.

Fool of a Took, throw yourself in next time!!

Registered: Jun 1999  |  IP: Logged
Jeff Raven
Always Right
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Maybe a life in obscurity is a good thing, especially for bands like BSB.

"I object to all this sex on the television. I mean, I keep falling off!"

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
First of Two
Better than you
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"Creation" conventions used to set Trek video clips to popular music, for the entertainment of conventioneers. such as a "Heroes of Star trek" video set to "Holdin' out for a Hero."

I was at a convention in Pittsburgh once where they played a video showcasing Spock, set to the music of "I still haven't found what I'm looking for."

It was, perhaps, the coolest of that type of video, or, really, ANY type of video I've ever seen.

I can pretty much bet that nothing similar will ever happen to BSB.

(The following is simply my personal opinion, without any numerical factual data to back it up. It is largely a matter of taste (good).

The BSB's music is pap, plain and simple. Homogenized, lowest-common denominator, easy-to-sing, drivel. It means what it says, but it says VERY LITTLE.

And the whole 'popularity' angle is garbage. If a billion people do a stupid thing, it is STILL a stupid thing. 'Pop' bands like BSB are DESIGNED to draw in the mindless or immature masses, who are looking for something to make them 'popular' with the 'crowd' instead of committing the unforgivable sin of being individuals. It's a sad thing, and I see it every day.

I have a standard by which I judge music. I listen to the radio during my 25 minutes to and from work every day. I have 12 stations programmed in, which I skip between. Any song I hear at over 4 times a day , or a dozen times in the course of a week, on the various stations, automatically goes in my 'slush bin,' as a SF editor would call it. (Alternate names: File 13, the Circular File, The OUT Out basket.)

BSB is one of the most overplayed groups on the air today.

I rarely hear U2.

That is how I know U2 is better. They HAVE to play BSB a billion times, to get you to listen to it. To give you no CHOICE but to hear that drivel. But I SEARCH the radio for U2 songs.

"Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Hungry for you
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At the risk of getting two knifes in my back for bringing back bad memories, I have to mention that Page's Bar did something similar with Spice Girls songs.

They played "Who do you think you are" to a sequence of shots of Kosh, and "Wannabe" (lyrics like "tell me what you want, what you really really want") to a Morden montage.

At that point I think Lee's head exploded. A remarkable sight to be sure.

"I'd give anything to be able to turn invisible. I wouldn't use my powers to beat people up, but use them to protect the girl's locker room."
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Chinese Canadian, or 75% Commie Bastard.
Member # 33

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Can we have some BSB fans here on the discussion. Seems that this whole topic has been totally one-sided.

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Psychiatrist: "Again."

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Member # 302

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That's because everyone here knows that U2 has better music and can probably give better points about U2 in a debate or argument.

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Dilbert: "Then how do I turn you off?"
7: "Believe me, I am plenty turned off."

Registered: Feb 2000  |  IP: Logged
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To illustrate the staying power of the "appeal to the youthful masses" type of group I need say only two words:

  1. Milly
  2. Vanilly

I need say no more.


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--[Source unknown.]

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Jay the Obscure
Liker Of Jazz
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Ah, yes. But Mr. Milly and Mr. Vanilly, their choreographer, their studio band, the guys who actually sang the songs, the fellows who made the music "drummier," (I loved that phrase ) and their personal trainers, as a collective won a Grammy.

Milly Vanilly, like the BSB now, were produced out of whole cloth. They were a fabrication. An invention of producers who picked a look and fit the faces to what they wanted to that look. They then had someone else write songs that would appeal to a segment of the population and then had someone else play the actual music.

All of which I think fans the flames of the gf's general "the BSB were up for a Grammy" argument.

Which in and of itself leads to another agrument. The Grammys the last few years have been about record sales and not about music. Which is why the BSB were even up for one in the first place. The Grammys have given in to the evil that is Soundscan. A place where an album's sales somehow equates to inherent excellence. While the two are not exclusive, it is certainly a incorrect to say that simple sales equate to greatness.

Ohh, so Mother Nature needs a favor? Well maybe she should have thought of that when she was besetting us with droughts, and plagues and poison monkeys. Nature started the fight for survival and now she wants to quit because she's losing...well I say "Hard Cheese"!
~C. Montgomery Burns

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
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Just because a song is popular does not mean it's great.

"Disco duck" (Rick Dees) was popular.

"The Streak" (Ray Stevens) was popular.

"Convoy" (C.W. McCall) was popular.

"Mairzy Dotes" (I dunno the performer/composer) was popular.

One of the above is now a children's song. I'll bet most of you responded "Huh? Wuzzat?" to all or most of the above titles. Popularity is no measure of greatness. Beethoven had many contemporary competitors, but unless you're a music historian, you probably can't name a single one of them. Beethoven was great. The rest were popular (and not all of them, either).

Just because something is popular NOW has no bearing upon whether it's truly important in the scheme of things. Even when it's important, it isn't always a good idea. Being a Nazi made you important in Germany from around 1933 to early 1945, but it didn't mean you were one of the "good guys", especially if you had Jewish friends and/or relatives.

"Popular" is overrated.


"Going to church does not make you a Christian anymore than going to McDonalds's makes you a hamburger."
--[Source unknown.]

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Frank G
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I have an MP3 of Disco Duck. I'm listening to it right now.

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"We were leaving New York this morning and we were checking in at the gate at the airport and the attendant said, 'You must be musicians,' and I said, 'Yes,' and she asked, 'What's the name of your band?,' and I said, 'We're called the Statesmen,' and she said, 'Oh, I've heard of you!'. I think if we'd said, you know, 'We're the Green Egg,' or something, she would have said the same thing." - John Linnell

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I agree. I am a big U2 fan and I have most of their albums. But I don't listen to them as much now because I would rather listen to newer music and not the same collection of songs over and over. Once BSB dies down and the next teenage heart-throb group comes along, I bet your gf would say that band X is better than BSB because they are 'now'.
Registered: Feb 2000  |  IP: Logged
Dane Simri
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It suddenly occurs to me that the reason we haven't heard from any BSB fans is that enjoying Star Trek and enjoying BSB music are genetically incompatible traits. This is yet another piece of evidence that the BSB are losers.

*Is only half kidding around*


"Let mental culture go on advancing, let the natural sciences progress in even greater extent and depth, and the human mind widen itself as much as it desires: beyond the elevation and moral culture of Christianity, as it shines forth in the Gospels, it will not go."

Registered: Dec 1999  |  IP: Logged

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I've played music for a number of years, classical viola and will say that U-2 is a band of musicians, BSB is a band of synths. The sound that they have is typical process bass dance rhythms. They are aimed at the young teenage girl crowd who are concerned with image not quality of the musical expertise. Time will tell who is was the greater musical group.

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The only member here that I can think of, that said he liked the BSB, was Justin.

Fool of a Took, throw yourself in next time!!

Registered: Jun 1999  |  IP: Logged
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