This has turned out rather long. But in response to Canada in WW1 and 2. Canada contributed more than was expected from such a small power and from such a uninfluiential power. They were the second largest grower of food in the war for the allies, third largest production capaility in the war for the allies, trained many British pilots, did convoy for Britain,pow camps, had the third or fourth largest navy in terms of boats till they scrapped it. 1million plus troops from a country of 10.5 million people. Probaly more but can't remember.
There are differences in Canada and US. Us was formed through war, Canada was formed through diplomatic process. US and many of it's people have a superiorattitude to others, ( not all but many), Canada has these people as well but we are'nt known for it in the international community. Did u know it is much more advantaggeous to stich a Canadaian flag to your bag then an AMerican one? Why? Cause people treat u differently.
Oh differrent reactions to moives like ID4 and anything with what I call AMerican propaganda.
*thinks about the Canadian military vs ID4 saucers* *snicker*
Ahh, you're just mad because alien invaders wouldn't find your country important enough to attack, what with it's being cold and barren and not populous and all...
Lieutenant: "General, the aliens have destroyed Quebec, Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver and Montreal!"
General: "Well, that's it then. let's all pack up and go home."
And this whole "Oh, we gave so MUCH in the war..." Well, besides the War having been OVER for 50 years... dudes, you didn't win it for them, either. Kind of like wanting credit for being the buy who passed the ball to the guy who passed the ball to the guy who made the winning shot. Sure, your pass was crucial, and you helped the team and all, but.. come on!
I think much, if not most of the animosity towards Americans abroad is the fact that the US flexes it's muscle. The US has wide-ranging power and influence over other countries, and they know it, and they don't like it. (Irregardless of whether their country is benefiting from said influence or not.)
Canada, on the other hand, has little global power and influence, and therefore causes no abrasions, because it has built no muscle to flex. Much as the guy who lives next door who runs all the civic organizations is liable to have more enemies than the guy across the street who stays home and watches "MASH" reruns.
The US acts in what it believes are the best interests of the US, as do ALL other countries, whether they admit it or not. Other considerations are irrelevant. We just act more and harder. The World is no place for the timid.
------------------ "... Then you'll see me do some MAJOR dancing on your face!" -- Cosby
*happens to be watching M*A*S*H reruns right now...considering there are no NEW M*A*S*H eppys* *L*
truth be told, though, i rather wish the U.S. were a bit more passive, instead of dashing off to the nearest seemingly damsel in distress. oh well. que sera sera. soon as we get slick willy out of office and get someone who can keep his pants up IN office, maybe we can turn this hellhole around.
------------------ Clones are People Two
"The Force is like duct tape: it has a dark side and a light side, and it holds the universe together" ([[[[[[*]}�������������������������
First just stumbled onto a great hipocrasy by the US there...
quote: Well, besides the War having been OVER for 50 years... dudes, you didn't win it for them, either.
Unfortunatly, neither did the US. Just to take, off the top of my head, Friends as an example. Final ep of season 4(the wedding in England one) where Ross's dad says 'you nasty, would be speaking German if it wasn't for us, cheap little man' Americans are perfectly winning to take credit for coming into the war at the last minute and saving the day when they want. (And to paraphrase B5, it's so much easier to make the grand gesture after you've just been bombed). And then, I distinctly remember an argument on another thread about how the colonists managed to wipe out nearly all the Native Americans when they arived, and someone said that the current generation is responsible. Almost everyone disagreed, saying how can we be responsible for what our ancestors did? Okay, if you want to take that point, then you can't take credit for it. NONE of you fought in either of the World Wars, from any country. The Canadians of the 30s and 40s may have sacrifised more for WWII (although still less than the British) than the US, but none of you did.
quote: You know, America has been proud of itself ever since we recieved our freedom, because we fought for it.
It's true. The British didn't fight for their freedom in the World Wars. But if your talking about creation ofthe country, you've got to remember most of the countries in Europe can't even remember being formed, since it happened so long ago, and evolved over time. Britian was invaded by the Normans, the Saxons, the Celts, and anyone with a big stick. And we intergrated them. The Romans invaded. What happened? Well, we got roads, improved education and nice clothes.
