"Now i wish more religions would take that into consideration and not force their members to believe blindly."
This idea is the difference between a religion and a cult.
------------------ What started in Jerusalem as a relationship, went on to become a philosophy in Athens, an institution in Rome, a culture in nothern Europe, and was turned into an enterprise in America. -paraphrased, author unknown-
Okay, we all know my feelings on guns. (or at least we should if we've been taking notes and not eying up Liz during the lectures), but I can understand the logic of 1of2's arguments towards owning one. I don't agree, but I understand.
This on the other hand...
"I'll probably buy a gun when I'm legally old enough, just so I can make the point of the fact that I _can_ own one, and nobody's going to stop me. I would have no intention of ever using it. It would simply be a symbol of the fact that I have the right to own a gun."
If there's ever a reason to buy something that allows you to kill without even standing up, then that's it. Twat.
And just to go back to the original argument, Dt does kinda have a point. I owuldn't have shouted it from the rooftops liek that though. Yeah, the school was wrong, and illegal for doing that. But still, you can go for the quiet life can't you? If Catholic schools in theUS are anything like you lot paint them, then you'd have to be mad to express any sort of non-atholic opinion there. I'd keep my mouth shut.
Oh, and remember that this isn't a school. It's a college. Jubes chose to go there. Now, maybe they were the only ones that did her course, but if it was a Satanic school that practiced daily limb-removal-with-a-rusty-chainsaw, then it wouldn't matter if they had the highest pass rate in the country, I wouldn't go there. Even if they did promise that they understood people who liked their limbs.
------------------ "Sorry Wendy, I just can't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die."
Indeed. Given the option of verbal or visual stimulation, visual wins hands down.
And despite what she thinks, LOA is visually stimulating. If we weren't completely incompatible... Well, no. Not that, either. What was I talking about?
Oh, yeah. Is being blatantly non-Christian in a Catholic college going to make you popular? No Will it get you looked at strangely? Yes. Will you be subjected to discriminatory treatment, regardless of the written, legal policy? Probably. Could you just 'go with the flow'? Sure. It that the safe thing to do? Yep.
Is it honest? No.
"This above all else... to thine own self be true. And thou can not then be false to any man."
If the choice is between wearing a false face and getting along, and being true to yourself and getting trouble... go with truth.
------------------ "Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi
"Given the option of verbal or visual stimulation, visual wins hands down."
Bingo. _Especially_ when it's a girl as attractive as Liz. And if Liz doesn't think she's attractive, she should probably know that if I knew her in real life, I probably would have asked her out quite some time ago. And I'm quite picky about women. Or maybe they're picky about me...
*awaits bludgeoning*
As for conformity, I'm such a non-conformist that if everyone actually agreed with me, I'd probably change my mind.
Oh, and my comment on guns: I never said I'd buy any ammo.
And if I did buy ammo, I'd keep the gun in one lock-box, and the ammo in another one. And I'd only buy the gun and ammo AFTER I'd had an extensive safety course. Safe enough for you?
------------------ You are wise, witty, and wonderful, but you spend far too much time reading this sort of trash.
First: I wasn't saying that she should pretend to be Catholic and all that just to fit in. What I was getting at is that she could have found somewhere else. Rather than saying "go with the flow", I think a better phrase would have been "make life easier on yourself". How many freaking universities does the US have anyway? Surely the situation can't be so desperate that she's restricted to one? Don't they have halls of residence? Hell, if the situation's that bad, I'll put her up, and she can get some real education over here.
------------------ "Sorry Wendy, I just can't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die."
I think it's something we yanks have laft over from the war of independence. Some body pushes, we push back, untill somebody falls, or it's time to eat, whichever comes first.
------------------ Fool of a Took, throw yourself in next time!! Gandalf