Well, i got a letter from the dean of students today, and she basically is giving us a "please think about what you're doing next time before just doing it" warning, and that's about it.
------------------ "Permasuck, by Froboz Electric: 'We don't just make things that suck, we make things that suck, PERMANENTLY.'"
Baloo: I still stand by my assertation that the act in the first place was stupid. Even if you claim it to be legal (which I would probably be able to find some grounds to debate on, but I think this is a stupid arguement to begin with and arguing law is pointless, since, as we've seen on numerous occassions, law doesn't mean anything in this country) it's hard to dispute the stupidity of going to a Catholic college when you're not catholic, or at the very least, Christian. And incidentally, fraud is not as big a crime as some of the stuff you people seem to think were going on here.
First: You "athiests" have always left me laughing. I'm not refering to true athiests, but people like you who have the "guts' to reject organize religion, but immediately flock to these other, equally stupid religions (and yes, Eddie Vedder does fall into this category). People like you make a mockery of real athiests. The goddess is just as much of a joke as the Christian god, and I am surprised anyone with the nerve to call themselves an athiest (although I'm not sure if you do or not) would do such a thing. Why don't you go and say some Hail Marys while you're at it? Or kneel towards Mecca and pray? They are all equally stupid. Otherwise, you're just picking on monothiests. So knock it off, or I'll call a jihad down on your ass.
And if you don't actually claim to be an athiest and are just one of those nuts who buy into polythiestic religions, ignore most of that. I'll just think of you as a polythiest dork instead :-)
Quoth Trent Reznor, god is dead and no one cares. And yeah, the Vikings suck too. (not the football team, Randy Moss is awesome)
------------------ "Don't have a mind" - Kurt Cobain Breed, Nirvana
DT: You're right on. At least I think so. I agree with you totally. (What the hell is wrong with me?) I've always felt the same way about the so-called 'athiests', but it doesn't really bother me, because I don't care.
Necromancer: What the hell was that? "You don't have a brain."? Expand on that or something, because otherwise you're nothing more than a troll. You could at least present a reason before you shit verbal diarrhea out your mouth.
------------------ I bet when Neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would always end up saying "Don't forget the big heavy eyebrows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky eyebrows too, and then they would get mad and eat the snowman.
-Jack Handey
[This message has been edited by Ultra Magnus (edited February 04, 2000).]
People can do something they don't believe in to make a point. I'll probably buy a gun when I'm legally old enough, just so I can make the point of the fact that I _can_ own one, and nobody's going to stop me. I would have no intention of ever using it. It would simply be a symbol of the fact that I have the right to own a gun. Just like Jubes' drawing another pentagram would be a symbol of her legal right to practice her religion.
------------------ You are wise, witty, and wonderful, but you spend far too much time reading this sort of trash.
Omega: I'm done with Jubes on this one, if someone wants to go to a Catholic school and be a Witch, that's their prerogative, I've got bigger fish to fry.
But the athiest thing is a pet peeve of mine, both from when I was religious and when I lost faith.
------------------ "Don't have a mind" - Kurt Cobain Breed, Nirvana
Some of his protests have been pretty fucked. I remember his St Patrick's Day protest, honouring pagans. Yeah, there was human people. The first born song of celtic kings had to be sacrificed to the gods. That's one of the reason the princes were so open to Christianity, it meant someone else died for them, they didn't have to (yeah, there's true faith). The pagans were as unbelievably fucked as Christians. Honouring one as a protest of the other is beyond foolish. I'm a great opponent of Josef Stalin. Does that mean I should walk around with a swastika on my arm? Everyone is familiar with my hatred for the Catholic Church. Yeah, time to join up with the RUC! Lenin taught us that we must constantly fight against those forces which are not revolutionary. If First is a true athiest, he'd find paganism and wicca to be worthy of his unbridled contempt. Borrowing Zack's phrase, a "rotten sore on the face of mother Earth." I will fight against these foolish mystical religions with every ounce of strength I have, because they're just as wrong as christianity. Believing in these voodoo, hocus-pocus superstitions are detrimental to the pursuit of truth. Anyway, I need to go pray to Allah. Shalom.
------------------ "Don't have a mind" - Kurt Cobain Breed, Nirvana
1. I am not, nor have I ever claimed to be, an Atheist. I am a Deist, not that it matters, although that's as close as you can get to being an Atheist while still believing in SOMETHING.
2. Expressing a semipreference for murdering Druids over murdering Christians is simply "celebrating my heritage," as those people who claim to favor diversity would have it. At least the Druids only practiced murder on a small scale, while Christianity could do it for you wholesale.
3. Of COURSE I don't subscribe to Wicca. Apparently you aren't aware that the pentagram and the runic alphabet are NOT solely wiccan attributes, but I'd expect that. Most people aren't. (F'r Instance, the rather Christian Amish paint pentagrams on their barns as a ward against evil). Besides, the "running out to draw another" is not a statement of belief in religion so much as a statement of belief in the same freedoms that you so vigorously defend in the "John Rocker" thread. Don't you think there's ever been a "Gentleman's Agreement" against non-christians? I do.
It's an interesting double-standard corner we're each painting ourselves into, me painting myself into the opposite corner by upholding free speech here, while opposing you in the other direction in the Rocker thread. Fascinating, isn't it?
Come to think of it, the only difference I see is that Jubilee's statements are far more benign than Rocker's, so maybe I should relax on Rocker a bit.
------------------ Calvin: "No efficiency, no accountability... I tell you, Hobbes, it's a lousy way to run a Universe." -- Bill Watterson
DT, i'm begining to wonder if you believe in anything but keeping your head lodged in your upper colon.
Perhaps before you unreasonably condemn my religion, you should remove it and go do some research..... as it is quite plain from your statemernts that you have no clue.
------------------ "Permasuck, by Froboz Electric: 'We don't just make things that suck, we make things that suck, PERMANENTLY.'"
Sorry of being rude, it just pissis me off when people saying that "atheists" flock to other religions. In my experience i believe that people look for a reliegion that appeals to them, if does not exist then they formulate thier own beliefs.
As for my view on the wiccan religion i fully support it thought i do not belong to it. I find it quite fascinating
As for me my beliefs are based on science, my ethics, and the theories of the chaos phenomenom.
Sure i believe in a god, but not in the way christians do.
I take into consideration freedom of thought. Now i wish more religions would take that into consideration and not force thier members to believe blindly. ------------------ I am not responsible for the stupidity of other people.
[This message has been edited by Necromancer (edited February 05, 2000).]
DT: I'm an atheist. A real atheist. And, yes, I think religion is one of the worst things to happen to the world. But I still don't think Jubee's school had any right to do what they did. If nothing else, it's an example of what's inherently wrong w/ religion: No matter how tolerant one claims to be of other religions, one always thinks those other religions are "evil" because they aren't one's own. E. Beatrice Hall once wrote "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." It's a simple matter of free speech. The school said they wouldn't infringe upon it, and then they did. They're idiots, but that doesn't mean they were right.
------------------ Lisa: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Bart: "Not if you called them 'stench blossoms'..." -The Simpsons