American superiority doesn't come out of any sort of pride of the past, so much as inadequacy over the past. Like it or not, the United States of America is a very young nation. And like the new boy in school, is trying to prove itself by picking fights with everyone else, rather than worrying about it's own problems.
------------------ 'There's no meat in beer, right?' -Joey Tribiani
First of Two: I'm aghast. You seem to have no grip on history whatsoever.
>>Canada, on the other hand, has little global power and influence, and therefore causes no abrasions, because it has built no muscle to flex.
Um... first of all, be glad that the DEW line existed. Without it, you would have been wide open to nuclear missiles from the Soviets in the Cold War.
Oh, and how about that little thing... crisis? What was the name of that guy who solved it? Pearson? A Canadian? Naaah... the sheer thought that a non-American would invent the UN peacekeeper is ludicrous.
And how about the treaty that the US refuses to sign because it's too dirty... you know, the Treaty of Ottawa that every civilized country (except the US... or is pointing this out even necessary) has signed to ban Anti-personnel landmines. Who came up with that?
<dumbamericanspeek>Ottawa..duh... that's in Sweden, right? </dumbamericanspeek>
Or that battle in France in WW1 where the Canadians saved the asses of everybody... Vimy something?
Basketball's Canadian too, just in case you were asking. And Trivial Pursuit. And William
>>>The US acts in what it believes are the best interests of the US, as do ALL other countries
You hit the nail on the head there by saying all the US cares about is its immediate borders, or whatever it can blow up in order to preserve "the American Way" outside the US.
But if that was the way "ALL other countries" acted, then this planet would be a radioactive cinder. Canada, unlike the States, is far less concerned with appealing to the lowest common redneck denominator than the fate of humanity in general.
Screwball Fact: Americans are so ignorant that, as a percentage, more Canadians can name all 50 American States than Americans can name all 10 Canadian Provinces. Talk about one big, close-minded nation.
If you don't mind me, I'll go mush my huskies back to my igloo, eat some Kraft Dinner, watch Bob and Doug Mackenzie on TV, plan my shopping trip to West Edmonton Mall and ponder what Bill C has that Jean C doesn't have. On the way home I'll wave to the Mountie and stop to let the reindeer cross the road. Want me to send your regards to the local Bison?
------------------ "A Star Wars picture that preaches against greed is a little like Bill Clinton in the pulpit for a chastity-begins-at-home campaign."
-Rex Murphy on Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
With regard to WW II, I think each of us should exercise the option of taking emotional credit for the good things our ancestors did without taking the blame for their decisions. We have to live with the results, so blame is unnecessary and unproductive.
As far as Canadian nationalism, it's just as ugly when it's ugly, and noble when it's noble, as any other nation's attitude.
*pokes Frank* Ten provinces, three territories...
You missed Alberta, New Brunswick and little old PEI. And it's Nunavut.
My turn, from memory
1 Alaska 2 Hawaii 3 Washington 4 Oregon 5 California 6 Nevada 7 Idaho 8 Montana 9 Wyoming 10 Utah 11 Colorado 12 Arizona 13 New Mexico 14 Missouri 15 North Dakota 16 South Dakota 17 Texas 18 Oklahoma 19 Kansas 20 Michigan 21 Indiana 22 Illinois 23 Ohio 24 Maine 25 Vermont 26 New Hampshire 27 New York 28 Connecticut 29 Rhode I. 30 Mass. 31 New Jersey 32 Pennsylvania 33 Delaware 34 Virginia 35 W. Virginia 36 North Carolina 37 South Carolina 38 Georgia 39 Florida 40 Alabama 41 Louisiana 42 Mississippi 43 Tennessee 44 Kentucky 45 Wisconsin 46 Minnesota 47 Arkansas 48 Nebraska 49 Iowa 50
If you'd given me a blank map I would've gotten the last one
*locking thread and starting a freshy*
------------------ "A Star Wars picture that preaches against greed is a little like Bill Clinton in the pulpit for a chastity-begins-at-home campaign."
-Rex Murphy on Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace