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Author Topic: US to seize OPEC
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Member # 38

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Agreed there. No reputable paper would use such repugnant language and refer to a people by a term that has always been considered rascist, even hundreds of years ago.

"...I was just up in Canada, Toronto actually. You know, they really hate you guys [Americans] up there? The funny thing is, they think you hate them back, when in fact, you just couldn't be bothered to care. Now in Ireland, it's a different story. At least we had the common decency to wait until the English invaded before we started hating them. I guess the Canadians are hating you in advance..."
-Irish Comic Ed Byrne on Canada-US relations

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Some other beginning's end
Member # 91

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Go up to any person on the street. Nine of ten will not think that "Eskimo" is a racist term. I use "Inuit", but that's just because I know more about them than your average Joe. The term "nigger" wasn't considered racist until black people declared it so. Heck, some consider the term "black" racist, even though it was Malcom X who insisted that we use it.

A term is only racist when the person using it (intends to/doesn't care if they) offend someone. Lack of knowledge doesn't constitute racism.

Care to respond to the actual content, now?


"No, you said that leisurely sunday driving was on the rise."

No, I said that SUMMER driving was on the rise. That obviously implies driving that, for the most part, takes place in the SUMMER. You know, like vacations?

"...it tells me everyone can afford the gas hike and this whole discussion is a moot point."

No, it prooves MY point, that higher gas prices haven't done any "good", as defined by the environmental wackos.

Pilot: You're sure they were Americans, eh?
Fraser: They were all wearing new boots, they were driving a Jeep Wrangler, and they carried big guns.
Pilot: Americans it is.
- "due South"

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411

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Actually, Omega, you're mincing words. I posted (and you'll havta forgive me, 'cuz I don't know how ya'll do those quote thingys)

With prices up, how many people with four by
fours go on a leisurely Sunday drive? Come

And YOU, Omega, replied:

Highest gas prices in QUITE a while,
and yet there was more summer driving than
there'd been for some time, too. The
price increase didn't reduce consumption.

I say "Sunday", you said "Summer." Kind of like, I say (sound it out with me!) "pohtatoh", you say "potaehtoe" It's pretty fucking obvious we're talking about the same damn thing, so stop your "no, I said that SUMMER driving was on the rise. That obviously implies driving that, for the most part, takes place in the SUMMER. You know, like vacations?"

Now, obviously, we are talking about something different THERE. There is a very big difference between driving down some old country road with the top down just because its a nice day, and driving six hours to wherever because its your vacation. For one thing, people go on "Vacations" every year ... for birthdays, holidays, etcetra. Vacations are legitimate expenses for gasoline. Now, if you can prove that Joe-Schmoe spends an extra $15 on gas a week so he can take the top down on his Mazda Miata and go flying down an old country road for no other reason than he wants too ... well, that would be something.

Brings me to my next point:

YOU still have YET to produce a single scrap of evidence that people are consuming gasoline for these so called "vacations" and otherwise frivolous driving trips. All we've got is your word!

Jeff's Webcam
Gore/Lieberman 2000
"Mac asked me to look after her [Jennifer Hill] while he's in San Francisco whacking the son of a bitch who killed her husband." - Richie Ryan

"Richie ... *you're* the son of a bitch who whacked her husband!" -- Joe Dawson

"Haunted" - Highlander: The Series

Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411

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Okay, now on to racism.

Webster's defines racism as:

1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

If I yell at someone "you son-of-a-bitch!" I am putting them down and insulting them, in order to make myself feel better (er, about myself, that is). I may be doing this because they've got a better car, make more money, whatever.

If I yell at someone, "hey, you slant-eye!" or "hey, you nigger!" or "hey, redskin!" I am insulting someone's heritage, in order to make me feel better about myself. It doesn't matter if *I* don't feel any of those are racist ... if the person (or ethnic group) finds the word to be racist, then, plain-and-simple, IT IS. It's not up for me to say "this is racist, this isn't."

