...and his opponent, the former stoned-out-of-his-gord Algore...
------------------ Francesca: He was born on the tundra, that's where he belongs. You'll kill him if you take him to Toronto. Thatcher: That's a bit drastic, don't you think? Francesca: Look, I've been to Toronto. Trust me, nothing can survive there. - "due South"
"...and his opponent, the former stoned-out-of-his-gord Algore..."
Yes. This means as much as
"...and the other candidate, the former no-regard-for-human-safety DUI drunkard Georgebush..."
You americans worry about the silliest things when it comes to leaders of your country.
It's a good thing I'll never run for president, because, well, I can't, because when I was 7, I wrote the 'F-Word' on a jungle gym. We can't have that now, can we?
LIAR!!! His name isn't deceiver!!
I paint you with the ignominious stamp of loser.
------------------ Oh, yes, sitting. The great leveler. From the mightiest Pharaoh to the lowliest peasant, who doesn't enjoy a good sit? ~C. Montgomery Burns
(fixed spelling cause I suck)
[This message has been edited by Jay (edited November 03, 2000).]
------------------ Oh, yes, sitting. The great leveler. From the mightiest Pharaoh to the lowliest peasant, who doesn't enjoy a good sit? ~C. Montgomery Burns
"You americans worry about the silliest things when it comes to leaders of your country."
Which was exactly my point. Why should anyone care that Bush got a ticket for DUI half his lifetime ago?
------------------ Francesca: He was born on the tundra, that's where he belongs. You'll kill him if you take him to Toronto. Thatcher: That's a bit drastic, don't you think? Francesca: Look, I've been to Toronto. Trust me, nothing can survive there. - "due South"
For the same reason that people worry that Gore mispoke in claiming he invented the internet.
Drunk driving is the symptom of a disease: alcholism. Do all drunk drivers drink too much? Well, yes, otherwise they wouldn't be drunk.
Bush could've killed someone or himself, and its an irresponsible thing to do.
Now, true, it happened ... how long ago? Times were different then, and I'd like to hear what he has to say about it.
------------------ Gore/Lieberman 2000 *** I'll hug your elephant if you'll kiss my ass. *** "I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is underestimating." - George "Dubya" Bush
That'd be kinda hard, since he was pulled over for driving too slowly...
------------------ Francesca: He was born on the tundra, that's where he belongs. You'll kill him if you take him to Toronto. Thatcher: That's a bit drastic, don't you think? Francesca: Look, I've been to Toronto. Trust me, nothing can survive there. - "due South"
Speed isn't the killer on our freeways, it's speed variance. The more the faster moving traffic as to dodge Bush driving too slowly the more likely that Bush will be the cause of an accident.
Omega, you and Gore now have something in common, probably much to your dismay, having your words twisted slightly in to something that you had, possibly, no intention of saying.
Mayhap you can see how the twisting of words, from both main parties, will make people see things differently.
------------------ Stupid bastards and religious freaks, so safe in their castle keeps...
[This message has been edited by Ritten (edited November 03, 2000).]
If, as reported in a CBS radio report, that a reporter asked Dubya 2 years ago if he had ever been arrested, and he answered no, then his ability to handle the truth is called in to serious questions.
Spending time in the drunk tank isn't something you, unless you can't remember it. Even then, being serious, he knows full well that he had been arrested for DUI.
Now, that brings up another interesting question. Ok, he drank and he kicked it...all the props in the world for that and it was, what 24 years ago. Big deal. However, it is the right of the American people to know if the canidate for the Oval Office has been arrested for any reason and what the offence was?
------------------ Oh, yes, sitting. The great leveler. From the mightiest Pharaoh to the lowliest peasant, who doesn't enjoy a good sit? ~C. Montgomery Burns
Well, I have been reviewing Michigan's passt election results and the Supreme Court Appointees, and have come to the conclusion that the Republicans have screwed Michiganders. My biggest concern is the fact the in Michigan police have the right to be bored and pull people over, no cause, just for the hell of it.... Both houses and the Court are Republican, and it hasn't been pretty. We have a proposal here in Michigan that will limit the Republican controled everything. Any law that effects the local government must pass with a super-majority.
So, now, having reviewed everything I am voting a Democratic/Independant Ticket this coming Tuesday. Engler lost Bush a vote. Oh, welllll.
------------------ Stupid bastards and religious freaks, so safe in their castle keeps...
I can be driving along, doing the speed limit, and a cop can pull me over 'cuz he's got nothing better to do?
------------------ Gore/Lieberman 2000 *** I'll hug your elephant if you'll kiss my ass. *** "I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is underestimating." - George "Dubya" Bush
"If, as reported in a CBS radio report, that a reporter asked Dubya 2 years ago if he had ever been arrested, and he answered no, then his ability to handle the truth is called in to serious questions."
Not quite true. He answered "no" to a question about having been arrested since 1968, went in to that whole thing about not having a perfect record as a youth, then started to correct himself about his earlier statement. The reporter said he got the distinct impression that he was going to mention something he forgot earlier. But then someone came up to Bush and interrupted. Bush had to leave, and one of them never got back to the other.
"Spending time in the drunk tank isn't something you forget"
He didn't. He just went in and paid his fine.
"However, it is the right of the American people to know if the canidate for the Oval Office has been arrested for any reason and what the offence was?"
Funnily enough, since he pled guilty and paid the fine outright, he was told it was expunged from his record.
"Engler lost Bush a vote."
Well, that's a strange way of looking at it. Why vote against Bush because of something Engler did?
------------------ Francesca: He was born on the tundra, that's where he belongs. You'll kill him if you take him to Toronto. Thatcher: That's a bit drastic, don't you think? Francesca: Look, I've been to Toronto. Trust me, nothing can survive there. - "due South"