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Author Topic: Sovereign class
Obese Penguin
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The Tech Manuals arent canon and please that would mean that defiants and Sovs take only months to produce , very unlikely also the Fed does indeed have a very capable economy but they just dont operate that way remember they also have to build and maintain all the other ships they have in service

1000 ships in 3 years ? Highyly unlikely also you must take into account the fact that the war is over and Starfleet has to focus on rebuilding the worlds the Dominion Destroyed.

Of course building new ships would be part of the agenda but not in such drastic numbers

"I am First Omet'iklan, and I am dead. As of this moment, we are all dead. We go into battle to reclaim our lives. This we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar. Remember, victory is life."

-- Omet'iklan Ds9:"To the Death"

[This message has been edited by Dhunter (edited January 01, 2000).]

Registered: Dec 1999  |  IP: Logged

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damnit - this thread has lost the plot!

it was interesting until people like warbird5 jumped into the end of it without reading the whole 5 pages, and changed the damn subject!

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Anointed Class of 2003
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While Warbird is totally wrong he did puyt a light bulb over my head. While it has been well documented that it takes years to build ships why would it? Detroit builds hundreds if not thousands of cars a day, so why would it take so long to build a ship?

Peace on Earth

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Obese Penguin
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For one thing cars arnt 600 meters Long and made out of Duranium , they also dont travel at the speed of light and they also dont take hundreds of people to operate :-) maybe fighters like the peregrine and shuttles and runabouts can be turned out in weeks or even days but large ships take just a bit longer :-)

Also all Starships have to be tested independantly and go through space trials unlike cars which take a quick run around the test track and there off.

Oh and Starships are built in Space not on an assembly line.

"I am First Omet'iklan, and I am dead. As of this moment, we are all dead. We go into battle to reclaim our lives. This we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar. Remember, victory is life."

-- Omet'iklan Ds9:"To the Death"

Registered: Dec 1999  |  IP: Logged

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during WW2, the US made ships within a week. The US was able to contrunct 23,000 ships during the war. These ships were like a 100m long and the bigger battleships and carriers took any where from a couple of weeks to several months to complete. Mass producing ships like the Sovereign and Defiant could five the Federation a tactical advantage
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Obese Penguin
Member # 271

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Possible Spoiler

Carriers in a few weeks? gimme a break

you mean those small Escort Carriers maybe but not Full Sized Carriers like the Yorktown and Intrepid or Wasp , Battleships took much longer , PT Boats took maybe weeks because they were small same as the Runabouts and shuttles also most of 23000 ships were landing ships and PT Boats which were easy to build.

Actually making large fleets of the same type of ships would be a major gamble. say the enemy found a flaw in the designs of the of those Classes for example the Soverigns Blind spot they could destroy hundreds of the ships and kill thousands of officers so you see its a double edged sword.

Ok heres the possible spoiler for those who havent seen the last Eps of Ds9 or Ds9 "Valiant"

Remember the Breen Energy Weapon which disabled the Federation and Romulan Ships Power systems ? well that weapon led to the loss of hundreds of ships including your invincible Defiant. The Same Weapon had no effect on the Klingon Vessels because they were configured differantly, had the Klingons Been configured the same as the Fed and Rommies the Dominion would have had a huge oppertunity to mount a full scale attack on the Alpha Quadrant , the only thing that stood in there way were the Klingons .

That is why i believe in building vessels in moderation building alot of ships but of differing Classes that way an enemy would have to develop a new tactic for every class for example to destroy a Defiant Class Vessel without using super weapons you would have to put it up against a large vessel like a Dominion Battlecruiser , the very same battlecruiser which destroyed the USS Valiant another defiant class starship.

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[This message has been edited by Dhunter (edited January 02, 2000).]

Registered: Dec 1999  |  IP: Logged

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The Valiant was commanded by a bunch of kids. If the Defiant and her crew fought that Jemmie ship would've lost.

Sorry about posting all these messages, but i don't want to remain a new member for long.

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Michael Dracon
aka: NightWing or Altair
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But isn't it possible that other Sovereigns were (halfway) finished when the Enterprise-E was coming out of drydock? I mean, we don't know when the Sovereign prototype was finished? The Ent-E could have been one ship in a batch of who knows how much ships...

As for the original post:
We have debated ship types over and over and over... And we still cannot agree on some of those types.

