Sol pointed out the reasoning behind most of this.You have a 'feeling' that your sister is pregnent (or whatever). You get home, and find that she is. (Shocking as well, after haivng just got married, plus the fact that she was trying for a baby too). Bingo! You can predict the future.
OTOH, you get a feeling that your sister is pregnent. You get home, and she isn't. You think no-more about it.
It's just that the 0.000001% of times that something happens that you think will happen, it sticks out.
359: I can do the first of these things too. Notice that the three things you mentioned all produce sound anyway? At a guess, TV's always emit sound at a high frequency. You can just hear it. With the speakers, you can hear the electromagnet vibrating. And computers ALWAYS make noise. You are most likely hearing the fan. Or the monitor or speakers for the same reasons. Can you tell when a video recorders on? Or an alarm clock?
If you could "sense" electricity, then your power could be put to far greater use in locating that digital watch that's been lost behind the sofa.
UM: Good sarcasm mate.
And Neccy "Well every one has psionic abilities to a certain extent.". Care to clarify and/or prove that? Because I've yet to be convinced by the "I had a feeling that my mother was going to ring, and, less than a week later, she did" arguments.
"Sorry Wendy, I just can't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die."
Mr Garrison
[This message has been edited by PsyLiam (edited February 12, 2000).]