The problem isn't people shooting one another, so much as it is people wanting to kill one another. Making it more difficult does not address the problem.
If you're sick and have a fever, the doctor may only prescribe aspirin. If the fever continues to climb, and the doctor just continues to prescribe more aspirin, you should probably seek another opinion, since aspirin doesn't seem to be doing the job.
Passing gun control laws in the wake of such tragedies allows people to feel like they have done something about the problem. They want to do something fast and forget about it. Hopefully it will go away while they have their eyes closed. Unfortunately, that approach is rather like the doctor who continues to prescribe more and more aspirin for a rising fever. Discover the nature of the disease first, then determine and execute a course of treatment.
I don't get why people are saying taht this proves that gun control doesn't work. this is the first shooting in a Dutch school EVER. That, for people not paying attention, was EVER. One shooting.
And the situation's pretty much the same in the UK, which also has strict gun control laws.
How often does it happen in the US? Eh?
------------------ *gasp* "The pictures...they're...coming...alive!" -Abe Simpson, on the miracle of the moving image
------------------ Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")
This isn't going anywhere. By now, after a new thread on each new school-shooting that happens, we have gone over this upteen times.
It seems an evident fact that people from the US have been programmed so well by their culture that they are no longer capable of comprehending the logic of gun control. I find this baffling, as does pretty much the rest of the civilised world.
Sure, in the srictest controlled countries some people will still find a way to get a gun and use it... But at least they have to make the effort to hoodwink a gun supplier or contact the criminal underground; not just wander up to their bedroom and pick up the Uzi their dad gave them for their fifth birthday so they could "defend themselves"...
------------------ "I cannot live out that life. That man is bereft of passion... and imagination! That is not who I am!"
I agree entirely with Monty. Gun control is never perfect, but it's a great step in the right direction.
The most disturbing thing is the gunman (gunboy?) was actually encouraged by his father to defend their family's honour. But machismo&vendetta cultures are antoher topic altogether.
The problem is not the guns but the relatively few people who are misusing them. There aren't any news stories about the responsible gun owners.
Besides, look at the problem with illegal drugs in the US...laws haven't stopped them from being sold or obtained.
------------------ Frank's Home Page "Ou tou kratountos h� polis nomizetai" - Creon
I think teaching kids to use guns would be a good idea. Then they'll learn to fear them.
Wha? If anyone in the country is preprogrammed, it's the ones who DO want tougher gun control laws. They don't think about it, just go along with it. Like the asprin analogy. And another problem is that we don't enforce the laws that ARE on the books. There's a town in North Carolina where practically everyone owns a gun and displays it. Guess what. The murder rate is practically nil. The law-abiding citizins who have guns aren't the problem. The problem is people who obtain guns for the express purpose of breaking the law, and in their case, a law against having a gun wouldn't make any difference. A little known fact about criminals is that they tend to break the law.
------------------ Mephistopheles's Repossessions and Furnace Works C/O Mephistopheles, Cain, Brutus, Medici, Torquemada, Richelieu, Metternich, Tweed, Rasputin & Daley, Attorneys-at-Law 1 Perdition-on-the-Styx Plaza Dis, The Nether Regions
OOOOOKKKKKKAAAAAAYYYYYYYY, how many of these school shootings have been done by professional criminals? You know, the sort that have underground contacts and can smuggle a gun around? *counts*
Okay, now how many have been done by someone who bought a gun whith his fags at the newsagents? *counts*
Ahhh, I see...
------------------ "Obesity. Adiposity. Corpulence. Whatever word you use, it represents one thing: being a big fatass."
Answer #1. If we include repeat offenders for other, less violent crimes, several.
Answer #2. None.
You have no idea how much it irks me to be agreeing with Omega on this issue.
The thing I keep noticing about the people I encounter who are for gun control: They almost always tend to be Victims. Now, I don't mean victims of crime or victims of gun crime, as much as I mean people with a Victim mentality.. "Poor me, I could never possibly defend myself, so I'd better just give Mr. Criminal all my stuff and hope he just goes away." The problem with this mentality is that once you're a victim, you will be victimized over and over and over again. And you'll be too wrapped up in your victimhood to care about or even notice it. The criminal NEVER goes away. He knows an easy mark when he sees it.
Very often these are the same people who expect the government to step in and do everything for them.
A Supreme Court decision not so long ago even ruled that the police are not obligated to protect individual citizens. This is one of the reasons stalkers have a field day.. the police can't do anything about them until it's over.
As for this being Netherlands' first shooting, and therefore somehow being less... just you wait. See how/if your media plays it a lot. You think the US is the world's only powderkeg?
------------------ Calvin: "No efficiency, no accountability... I tell you, Hobbes, it's a lousy way to run a Universe." -- Bill Watterson
1. Tabor was a shooting but thats all I recall. Ok, thats a lie.. the town was named Tabor instead of Tabernacle because the gov't thought the longer name would be too relgiously controversial...but thats beside the point)
2. Your theory is by training everyone to be all macho, heoric, and combat trained...we can eliminate all crime because the criminals will be too intimidated to commit a crime.
Newsflash! By the same reasoning we could eliminate all war by giving every country well trained armies and the biggest nuclear weapons we can find. Maybe MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) will end all war. didn't. How many wars have we had in the past few years despite the increasing precence of nuclear devices? Did India and Pakistan stop fighting once they both had nukes? No..they continued and are now fighting with greater risks.
Its the same thing with people, people make up nations, nations act like people do. (And before you start wondering what is my Hoover Dam or what is France's equivalent of a spleen...don't take a metaphor/simile too far...)
Of course it would be foolish to suggest that this will be Holland's only ever school shooting. Unfortunatly, there will probably be another one. Someday.
But it's likely to happen a long time after the next one in the US.
------------------ "Obesity. Adiposity. Corpulence. Whatever word you use, it represents one thing: being a big fatass."