And I think we can debate about whether the Sovereign can withstand a beating by 2 or 3 Defiant class ships (just an example) for years...

Just my opinion, do with it what you wish to.

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Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged

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getting back to the orginal topic, the Enterprise was the flagship of the fleet and always will be. Whatever class the Enterprise was in, it was the most advanced ship at the time.
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Obese Penguin
Member # 271

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If the Defiant Crew was there on Board the Vailiant they would have Retreated because they know their ships limitations.

As for Altairs theory it is a possiblity , the Enterprise-E might have been one in a large batch of Sovs which were ordered .
"Marge .. Do you have other men in this House ? .. Radioactive men?"
~Homer "The Simpsons" http://www.geocities.com/travlyn2

[This message has been edited by Dhunter (edited January 03, 2000).]

Registered: Dec 1999  |  IP: Logged
Sol System
two dollar pistol
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I think it's possible that the Sovereign class was designed to be a companion class to the Galaxy. Starfleet's "big guns", as it were. Both classes meant to display the Federation's power, but while the Galaxy's mission involved the unexplored edges of the Federation, the Sovereign, with its presumably greater emphasis on military applications, was meant to be deployed closer to known threats. In other words, the Sovereign explores areas where you know there is going to be trouble, while the Galaxy is meant for the unchecked reaches of deep space.

Of course, as with all plans, this one would only last as long as the people in charged wanted it to. "Hmm, we need to impress the Vorvoxians. Call the Venture in."

This is just speculation, though. We know so little about the Sovereign class.

"20th Century, go to sleep."

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I'm... from Earth.
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warbird5: How could the Enterprise always be the flagship of the Federation when the Federation was over 80 years old before the first one was launched? That, plus the fact that there were twenty-odd years between the destruction of the C and the launch of the D. Are you saying the Federation just didn't have a flagship during those periods?

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Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged

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Rachael Garrett was an good captain, but she wasn't a extraordinary captain like Kirk or Picard that's why the Federation waited so long. Kirk made the Enterprise a legend. I guess in Star Trek: The Motion picture he saved Earth and then he saved the world from the whale probe but that was with a Klingon BOP.
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Aban Rune
Former ascended being
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I don't think it's reasonable to assume that the Enterprise has always been the Fed flagship. I do think though, that ever since it returned to Earth at the end of Kirk's first five year mission and the Fleet changed the logo and what not, that the Enterprise has been the flagship. I think it is also likely that the orig Ent was the flagship during TOS, but we've gone over all this already. It's all totally conjecture.

Plus, who's to say that Capt Garrett wasn't the world's best Capt.? We only knew her for like 5 minutes.

And for the last time (this goes way back up to the top of the page) Steamrunners, Akiras, Norways, and Sabers are NOT new classes of ships. They've been around for years. We're just getting to SEE them for the first time.

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Registered: Oct 1999  |  IP: Logged
Obese Penguin
Member # 271

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No The Enterprise is not always the Flagship , if it was why not post an Admiral On it instead of Picard , and Flagships arnt chosen anyway theres no definitive Flagship , Flagships are defind as the ship on which a Commander leads his troops into battle or the Ship Bearing the Flag of that particular General or Admiral and Picard is defenitly no General and no Admiral neather was Garrett , Harriam , or Kirk , well Kirk was but he flubed it up and got busted down to Captain , So in Conclusion The only period the Enterprise could have been a Flagship was During the time that Kirk was still Admiral which if i am correct was Startrek 1 , 2 and 3 .

Oh i just realized , if Flagship is defined as the Ship Bearing the Flag of a particular General or Admiral Not Empire Whats not to say Starfleet doesnt have a dozen Flagships? 1 for all its Admirals , Generals . im Reminded of Air Force One , Air Force One isnt the name of 1 Air Craft , Any Aircraft that the president flies on is automaticaly named Air force one , samething as the flagship thing.

This all comes down to the fact that this is all Speculation , theres no definitive answer until Mike Okuda , Rick Berman or one of those guys decides to stick it in an Episode or Movie or in the Encyclopedia.

"Marge .. Do you have other men in this House ? .. Radioactive men?"
~Homer "The Simpsons"

[This message has been edited by Dhunter (edited January 04, 2000).]

Registered: Dec 1999  |  IP: Logged
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