I just finished watching episode 3 on the lunch break, and man, was the last scene scary and visceral. I really like the potential of this series. Also, the middle of the episode has fembot exploring the intricacies of girl's high school restroom interaction, the results were kind of fun. I like the (apparently) humorless terminator having digs at John now and then, fooling him with bimbo questions and then doing a 'gotcha'. So far she hasn't come close to T2's hammy "now I know why you cry" either.
There where a few details I felt where kind of illogical in the past eps. The enemy terminator fleeing from fembot after they fall out of the window? Why hesitate, you can probably take her!
Although, I believe they have a precedent, the famous car chase scene in T1, when they crash into the bridge and the terminator flees and lets Kyle and Sarah get arrested, instead of just running over to their car and pinch their heads off.
Int. Scene, kitchen - John watches Sarah feed fembot synthetic food supplement, takes cup and tries some
-John: "Tastes like babyfood!" -Sarah: "Knock yourself out." -John: "I'd buy that for a dollar." -Sarah: "We're not plumbers!" -This Boy: "Good business is where you find it." -Babebot on stool: "Thank you for your cooperation, good night!" -John: "God you girls are so great. I love being with intelligent women. Smart is so sexy." -Searah: "You're dead, honey." -This Boy: "Shit I hate the weird ones. There was this guy last week, set his afghan on fire. Screwed it first, then set-" -Sarah: "Your move, creep!" -John: ""
Registered: Aug 1999
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Two things I'm not clear on; what was the deal with the spray painted doors and how can blood in a bathtub be made to grow into flesh? I mean it can't technically be cloning as it's just tissue, no bones or organs (especially not eyes) and presumably it'd be from several different sets of DNA strands. From the dialogue I gathered that the "breakthrough" was to have a tissue that could be artificially sustained (by some process built in to the Endoskeleton one presumes) but I still don't get how it could spontaneously grow around T-800 like that. The Endoskeleton itself looked very good though, almost on par with the Centurions on Galactica in terms of realism and animation.
I do wonder though if the show will be in a "Fugitive" format, always one the move or will they get themselves rooted to one spot and have the whole universe revolve around LA.
The retreating Terminator had its own mission, of which we are not presently aware. Fighting the Taminator right then had the potential to endanger that mission to no good end.
-------------------- "This is why you people think I'm so unknowable. You don't listen!" - God, "God, the Devil and Bob"
Registered: Mar 1999
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Now there's something weird for today - Wikipedia claims that this this freshly reskinned Terminator is... Cromartie (aka Terminator from the Pilot).
If this is true, then I think my suspension of disbelief just broke.
Picture that, if you will - they want us to believe that plasma gun did no discernible damage to the endoskeleton (apart for decapitating him), which somehow got overlooked by authorities and ended on scrap pile, and managed to find its own head... without its head.
Not to mention that said head survived time travel without any skin covering :/
And why the hell the scriptwriters felt is was even necessary to do that? They have already introduced another Terminator in 2007 - why did they felt the need to drag another one from 1999?
-------------------- "Do I remember about my amnesia?"
Registered: Jan 2003
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Um... that was kinda one of the central plot points. Cromartie's head jumped to 2007 with the others, was activated, used some kind of homing signal to draw the body to it, and re-assembled itself.
-------------------- I haul cardboard and cardboard accessories
Registered: Mar 1999
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But that doesn't make sense. Or, to be more precise, is based on several unlikely assumptions.
(I, for one, was convinced that end of the pilot was the end of this particular Cromartie model and that Terminator from scrap yard was yet another Terminator)
-------------------- "Do I remember about my amnesia?"
Registered: Jan 2003
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If you look back on page one you'll see this has already been addressed.
As for how he survived, well Reese did describe them as being "fully armoured", "very tough" (something about a hyper-alloy combat chassis too) and presumably that's coming from someone used to fighting them with advanced weapons NOT scrabbled together from inferior 20th century components.
Well, not really, no. I certainly can accept that skull itself could went to the future because it was partially covered with skin... well except for that gaping neck wound... how does it work anyway? Does the object need to be completely covered in flesh, or not? That's so confusing, isn't it?
Anyway, let's assume it could go into the future But what about the rest of the body? It was left behind. There apparently was an explosion, and... what? Did body managed to escape on its own, without anyone noticing?
You know what would've more realistic? Well at least to me Cromartie escaping mostly intact, then hiding itself until 2007, when it saw Sarah in TV. Instead we have this... headless chicken thing
-------------------- "Do I remember about my amnesia?"
Registered: Jan 2003
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It's SCI-FI. They can do ANYTHING to explain this.
Mine is that Cromartie's head got futzed with when Sarah's gun zapped it, temporarily giving it a pseudo-mimetic property not unlike what the T-1000 does to mimic flesh. It doesn't actually morph or anything, but it simply allows the skull to have whatever flesh does that makes time travel possible. It is then capable of travelling through time, purely by unplanned means. QED.
Basically they cheated...but not exactly. James Cameron was very careful not to explain the rules regarding physical object time travelling beyond "Something about the field generated by a living organism" and "nothing dead will go". What was never really explained is how the T-1000 (or the T-X for that matter) managed it at all. Presumably the memetic alloy works at the molecular level and does actually become living flesh (or floor tiles) at least on the surface. So I suppose in that state it is technically surrounded by living tissue. Perhaps the alloy itself is an organic substance engineered by skynet.
It's a stretch but the basic idea seams to be that there was enough LIVE flesh left on the head still generating this mystical bio-electric field for the split second between the vortex forming and the phased plasma gun thing frying said flesh. As for the body, I imaging the debris from the bank were bulldozed, skipped and dumped, hence it being buried in a tip in the future/present. As for why it was inert, I imagine since the CPU is in the head, it simply can't work without direct or wireless interface and just went into sleep mode. Obviously the nuclear power cells have plenty of juice to keep it going, so no worries there.
Hm... Oh well. As long as there's Summer Glau sauntering around, I'm gonna watch it
Just as an aside, I think this is Clark Kent effect in work
Basically, the efectiveness of handwaving is directly proportional to the scifi-ness of something.
I mean, people accept that Superman can do whatever he can, etc, but they have hard time accepting that his Clark Kent disguise is a pair of glasses and different hair style
And why is that? I think it's because his disguise is not something scifi-sh, but something simple we can grasp and understand.
It's the same thing with Cromartie - I can accept that its head has travelled into the future, but then I stumble into this simple problem of mysteriously dissapearing endoskeleton, and... I have a hard time swallowing the fact that no-one has noticed it at all. I've watched too much CSI, apparently
-------------------- "Do I remember about my amnesia?"
Registered: Jan 2003
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I just treated myself to a watch of Terminator and T2 last night. Her'es the detail that fixes the time traveling head thing for me. Reese is explaining and says (as was mentioned), "something about the field generated by a living organism" or something. Then the Sylberman asks him how a metal endoskeleton could come through. Reese says "surrounded by living tissue." It's never stated that the object *has* to be surrounded by living tissue. Only that in this case it was. Reese also expressly states he "doesn't know tech stuff". Skin on skull. Skull go to future. Good enough for me.
As far as why he ran off when confronted with Cameron: I was thinking the explanation is probably the same as another question I had in my own head, namely, why don't they just build a nuke into a terminator and send it back to destroy LA. SkyNet needs the future to play out likes it's supposed to, with the exception of John Conner being there. They can't do too much to disrupt the past. Large scale damage or the Terminators being discovered could lead to a future in which SkyNet is never developed. So, rather than risk altering the future to fight this chick, he decided to take off so he could be free to reaquire Conner later.
Registered: Oct 1999
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