Here's a challenge: how many racist slurs are out there for Caucasians? How would YOU feel if someone called you a "cracker" or something else?

Omega, times change. It used to be acceptable to call people "nigger." It also used to be acceptable to OWN another human being. I would hope you would recognize that that time has passed. A lot of people died here in the U.S. on both sides of that issue, it was called the "Civil War." And using "black" as a descriptive IS racist, buddy. Instead of saying, (for example), "hey, look at that man" you're saying "hey, look at that black man"

Why can't he just be "a man"?

And when Malcom X encouraged using "black", it was to discourage using "nigger." Omega, newsflash: TIMES CHANGE. What was acceptable thirty or forty years ago is NOT acceptable today.

Jeff's Webcam
Gore/Lieberman 2000
"Mac asked me to look after her [Jennifer Hill] while he's in San Francisco whacking the son of a bitch who killed her husband." - Richie Ryan

"Richie ... *you're* the son of a bitch who whacked her husband!" -- Joe Dawson

"Haunted" - Highlander: The Series

[This message has been edited by JeffKardde (edited October 21, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by JeffKardde (edited October 21, 2000).]

Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
Hungry for you
Member # 73

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My baby nephew is a real little cracker. But that's because he's white elitest scum. Ooh, how I hates them.

"Why do you want to spend time with a deer? They're so stupid, they get hypnotized by headlights!" - Guido Anchovy

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411

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Er. Ah. O...k

I've got crackers. They're called "ritz"

Jeff's Webcam
Gore/Lieberman 2000
"Mac asked me to look after her [Jennifer Hill] while he's in San Francisco whacking the son of a bitch who killed her husband." - Richie Ryan

"Richie ... *you're* the son of a bitch who whacked her husband!" -- Joe Dawson

"Haunted" - Highlander: The Series

Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs
astronauts gotta get paid
Member # 239

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"Hockey is a sport for white men. Basketball is a sport for black men. Golf is a sport for white men dressed like black pimps."
- Tiger Woods

Registered: Oct 1999  |  IP: Logged
Jeff Raven
Always Right
Member # 20

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There's a lot of love in this room...

Everyone, kiss and make up!

Intelligence, Integrity, Responsibility.
Vote Bush/Cheney 2000

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs
astronauts gotta get paid
Member # 239

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Kiss and Make Up. Almost as harmonious a union as PB & J.

Go Ace Frehley!!!!



"Hockey is a sport for white men. Basketball is a sport for black men. Golf is a sport for white men dressed like black pimps."
- Tiger Woods

Registered: Oct 1999  |  IP: Logged
Some other beginning's end
Member # 91

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"YOU still have YET to produce a single scrap of evidence that people are consuming gasoline for these so called "vacations" and otherwise frivolous driving trips. All we've got is your word!"

As I said, JK, "Whether you take my word for it or not is your decision, but then, of course, I can challenge you to proove that the amount of driving went DOWN this summer." I don't seem to be able to proove it, so believe what you will.

"if the person (or ethnic group) finds the word to be racist, then, plain-and-simple, IT IS."

Racism is not a quality that can be APPLIED to words. It's a state of MIND, thus being only applicable to human beings. Last time I checked, nothing else can hold a belief, or be prejudiced. I can't be racist simply by use of a certain word, if I don't intend to offend anyone by it.

"How would YOU feel if someone called you a "cracker" or something else?"

I'd say, "Huh?" And once I found out what it was, I'd just walk off. Some people are oversensitive to what others think about them.

"Why can't he just be "a man"?"

Because liberals in groups like the NAACP and "Affirmative Action" won't let them be. Black people THEMSELVES won't let themselves be, in some cases.

So now I'm racist because I recognize the differences between races when someone ELSE (in a mainstay of the liberal media, no less) brings it up? Wonderful.

"What was acceptable thirty or forty years ago is NOT acceptable today."

