------------------ Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")
*can't help but laugh at that* Priceless.... simply priceless...... :-D
------------------ "The battle is raging inside my weary heart screaming for me to let it all go... My body is weak and I can't take the struggle anymore... the love that was here is filled up by anger and rage..." ~FOM
I've got a suggestion for the government of the Forums. If Charles wanted to take a less active role, so as to have more free time (not that he actually does anything around here anyway ), he could just sit back, take care of really high-level things (pay for the stinkin' thing, make periodic backups if feasable, etc.) and take it easy, create a couple new admins to take up the slack, and let them run the site democratically (subject to his overriding veto, of course). Maybe come up with some sort of password system where to make any major change (like banning someone), some majority has to enter their personal (rotating?) passwords. That way we wouldn't have these problems. Just an idea.
Oh, and he'd have more time to work on UP3.
------------------ Mephistopheles's Repossessions and Furnace Works C/O Mephistopheles, Cain, Brutus, Medici, Torquemada, Richelieu, Metternich, Tweed, Rasputin & Daley, Attorneys-at-Law 1 Perdition-on-the-Styx Plaza Dis, The Nether Regions
Actually, it's more of an oligarchy, but as long as it's well-run, who cares? The forums at The Straight Dope don't allow the users to dictate terms, and they're doing fine. Of course, the administrators maintain a strictly professional demeanor, and when (if -- I've never seen it) they lock a thread or ban someone, they do not pass comments about it along to the community. Period.
------------------ You can't seriously want to ban alcohol. It tastes great, makes women appear more attractive, and makes a person virtually invulnerable to criticism. --Mayor Quimby http://members.tripod.com/~Bob_Baloo/index.htm