And why the heck not? What's changed, except the attitude of the people doing the objecting? I don't care whether it's "PC" or not. Trying to please everyone, ALL the time is simply impossible, so I'm not gonna worry about it.

As for the rest of you, thanks for laughing. This guy seems pretty humorless at times.

Pilot: You're sure they were Americans, eh?
Fraser: They were all wearing new boots, they were driving a Jeep Wrangler, and they carried big guns.
Pilot: Americans it is.
- "due South"

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411

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"if you don't intend to offend anyone by it?"

If YOU don't intend? Sorry, bud, its not what YOU intend, its what the person/ethnic group you are talking to takes offense.

If I were to call someone a "stupid mother-loving son of a whore bitch cocksucker", and then tell them I didn't "mean to offend them", I'd still get my ass kicked.

And, Omega, its not about trying to please everyone all the time. It's about the "golden rule" -- ever heard of it? Treat others as you'd like to be treated?

Do you remember something called "segregation" which was acceptable 40 years ago? It was the belief that a people with one color skin couldn't use the same facilities as another people with different color skin. I would think (I would hope) you would be "enlightened" (smart?) enough to realize that it is a good thing that those times no longer exist, that we're trying to make the world a better place to live.

Or maybe you'd like to see segregation reinstated? I tell ya' what, if you act today, we'll even reopen Auschwitz! Today only!

Now, as for the summer driving, if you'll look at how I worded the question, I never made the assertion that summer/sunday driving was down. I based what I said on personal experiences with myself and friends/co-workers who had stopped going on leisurely Sunday drives.

To which YOU made the claim that Sunday/Summer driving was UP. And you've yet to back those numbers up, so I think its safe to say you pulled THAT out of your ass.

And, speaking of "liberals" in certain organizations, are you aware what is going on in Vermont? The civil-union that is causing such an uproar? The slogan of those opposed is "take Vermont back."

The slogan of the liberals: "take Vermont into the future."

Omega, why is it so hard to understand that using racist words (whether you find them to be racist or not) is taking America a step backwards? Let's go to the future.

Jeff's Webcam
Gore/Lieberman 2000
"I just came to watch the perfect Immortal die." - Methos

"I'm not..." - MacLeod

"Not what? Not the perfect Immortal? Or not going to die?" - Methos

"Forgive Us Our Tresspasses" - Highlander: The Series

[This message has been edited by JeffKardde (edited October 22, 2000).]

Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
A Terrible & Sick leek
Member # 417

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Ok, we can now come to the conclusion that:
1: We need to find a replacement for the ICE, that,
2: Doesn't cause pollution, and,
3: Doesn't offend anybody.

Stupid bastards and religious freaks,
so safe in their castle keeps...

Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
Some other beginning's end
Member # 91

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OK, I think JK here needs to calm down and actually try to figure out what I'm saying...

Pilot: You're sure they were Americans, eh?
Fraser: They were all wearing new boots, they were driving a Jeep Wrangler, and they carried big guns.
Pilot: Americans it is.
- "due South"

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs
astronauts gotta get paid
Member # 239

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Is anyone here not white?

"Hockey is a sport for white men. Basketball is a sport for black men. Golf is a sport for white men dressed like black pimps."
- Tiger Woods

Registered: Oct 1999  |  IP: Logged
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411

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OK, Omega: what ARE you saying?

'cuz to me, it sounds like you're saying THIS: If I went to call someone a nigger, a fag, an eskimo, or what ever, they shouldn't be offended because I don't mean to offend them.

Yes or no?

Jeff's Webcam
Gore/Lieberman 2000
"I just came to watch the perfect Immortal die." - Methos

"I'm not..." - MacLeod

"Not what? Not the perfect Immortal? Or not going to die?" - Methos

"Forgive Us Our Tresspasses" - Highlander: The Series

[This message has been edited by JeffKardde (edited October 22, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by JeffKardde (edited October 22, 2000).]

Registered: Sep 2000  |  IP: Logged
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